Chereads / Danger Squad Legends / Chapter 22 - ACE TAKES IT ALL

Chapter 22 - ACE TAKES IT ALL

Luther was surrounded at all sides.

Twenty cops with the police chief and more on the way.

Three supers outside ready to take him out.

There was no other way of looking at it. He was in a tipped van with several enemies surrounding him.

He wished for nothing more to refuse that job.

The last job he thought he'd take. Selling E toxin to that Lost light cult member.

The mission where he met the man ready to take everything away from him.

He wished for nothing more than to be in his daughter, Marie's room, reading her bedtime stories.

Sadly if he doesn't get out of here and find Hawk knight. He may not have a daughter to tell bedtime stories to.

A good enough reason to take a shot at E toxin eh?

He struck himself with the syringe and the green ooze seeped into his body. Mutating him..

But not like before.

Before all he got was slight super strength and electric punches

Now his skin began to harden. Scales began to form. Along with gills and a large wide mouth with deadly fangs.

His legs were no more but a long large tail now with fins. That's when the car started to release tiny yet very significant sparks

He was no longer Luther Cain for now...

He was The Eel!

He began to lose control just like Snek, but he couldn't. That would land him in a losing battle. Prison. And worst of all, having to see his kids through police glass, talking to them on the phone with a damn guard watching.

Assuming their mother would let them see him in the first place. And who was he kidding?! Of course she wouldn't.

He had to prevent that. Regain control. With the last of his strength, he gave himself one command before he fully turned.

Get that damn device to Hawk knight!!

With a mighty bolt of lightning he destroyed the van and sent a mighty explosion which disoriented to cops and confused the supers who were getting a little too close for comfort.

But now there wasn't any time. Quickly he grabbed the Black reactor and flew out of the van like was swimming on air. Leaving with a trail of electricity in his wake.

With one look he was long gone from supers and cops. Now all he needed to do was find Hawk knight.

That's when he heard a bird screeching.


A powerful explosion from the back sent him crashing down to the nearest rooftop. A good thing too, otherwise he wouldve lost his life.

Yet now he was losing control. He tried to resist. To fight back. But the E toxin took its toll and now Luther Cain was gone.

And the Eel remained....

Austin preferred not to shoot an exploding pigeon at Luther. He seemed like a decent guy when they met.

And now it seemed he was trying to make of with the Black reactor before he could capture it. Goes to show that you should never trust a criminal. Especially one with a family.

The pigeon hot Luther hard and sent him crashing to some rooftop and from the looks of it he suffered some good damage.

That was good. Now he was weak so easy to manipulate and easier to kill if he goes rogue.

Especially useful info after seeing he took the E toxin again.

Austin sprouted wings from the back of his armor and flew out of the Hawk and landed on the rooftop which was still covered in smoke from Luther's not so small landing.

This was perfect. The element of surprise mixed with a man with the mind and body of a beast was perfect.

Hawk knight slipped behind Luther while he was distracted by the smoke and grabbed the Black reactor.

The device was nothing but a large black sphere.

Austin didn't know and didn't care.

All he knew was that Mr E wanted this and all he cared about was making him pay.

Austin extended the wings of his armor and wanted to take flight...

Until a familiar voice called out to him.

Hey old friend. You look nice."

A voice Austin knew all too well.

I mean the armor looks nice. I saw your face so less that I kinda forgot what it looked like.

The voice of the man who was his best friend.

Hey speak up man! Ain't you happy to seem me?"

The voice of the man who killed his best friends

Well its your good buddy Ace! Of course you'd be happy to see me!!"

Austin watched Ace in dead silence until he fell on his knees and stared at Ace blankly.

Hey man. You're creeping me out! If you've got something to say, say it."





Oh yeah that. I was payed you know! Someone put in a good amount of money on you guys. Don't give me that look. I charged double his original price! See? I do givexa rat's ass about you guys!!"

DOUBLE?!!!" Upon shouting this, Austin lunged at Ace with all his strength and opened the beak of his armor to reveal a large gaping mouth. He then shoved his fist into his hand a pulled out a deadly blade made of a giant feather.

Just as he got within striking range, he and his weapon hit only air when they both stopped immediately. His targetcwas Ace, but if he kept going, he would've hit Luther.

Who Ace pulled in front of him in ease. And thanks to his mutation, he's so big Ace'll have enough room to hide completely.

Seems to me you're not the type who'd let an innocent man get killed

He's a criminal! Not inno.."

Remember when the squad was called to Nethern to deal with Barbie the barbarian. You know! That guy who wanted to conquer the place. Once we stopped him, we all wanted him dead since he was an evil piece of shit. But you were willing to fight even Captain Rocket to keep phim alive.

So your saying I ain't one to kill." Hawk knight asks coldly.

Austin gives a small smirk under his helmet and slashes through Luther to hit Ace. Ace, pushing Luther to the ground, collapses on the ground with a giant hole in his belly.

Austin approaches him and looks him dead in the eye as he's slowly dying.

So was it worth it?"

Wa...was what worth it?"

Killing my friends for some quick cash."

Hmmm.. gotta say Austin! You're one petty mother fucker!!"

Austin slices off his head in a swift and easy motion.

Too easy.

Suddenly, clapping can be heard in the distance.

Nah man! You really didn't think you got me did you?"

Hawk knight turns around only to see Ace." Austin asks since he just decapitated Ace himself.

Let's just say Mr E gave me a little upgrade. You can try to kill me again. I'll just be back. It's not like killing me can make me die." Ace said, chuckling like a mad man.

Austin watched Ace chuckle and one question loomed through his mind.

Before..I.. kill you, can I ask you something?"

Dude. I just said killing me won't make me die! But I'll be happy to humor you."

When you were with us... Victor, Kara, Buford, Paulina and me.. did you feel any connection? Any bond? Any love? Anything? Or was it all an act?"

Ace merely laughed

And laughed..

And laughed..

Full of rate, Austin jumps with his feather blade to attack Ace again..

However Ace reaches into his sleeve and pulls a smoke bomb which blinds everyone instantly.

Austin wakes up disoriented on the rooftop and begins to look around to see nothing but smoke.

No Luther...

No Ace...

No Black reactor..

No nothing.

Austin had been played. The last time he'd been played by Ace, he lost his whole team.

And now he lost the only chance to get vengeance.

Or did he?

Austin broke into uncontrollable laughter and began shouting.


Hawk knight had thrown an egg at the black reactor the second the black reactor was taken.

Now it's decided. Instead of getting the black reactor to lure in Mr E, I've got an egg on it and soon, his location will be revealed.

And his death will be slow and painful.

Austin smirked as he flew back into the Hawk.

As he flew through the city, he came across a pretty site.

The trio of his best friend's protegee being cornered by the police.

This should be good.

Listen ma'am! We just wanted to help!" Jake shouted at the police chief who had just ordered her men to take him and his friends down.

Please! We don't want to hurt you!" Zack said, trying to avoid a confrontation with the police as quickly as possible.

But if we must, then we shall.." Stacya said, preparing a battle stance and exposing her sharp teeth.

Hear that boys? If they must, they'll hurt us? Well then let's make em hurt us eh? " Police chief Manson said, causing her men to laugh..

As they moved closer with their shockguns and Tazerbaton's in hand ready to strike.

Manson was always a friend of Hawk knight during his Danger Squad days. However, after the team's disappearance she must have grown hard on the concept of independent supers.

As much as he wanted to, he couldn't let her have

Buford's protegee. Not now, not ever.

He owed Buford that much.

Just as the police moved in for attack, they all heard a loud screech. Like that of a bird.

What the hell is that?! A bird?!" One officer shouts.

No it's a plane!" Another responds.

No you idiots. It's both." Manson corrects them as she looks into the sky. Right at the jet of her old friend. He has returned.

Suddenly a beam of light surrounded the trio and they began to fly upwards. The police raised their guns until..

STAND DOWN MEN!!" Manson ordered.

But ma'am!! They're getting away.."


With those words her men lowered her weapons and watched in anger as the vigilantes disappeared into the bird shaped jet which quickly zoomed away.

Well, except Manson, who smirked at her former partner's return.

Why the hell did you save us." Jake asked Austin.

Yes!! I am confused! Are you not the one who had no interest in us? Why save us?" Stacya also asked.

C'mon guys! Does it even matter? He saved us! Although it doesn't hurt to know why you helped us out sir." Zack asked nervously.

But Austin was silent. All he had on was a smirk on his face.

Because his revenge was so close he could smell it.

Meanwhile in an abandoned factory, now going by the name, Animal farm.. the base of Mr E, Ace had delivered the Black reactor and another prize to his boss for a special reward.

Aaah, an electric eel! He'll do nicely! And you've aquired the reactor! You've done very well my friend."

Of course boss! But you know what you promised me!"

Yes. But getting more upgrades can seriously damage your psyche. Look at subject Max for example."

He doesn't seem so crazy to me. And what do you care? I'm just a lap dog to you. Might as well give him a little treat."

Oh I support our right. I am in a good mood since project Rocket is back underway. Isn't that right my son?" Mr E said, pointing to the little boy in the giant tube at the end of his room.

To be continued...