Chereads / Danger Squad Legends / Chapter 16 - JAKE AWAKENS

Chapter 16 - JAKE AWAKENS

Once Jake decided to start helping people with his powers he knew he was going to get into strange situations and he prepared for it.

But he wasn't prepared for this.

Lying on a bed with a beautiful woman lying on top of him.

Especially one that was so big..

and grey...

And had a shark tail.

She was weird. And Jake liked weird. you said your name is uh..." Jake began to stammer, reverting to his time before getting powers.

I am of the name Stacya Karin but you may call me Shark woman and you human? You, must be?" The woman responds with a soft yet strangely aggressive voice.

J...Jake.. Scott ma'am."

Oh now that's  a ve~ry tasty name for a ve~ry tasty human!" She says softly as she licks Jake across his chest with her unusually long tongue.

Uh.. that's uh.. f.. flattering.. uh sorry I've never been in this kind of situation before so I don't know how to act." Jake said nervously as his mind and body went wild.

Well I am not surprised since you are still here." She said with a grin which exposed a large intimidating set of canines.

Uh..what do you mean?!"


That scream was Zack and he was sweating profusely when he saw this scene.

Uh..hey Zack this uh.. isn't what it looks like." Jake stammered, reverting back to his nervous state.

Really? Cuz it looks like you're about to get eaten by a crazy shark lady!"Zack shouted as he expanded his hand to throw Stacya off him.

Shark woman if you please" Stacya said nonchalantly as she was slammed onto the nearest wooden wall.

Zack?! Wait..shark woman?"

Yes! Have informed you of my title human? Were you not paying attention?"

Th..that doesn't mean she was trying to eat me was she?"

Oh yes." Stacya said nonchalantly.

WHAT THE HELL" Jake screamed in annoyance once he realized this was the closest he was ever getting to a woman yet she wanted to eat him, of all things.

Zack my friend, please let me loose so I may consume him."


Now Stacya, you remember what Captain Rocket said about eating people."


I can only do it if they agree. And this Jake human agreed once I called him tasty.."


What?! No! He said never to do it! Look, Jake probably reacted like that cuz he's a loser who gets no bitches. C'mon cut him some slack for misinterpreting the situation girl."


The two then looked at Jake in confusion.

Ok the eating thing, I was gonna let it slide but walking in and spreading lies about me in front of a lady. Zack! Your my bro! You should know better!"

What is this *bro*? Is it something I can eat?"

The two looked at Stacya with tilted heads.

And who the hell is she?!" Jake asked, secretly amused by her ignorant charm.

She's a friend Captain Rocket and his only protege of his aside from me." Upon saying this, Zack's head lowered along with Stacya.

Something was up.

Zack? What's wrong?" What happened during the mission? Where's Captain Rocket."

He is in the afterlife with the gods my friend Jake." Stacya said with a solemn smile.

Wh..what do you mean.. is he.."

He's dead Jake."

What?! How is this possible! I remember back in the days you said he was like, the strongest superhero or something! How can he be dead?!" happened during our little escapade. The Captain and Hawk knight were returning from the meeting with the Super Society but the Hawk was attacked and they crashed at the docks. Captain Rocket tried to fight off the attacker but died in the process." Zack explained.

Jake dropped to his knees. He barely knew Captain Rocket but he knew Mr Buford for two years. He was stern but gentle and had a lot of patience for Jake's mistakes and indecisiveness.

Unlike his parents.

In a way he saw Mr Buford as his father. Losing him hit Jake like a truck.

Wh..what was Hawk knight doing during all this?!"

He said he was too injured to interfere.

Bullshit! That coward was too scared to interfere!"

Jake don't.."

No. I don't want to here it. I'm not good at a lot of things. But I can read people. And that guy, from that first meeting alone I can tell he's the jaded type."


Yup. He let people into his heart and lost them. Now he's not willing to let in anyone. But he is willing to let someone die as a distraction to save his own skin."

Jake. That isn't Hawk knight. I know him and that isn't him."

Yeah sure. And what are you even doing here? Gonna walk me home? Reprimand me for being reckless? I  can do that on my own please."

No Jake. I'm here to quit."

Qui?! What do you mean quit? Isn't this like your dream job? The way you were so enthusiastic about this before. Now you're gonna qui? What's up with you?!"

I'm afraid ok?!"


Look. When I went to save you, I saw you after you got impaled by A..Ace."

Who? The black and white guy? Look I know he beat me but he's a joke. Honestly I'm the victim yet I'm not even so scared of him that I want to quit!"

Well I was and still am! When he approached me, I froze up. I didn't move. I didn't speak. I stood there frozen. Useless. That's when I realized I'm a coward. I don't deserve to be a superhero."

So you think being scared is bad? I didn't say I wasn't scared of him. I said  wasn't so scared it'd make me quit! Hell nah! Being brave doesn't mean not being scared. It means being scared but going through with it anyway!"

That's sounds from a line from a Disney cartoon or something."

Yeah and it's a damn true line if I've ever heard one. So c'mon buddy! Now's not the time to be quitting! Not with Captain Rocket's killer on the loose."

I don't know Jake. Captain Rocket was my mentor. I loved him like a father too but going against someone who can take even him down? Isn't that a little.."

Honorable?" Stacya interrupted, bring  a long silence to the room.

If I may, you two are close friends but Zack and I have also been close and I believe that Zack quitting would be a detriment to himself and others. I mean, who else is going to stop me from eating people if not you?" Stacya says with a chuckle which soon gets them all laughing histerically for some reason.

You know guys. Maybe you're right. I need to face my fear. But this is only temporary to see if I have potential. Don't drag this on longer than it needs to be."

You know Stacya. Besides the whole, trying to eat me thing, you're alright in my book."

Ooh good show!*as you humans say. May I take this as a sign you consent to being eaten?"

Don't push it sweetheart." Jake said which got an odd yet interesting smile from Stacya towards him.

He felt weird.

He liked this feeling.

Now c'mon. Let's get to the bottom of finding Mr Buford's killer.

Sorry Jake but I'm afraid that isn't our job."

Oh? Then whose job is it then.?"

Soon they went to Hawk Knight's control room and saw him in front of the massive wooden supercomputer with information on following a truck parked in front of a Miltron labs warehouse.

And information on a man named Luther Cain.

So what's going on here?" Jake asked as he approached Hawk knight and put his arm on Hawk Knight's chair.

This angered Hawk knight a lot.

You're awake. Then you must be ready to leave my home." Hawk Knight said coldly. buddy. Not until I bring Captain Rocket's killer to justice."

That's my job kid. Go home."

It isn't anyone's job. It's everyone's job. Well anyone whose willing to avenge him." Zack said boldly.

You two! You  aren't seriously following this fool are you? You know this is my mission!" Hawk knight said as he faces Zack and Stacya.

Well it's our mission now bucko" Jake said as he moved back and held Stacya and Zack up close. His confidence was back.

I am sorry Hawk knight. Master Rocket stated I am supposed to merely deliver you from danger but he was my mentor. He is the only one who cared since I lost my father and was vanished from my people. It would be an insult not to get involved." Stacya said softly tet sternly, showing Hawk knight, she meant it.

From the depths of her twisted heart.

And you Zack? I thought you weren't cut out for this? I thought you were quitting."

I was. But I have to play a part in this or else I'll Ill feel like a waste of a student."

You three will not annoy m..."


Hawk Knight's alarm goes of. Hawk knight stops the conversation only to see a van leaving Miltron labs and taking a route to leave Empire City.

And Luther Cain is driving it.

With several police cars chasing them. Hawk Knight's eyes widened at the sight and he got ready to move.

And so did everyone else.

No! You three stay here. I told you this is my mission.

C'mon man!" Jake said angrily trailing him."We're on the same team here!"

Hawk knight at that moment stopped."

We are not a team. We'll never be a team. It's just me. Me!"


Before Jake could finish his sentence, Hawk knight tackles Jake to the wall in fury and begins choking him.

Stacya tries to interfere but Hawk knight gives him a stare which stops her in her tracks and causes Zack to enter a trance and attack Stacya.

While the two begin to fight, Hawk knight walked away and told Jake something simple."

We are on different pages boy."

Excuse me?"

You want to bring him to justice. I want to bring him a slow and painful death." Hawk knight says as he leaves the room.

But Zack and Stacya are still fighting.


Jake uses the little kinetic energy he built up and releases it in a large scream that stops the battle.

Aw! But I was just begining to have fun." Stacya says with a saddened face while Zack is relieved.

J..Jake! Thanks man. You saved me. I owe you one. Now what the hell is going on?"

Yes. It seems the Hawk knight has refused any help from us." What shall we do?

Simple,we help him. Whether he wants us to or not." Jake says, with his eyes glowing bright blue.

To be continued