Chereads / Legends Of Commonwealth / Chapter 17 - THE BATTLE BEGINS


There is a war going on."

Luther starts feeding information to Hawk knight while he stares coldly. Unaware if Hawk knight's interested in this info or not, he continues for he knows what is at stake.

A gang war to be precise. The Flathead gang, my gang run by a good buddy of mine Falcone Flathead, finally took control of the city from the mafia after a power struggle. As you can guess, our victory didn't last long."

Hawk knight stares coldly.

This new gang, the Green Dragon clan roll up and they mean business. While we're using guns and bombs, they're using Lazer swords and sci Fi ninja shit! How the hell are we supposed to compete with that?"

Hawk knight still stares coldly. that's when this guy pulls up. Uh...what's his name again? Ah yes Mr E."

Hawk knight flinches just enough for Luther to notice.

His is interested.

Ok this guy, super creepy dude, reeks of bad news. He tells us he has a way for us to take down those Green Dragon a-holes. Something he calls E toxin."

Hawk knight turns his attention to the used syringe on the ground below them.

As you saw before, this weird juice can temporarily give you animal based Muman powers. The time and power you get all depend on you, the guy getting injected."

I've heard enough. Now answer a few questions for me will ya?" Hawk knight finally speaks.

Uh..sure man.." Luther responds nervously.

How do I find Mr E?"

W..well, I have no idea... He's kind of a mystery to us. Not even my boss knows!"

Hmmmm this complicates things."

Nervous that this might end badly for him, Luther adds some more info.

W..well maybe you can find him.


Ok uh...look so he's charging a shit tonne for the E toxin so he gave us two options. We sell it to our competition like the Green Dragons which was out of the question."

Or?" Hawk knight said ignorimg the Green Dragons since his only concern is Mr E and Mr E alone.

Or we help him build some kind of weapon."


I..I'm not in on the specifics but I know it's something super damn powerful. And he needs only one thing to finish it."

And that is?" needs some tech called the Black reactor. We received some tip that's Miltron labs is importing it today from abroad. Some country called Yugoslavia. Not really sure. You know this country's relationship with the outside world's pretty bad."

I your gang is trying to aquire said tech. Then what are you doing here?"

Well my gang's also trying to secure a peace treaty with the Lost light. Word's spreading that they're pretty powerful. Well their leaders I think as that idiot who ran kinda contradicts that. My job was to sell some of our E toxin to them so we can get a closer connection."

Well I have a job for you." Hawk knight says, smiling under the helmet.


I need you to join that mission to get that tech and keep me informed."

B..but I.."

Buddy, you don't matter here. Your family does. Unless you think otherwise?"

N no! I'll do it. I'll keep you informed. Just don't hurt them."

Hawk knight let's Luther go and disappears into the night. Luther begins to turn tail and run.

Good work Luther." Luther hears even though Hawk knight is nowhere in sight.

I'll be keeping an eye on you."

Now he belonged to Hawk knight. Great.

Meanwhile in the corner of a nearby building, a shadowy figure watches the scene unfold and informs his boss.

This could complicate things.

And three days later it does....

Good work Luther" Hawk knight says over the communicator in the Hawk as he flies over a Miltron labs warehouse.

One which just got robbed.

The cops are on our asses here! Hawk knight, if your gonna do something do it!" Luther thought as the van he was in was getting shot at.

He managed to convince Flathead let him join in the raid on the warehouse for Mr E's tech, the Black reactor. It was easy since he and Flathead were pretty close friends.

He didn't want this job because he wanted to get back to his family. But Hawk knight insisted he do it.

Or else he may not have a family to walk back to.

Although the raid was successful, they alerted an alarm and we're now on the from the cops.

And Hawk knight was soaring above them.

He and his partner, Johnny Snek, were getting shot at by the cops and no reinforcements were on their way. The cops however, were multiplying by the second.

Stop in the name of the law! We have you surrounded! Let's not make this any harder than it needs to be!" The police chief said over the megaphone as she was in a police car chasing them.

Snek laughed like a madman the whole time while Luther drived.

This was insane.

Since the road was clear, everything was looking good but if they got in any traffic or met a roadblock, they were done for. They both knew this but it was Snek who decided to take action.

Hey what are you doing?!" Luther screamed at Snek who had just pulled out a syringe containing E toxin from his pocket.

Taking care of the cops. Just keep your eyes on the road old timer!" He replied harshly as he moved to the back of the van where the large Black reactor, emitting a strange shiny black matter, was located.

Opening the back doors to the van, he took the shot, laughing maniacally.

As the toxin flowed through his body, his veins began to glow green.

Ooh! Itsssss timessss like thissss I love having copssss around! Plenty of fodder to play with!!!"

Meanwhile back on the Hawk, Austin was getting ready to interfere. His aim wasn't to stop the robbery but to steal the Black reactor and use it to lure in Mr E.

That was his only goal. This was a simple operation.

Until it wasn't.

Ah! It seems my noses itches!"

Stacya! Keep your voice down! He might hear us!"

Uh..guys. I think he already has."

Those voices were Stacya, Jake and Zack respectively. Somehow they snuck into the Hawk.

Austin was furious.

What the hell are you doing in here?! I told you not to get involved with me!"

Well we aren't." Stacya said innocently.

Sorry but we're using the Hawk as our ride to stop the robbery. Think of it as a taxi. Hehe." Zack said with nervous laughter.

But Austin wasn't laughing.

Buddy, if you got a problem with us helping you, no worries! We're helping the police!" Jake tells Austin.

Suddenly he uses some stored up K.E to zoom past Austin and press some random buttons on the Hawk's control desk.

The Hawk rises and falls repeatedly, sending the four flying around the ship.

Until the hangar opens.

Ok guys! Let's fall!" Jake shouts.

Wait what..!?" But before Zack could react to Jake's command, Stacya grabs him and heads through the hanger out of the Hawk and begins to fall into the city.

How the hell did you even get in here?!" Austin asked as he tried to grab Jake but since he focused the remaining K.E he had on agility,Jake was too quick to catch.

Not to mention the Hawk's uncontrolled flying wasn't making things easier for him.

Let's just say while you weren't looking,a little shark got in here and pressed a few buttons before you took off!" Jake teased

Shark?..Ah! Stacya!" Austin said, angry that the Hawk knight himself got outsmarted by a bunch of youngsters.

But it was too late to think about it now. Jake then finished up his K.E by zooming past Austin again and leaping from the hanger. He was now falling into the city.

Stacya! Throw me!" Zack told her as he shrunk down to make himself lighter.

Once she threw him, he made himself normal sized and expanded his hand to grab a nearby building. He then used it to swing from building to building in an attempt to catch up to the van being chased by the police.

Stacya on the other hand started diving into the concrete like a professional swimmer.

Onlookers were stunned that she could perform like this while she fell to her doo.

But then...


She hit the concrete with a splash and began swimming elegantly across the road like it was water.

How could she do this you ask? It's simple, Stacya was a special type of Muman who had the ability to swim on land like it was water!"

When she saved Austin, he thought she was jumping from building to building but in reality, she was diving into each building and swimming through them!

She also snuck into Austin's Hawk by swimming through the walls and peeping her hand through it's console to open the hanger without him noticing!

Now she was swimming fast enough to catch up to the van.

Jake on the other hand didn't need theatrics. All he needed was to fall.


He landed on top of the nearest building and thanks to the K.E he got from falling, he had the super strength needed to survive the fall.

He the switched to super speed and although he was slower than last time, he still caught up with his friends.

I've never seen someone run so fast since the old Blur" Stacya told Jake, admiring his speed and remembering Miss Kara, someone capable of impressing her as much as Captain Rocket.

Sadly they both were no more.

And I've never seen anyone swim on land since..well anyone I guess!" Jake said jokingly which made her blush. He was so much like Kara.

And so different.

I can't believe this guys! Me on an official mission stopping a robbery!" Zack said enthusiastically.

Yes! Captain Rocket would be proud!" Stacya replied remembering her master, the one who helped her master her new abilities.

Ok new Danger Squad!" Zack said full of joy as he kept on swinging,"It's time for danger!"

The title could use some work though " Jake said cringing as they caught up to the van ..

Meanwhile Austin watched in anger as the proteges of the man he was trying to avenge were complicating things.

And on top of the tallest building in Empire City, Miltron labs, a shadowy figure was observing the scene with his super sight.

It was time to complicate them even further.

To be continued...