Chereads / Danger Squad Legends / Chapter 14 - LIMITS

Chapter 14 - LIMITS


All Jake saw was darkness.

He was confused but at peace with this darkness as he swam around comfortably.

But then it began to hurt.

The darkness was hurting him.

Stabbing him.

Now it was drowning him.

As he was drowning, he began to sink deeper into the immeasurable darkness below him.

But he didn't allow it.

He wasn't going to let the darkness he was once so accustomed to pull him down. He was going to fight.

And that he did.

He forcefully tried to swim. Pushing, pulling, flailing his arms around in a desperate bid to move up.

But it was all in vain.

Several hands appeared from the depths and began to grab him and pull him further down.

It was over. There was no resistance. At least, there was supposed to be no resistance.

But Jake still resisted. Flailing his arms once more and punching, scratching and biting the arms fiercely. But it was too late and he was being pulled further down.

Until he began to glow blue.

As Jake struggled he felt himself getting stronger. However the arms began to multiply around him.

But he didn't care. His priority was getting out of this.

What is this?! I thought we were close?! I WON'T LET YOU TAKE ME!!" He screamed as the blue energy shone even brighter. He was ready to fight back.

With a large clap he released the energy and it destroyed the arms. However that move used all of it up. As Jake tried to swim upwards, he realized something.

He can't swim.

More hands then appeared and as they moved to grab Jake he began to lose hope.

But then he remembered his mission, his goal, his reason to be alive.

Helping people anyway he can. And he wasn't going to do that while he's trapped in here.

Jake prepared a battle stance and got ready for a fight.

But a hand grabbed him from above.


Before Jake could react, he was pulled up and away from the hands below.

Before long he was in a little living room similar to his apartment.

Too similar.

I took some time to redecorate my space. It's not the most flattering look but it'll do for now."

That was Barry. He was sitting on Jake's couch sipping coffee on Jake's coffee table. He looked exactly like Jake too. He was even wearing Jake's least favourite shirt.

Love the design of this earth clothing. It really suits my style my seed."

Where am I?" What are you doing in my body?"

Well we are in your mind after all my seed so I might as well assume a shape you're comfortable with. But i can't assume the shape of that friend of yours. The *Aw geez* guy. He's beneath me."

What am I doing here?! I gotta stop that black and white asshole before he kills me and anyone else! Send me back!"

That's precisely why your here my seed. You died back there."

Well I feel alive now. I know you saved me like with meat earlier so send me back!"

You think I can just revive you willy nilly like that? This was the last time. And it came with consequences."

Consequences? With who? Me or you?"



The darkness Jake." Barry said as he pointed at the black mass of nothingness hovering above the room.

The darkness? It's a she? Well I'd love to meet her and resolve any beef we have. I'd hate to share a body with an angry woman. The thought alone terrifies me!" Jake said jokingly.

This isn't a joke my seed! The darkness is the comic entity that binds us shadows together. You aren't a shadow so you're no longer a part of it. Not anymore."

Why? I haven't used it's power ever since that Max incident. I've been using my K.E powers since. What's her problem?"

Watch your tone my seed! You are but a mere mortal! An enemy of the darkness! You're mere existence here is a blight to her! Be grateful I was allowed to save you back there!"

So let me get this straight. This lady's mad cuz I'm existing in my own body?!"

Your body belonged to me and the darkness ever since you drank the black water. Your existence is a mercy and the awaken of your Muman abilities is a gift that she thinks you don't deserve! You only have control because she allows you to. But now her patience has worn thin thanks to your recklessness and your needless heroism. Hence the consequences of reviving you."

Ok alright! This is a load of bull but I won't complain since I'm a prisoner in my own body now. Just let me hear these consequences this bitch cooked up." Jake responded, annoyed at the realization of having his body owned by such a bitch.

Well, you've been cut off from all your shadow abilities. So I can't revive you when you die."

Doesn't hurt me! I wanted to rely on my own abilities anyway. Makes me feel better I'm not using such an annoying lady's powers anymore. At least I've got my own."

Now there's the problem. Your ability."

Don't tell me she took it away Barry."

Not exactly. She limited it. You had some shadow attributes added to your ability so you'd get the edge in battle. But she sees it's clear you don't need it."

So what's the big deal here?"

There are limits to your power my seed. The kinetic energy you produce is much less than before. You noticed it when you fought the hands earlier right?"

F..fine. I'll train hard. Get my full power on my own. I don't need some cruddy buff from this big blackness bitch."

And you can only enhance certain attributes like speed or strength one at a time. And every three times, you need a cool down time.

Jake's jaw began to drop but he stopped it before it showed.

Anything else?"

The kinetic energy you generate will still be the same but you can only keep a smaller amount in your system. So although your speed is intact. Strength and other buffs are a lot to be desired my seed."

This was bullshit. But Jake didn't let this anger her. He now saw the amazing power he had was a crutch and made him overconfident. He knew now he had to be careful. He had to work harder. He had to do better.

And that's what he was gonna do.

You know what. Thanks Blacky! It's fine if I call her Blacky right?" Jake said as Barry nodded sideways but Jake immediately ignored him .

I'll take that as a yes. Now I don't need you as a crutch. I'll do things on my own from now on! Watch and learn you two! The Blue Blur is about to shine blue!..ok..The catchphrase needs work though."

You don't realize what you've done my seed.

What do you.."

Sadly, before Jake could ask his question, the arms from the darkness pulled him in and he was gone.

Oh my seed. You don't realize that if you die... I take over. And this world shall fall."

Soon everything went dark.

And then there was light.

And a woman. With grey hair...

And grey skin.

Wearing nothing but a swimsuit.

And she was lying on top of him.

On a wooden bed in a wooden room.

And they were all alone.

Is this heaven? Are you an angel?"

Pleased to meet you human! I am Stacya Karil! But you may call me Shark woman!"The woman said...

As she began to lick him all over his body.

To be continued...