Chereads / Danger Squad Legends / Chapter 13 - EXPANDING MAN ENDS


Zack approaches the slaughterhouse.

Using his expanding abilities to expand his legs, he runs from building to building with great speed as he gets closer.

But not close enough.

He needs to save Jake before whatever is in the slaughterhouse injures him.

Or worse.

Zack sees several police cars heading to the slaughterhouse and knows something is up and isn't going to wait around to find out.

Using his expanded legs, he jumps into the air and expands his armpit skin to form makeshift wings.

He glides past the police cars and reaches the slaughterhouse in record time.

He sees more than 10 police cars around the building with the police chief shouting various commands at her officers.

Despite there being many police cars, there were only a handful of officers left.

Was he too late?

There was only one way to find out.

Zack glided past the officers so fast they hardly saw him. Then, expanding his shoulder, he flew into the building through a window and used his shoulder to block the glass.

That's when Zack saw something that made him vomit.

Multiple police officers mutilated before him with blood and dismembered body parts scattered everywhere.

He was scared. So scared he found it hard to move.

But he had to. Jake was in trouble and standing there helpless would only make things worse.

After all, Jake was one of his only friends.

He only knew Jake for 2 years when he moved into the apartment. He needed cover for his superhero identity and eventually he got a job at the Empire City news channel.

As he worked and gained the trust of those around him, he trained his expanding ability with Captain Rocket waiting for the day his time would come while maintaining his relationship with his girlfriend Paulina.

She also happened to be the retired superhero Diamond light. However he's the only one who knows of her retirement since the rest of the world believed she was killed by a guy named Ace.

But only he knew the truth but never told a single sou and because he loves her, he vowed to send it to his grave.

With such a stressful superhero life, living with Jake was a breather. Jake was so fun to be around and since he had trouble making friends, Jake, Captain Rocket and Paulina were the only ones who really cared about him.

But Jake was in trouble and needed his help.

Zack rushed past the bodies without looking at them since he might vomit if he does.

After crossing a narrow corridor, Zack ascends some steps.

That's when he sees Jake.

And someone else.

Someone worse.

Much much worse.

Zack's mind begins to wander...

It was 2 years ago, Zack had finally convinced Captain Rocket to train him to be the new hero in town. He had gotten a secret identity and would be living in an apartment in Empire City. He'll also be working in the Empire City news channel.

It was great since his girlfriend, Paulina lived in the same city. He was so excited.

But Paulina wasn't.

Please lemon drop! Reject the offer! Quit this superhero thing! I'm begging you!" Paulina shouted with a concerned tone.

C'mon gem! This is my big moment! I get to finally be a superhero like you used to be. I thought you'd be happy for me." Zack shouted back with a disappointed tone.

I am happy for you.i really am. But I'm scared! Very scared! You know exactly why I had to fake my death and disappear from the superhero community."

I know, you were scared of death and couldn't handle it so you used Ace killing your team to fake your death. But I'm different! I'm not scared! I can do this!

Zack, it's not that and you know it." Paulina said angrily.

Then what is it?! What's so wrong about what I said that it ticked you off so much?!"

I..I faked my death because I was scared of dying before I got to live my best life."

Your best life?"

Lemon drop, we've been together for a year now and despite how selfish I've been acting you've stuck by me. I want to be with you. I want to live a normal life with you. That's why I sacrificed my other life."

So I should sacrifice mine too?" Zack said, feeling betrayed. baby.. I mean yes.. no! Ugh! I don't know! Please just.."

But Zack wasn't having it. He began to leave the room.

Zack please wait I...p..please don't leave me! I have no one else!" Paulina shouted as she began to cry profusely.

Don't worry gem, I'm not breaking up with you. I just need some time to clear my head. We'll talk about this later."

Oh thank God I..."

Wait. Lemme finish. I want you to know one thing. I want to be a hero to inspire people. I can't do that if I'm scared of dying. Being with you and being a superhero are my best life right now and I wouldn't trade it for anything. Please, let me do this. I'm begging you."

Oh Zack!" Paulina shouted as she rushd to embrace him. As the two held on to each other tightly. Zack whispered into her ear.

Don't worry, I'll never be scared of anything."

But right now, everything he was doing made what he said feel like a lie.

He was sweating profusely. His legs were trembling tears were welling up in his eyes.

He was scared.

Very scared.

It was only reasonable since the man standing before him was no ordinary villain.

It was Ace.

Once a member of the Danger Squad.

Now the man who killed the Danger Squad.

Well most of them.

He couldn't kill Hawk knight because of his healing factor and couldn't kill Paulina because her abilities granted her a fail safe which allowed her to cheat death. But the world believed she was dead.

She told many stories of Ace to Zack who knew she faked her death since he was the first and last person she told after she did it.

She loved him that much.

And here he was. The lover of one of the strongest superheroes cowering in fear to the man the world believes killed her.

And he certainly was strong enough to kill him too.

Zack couldn't move an inch. He was terrified beyond belief.

Then he noticed Jake lying on the ground with a giant sword in his chest.

Zack wanted to shout Jake's name but his vocal chords weren't responding. His mouth was so dry it began to hurt.

Ace looked at Zack while holding Meat on his shoulders and began to laugh histerically.

Now who the hell is this?"

Then he began to approach Zack. Zack's heart was beating like crazy.

But he couldn't move.

All he could do was stand there and die.

Hehe..looks like I got a scaredy cat on my hands. How about I put it out of it's misery." Ace said as pulled out his sword from his sleeve.

But then, just as Ace got close enough to Zack to touch him, his phone began to ring.

Y'ello! Ace here! Watcha callin' me for?"

Then a hologram appeared from the phone.

That's when Mr.E revealed himself.

Zack heard about Mr.E from Captain Rocket. He started out as a joke but in the span of 10 years, he became the Super society's greatest enemy. But secretly his real problem was the Danger Squad.

And now, he was contacting the guy right in front of Zack. The guy who killed the Danger Squad.

What the hell was going on?

I've taken care of Rocket but the bird got away. Did you get my child.?" Mr.E said.

Rocket? Bird? Could he be talking about Captain Rocket and Hawk knight? Zack had no time to think about that. His life was as good as gone right now.

Yep. He's right here! Made sure to knock him out cold. It's gonna be a treat when he sees you! Ha!"

Ace said then gave a small chuckle.

Return to the House of Tomorrow immediately. No more wasting time needlessly killing. I need to perfect him ASAP...And punish him for escaping."

Yes sir. I'll be on my way " Ace said as he hung up

Well would you look at that scaredy cat! Looks I like I don't gotta kill you. Well I'll be going then. See ya!"

Ace then dropped a smoke bomb and disappeared.

Zack's legs gave in and he collapsed onto the ground.

Quickly he remembered what he told Paulina years ago...

Don't worry. I'll never be scared of anything.

He began crying and screaming. He hit the ground.

Then the air.

Then himself.

Look at me! I'm nothing but a useless coward! I've always been one! I pretended to be unconscious during the training with Jake and now this?! I'm useless! So fucking useless! Aaargh!!"

Get to the second floor. We need to see what happened to our men!"

That voice was the police chief. Her backup had arrived and they were storming the building.

Zack had no time to wallow in his own filth. He needed to get Jake out of here before they were blamed for the deaths of all these innocent men.

Zack tried to get up twice, vomited once but finallyhe got up. He ran to Jake and grabbed him.

He rushed out the window and made his wings again to fly out.

Zack looked at the building as he remembered the disgusting display he put on.

He was a coward.

A loser.

He didn't deserve to be a hero. As he flew through the city holding Jake, who was in between life and death, he had only one thought.

Paulina was right.He had to resign.

To be continued...