Chereads / Danger Squad Legends / Chapter 11 - ACE ATTACKS

Chapter 11 - ACE ATTACKS

Who is Ace?"

It was Captain Rocket who asked this question. He wanted to ask Hawk knight so he could break the silence during the long trip back. Especially after that horrible message from Mr. E of all people.

But all he got was silence. And since the Hawk made no noise during flight, there really was nothing but silence.

Look it's okay if you don't wanna talk. It might open up some old wounds. But I've got a question for you."

There was still silence.

Uh... So how's the kid? I know he's a little impulsive and rough around the edges but he's got potential.

He reminds me of the real Blur." Hawk knight responded.

This was Buford's chance to finally break the ice.

Really? How so?"

He's going to die."

Right before Jake was Ace, the deadliest man on earth. And he wasn't even aware of the danger he was in.

Ok blueboy. Here's how this goes. Surrender the psychopath and you get to live to see tomorrow. Fine deal right? It's practically a steal!" Ace said in a cold chilling voice.

Jake couldn't help but feel scared of him. The bloodlust this guy released was enough to give him a heat attack. But he needed to keep his composure. People like Ace aren't the type that you allow to know about your fear.

Why do you want him anyway? He's dead! Isn't he?" Jake said. Trying to stalk till the police arrived.

But he couldn't hear footsteps. Where were they?

I've got a someone who's willing to pay big bucks to get his little toy back. And come on! You know he's pretending right?"

Pretending?" Jake said. Genuinely confused as he began to look at Meat in doubt. way, you actually think he's dead! Look, lemme throw an extra knife at his skull to show you..." Ace said as he grabbed another knife from his back.

But before Ace could throw the knife Meat shouted in horror.


Ah you're alive!" Jake said, genuinely surprised. Which shocked Ace even more.

No freaking way! You are a treat man! A freaking treat! Just like.. her...Almost makes me not want to kill you, which is rare for me, just so you know. How about we still continue our bargain? Give the psycho to me and I let you leave. Deal? Please say yes. I'd hate to kill you."

Please don't let him take me my friend! D..Dont let him take me to that horrible bastard! I'll do anything! Even turn a new leaf! I can't take such punishment."

Hell no! You aren't anyone else's to punish except the people! It's up to the city to punish you for your crimes and I'm not gonna let that scumbag or whoever his boss is take you!"

Meat was oddly comforted.

My seed! Of all the decisions you have made, this is the most foolish one!"

Oh come on. Just look at this guy! You serious Barry?

Is he talking to himself? Isn't that deliteful!" Ace said feeling very entertained.

Just look at his costume! He looks like a damn playing card! You don't honestly expect me to take him seriously right?" Jake told Barry, now completely ignoring Ace.

You may see a man dressed as a card, but what I see is one of the deadliest threats you will ever face. Look!

That's when Barry provided Jake with a mysterious card full of information only Jake could see.


Class: unknown

Weapons: unknown

Abilities: unknown

Faction: unknown

Danger Level: 9

Uh Barry, what is this?" Jake asked, confused about what was before him.

It's a chart showing the danger of your opponent based on my instincts which have never been wrong in a millenia! I may know nothing of this man, but my instincts are telling me he is extremely dangerous my seed! We must leave the Meat and retreat!"

Well judging by the 9 I'm sure he's a real threat. But I'll be the judge of that! Show me Meat.."

Fine, but why you choose not to run immediately is beyond me.

Name: Meat

Class:Artificial muman

Weapons: none

Abilities: Can generate and control meat and flesh in any way he wishes

Faction: free

Danger Level: 5

Meat was..was a 5?! But he was no easy guy to beat. Then a 9 must be.." Jake thought in horror.

My seed we must..."

No Barry! We have to stop this guy no matter how powerful he is. Just because you cooked up some number doesn't mean I should be scared of this prick!"

But Jake was scared of this prick. More scared than he had ever been in his life. But he needed to overcome this fear. This was his chance to clear his doubts.

To be sure if helping people was out of his conviction or the mere fact he had powers.

Fine have it your way."

With just a sentence, Ace disappeared before Jake's eyes. Focusing his stored up K.E to his vision and reflexes, he saw Ace and dodged a deadly sword Ace had pulled out from God knows where to slice him apart.

It took almost all of Jake's K.E to move away in time. Otherwise, he would've been minced meat.

Speaking of which, Jake tossed Meat to the edge of the room with the remaining super strength he had and the force of hitting the wall knocked Meat out.

Oh like he's our own personal trophy! How cute!"

But that wasn't Jake's intention. Jake then ran around the room and this time, in mere seconds, Jake was pushing 280 mph. But Ace didn't see a blue blur.

No, he saw Jake perfectly fine.

If you're trying to move so fast I can't see you, it's not working pal. I know you speedsters well so get on with the hitting me from behind strategy!" Ace said as he observed Jake's movements.

However he wasnt prepared for what Jake was actually doing.

Sorry, but I'm not attacking you buddy, I'm out of your league. But I have been thinking about running away to save my life."

Really? I knew you were a sensible man!"

Except the leaving Meat behind part."

With this, Ace tried to capture Meat but at this point Jake was too fast for him to catch up as Jake grabbed Meat and stormed out of the room. Descending the stairs to meet the police.

Of course he'd be branded as a criminal vigilante but bringing the perp to justice was worth of any title.

No matter how horrible it was. Right?

But once he reached the ground floor, Jake was mortified by the sight.

Tons of policemen, dead and mutilated before him. Their blood splattered across the hallway.

Who did this?

Oh you like my art? I call it *pigs to the slaughter*. Get it? Because cops are pigs and..."

But Jake only screamed on anger.


A job that interfered with my work."

And your work is more important than your fellow human lives?!"

Yup. And don't assume what I am kiddo. I stopped being * human* a long time ago."

Jake couldn't take it anymore.

He rushed at Ace with all is K.E power combined into one powerful attack.

And it landed, tearing the wall apart.

Wait, the wall wasn't his target.


With just a tap, the fight was over. Jake was on the floor and couldn't move any of his limbs.

B..Barry?! What the hell is going on?! Why can't I move? I need to finish the fight!"

I'm sorry my seed but you cannot move at all. He used some sort of pressure point technique to disable the muscles joining your limbs. I'm afraid you are at his mercy!"

Ace then approached Jake with his sword and moved it to Jake's exposed next as he was lying down.

Any last words."

Just do it asshole. My regrets are none of your business." Jake said, refusing to indulge Ace.

But he refused to indulge him because he was afraid he would break down. He couldnt save anyone that night. He was a failure.

A useless loser.

Just like before.

Just like his childhood.

And he was destined to die that way.

And with one thrust of Ace's blade...

It was over, Jake had lost.

To be continued...