My mind returns from whatever coma it was previously in. My eyes flutter open as I try to wrap my newly found environment. As my eyes see as I look around all I see is what appears to be an empty white void that extends for an unimaginable amount of space. I try not to focus on one specific spot of the endless void for too long as it becomes painful.
I try to remember anything of how or why I am here. As I close my eyes to try and focus on my task my mind moves towards and recent memories on how or why I am here. But the moment I even try to move my mind to the memories of how I arrived at this space, all I get is static and a headache. that's when my mind returns from the pain of the attempt to recall the past a voice comes from the abyss.
"ahhhh good you are awake and look to be alive and healthy, and apologies for the missing memories about how you got her. I have found that it is better for mortals to not remember their deaths as they can be very.... devastating to the mind."
As I move my eyes from the endless white void toward the source of the voice. As my eyes center in on the source I see a... desk? A from the look of it a oak wood desk with a very advanced looking computer on the right side of the desk. As I look at the person sitting behind the desk. It looks almost link ethereal energy taking the shape of what looks to be a man. My mouth moves before I can even think to stop it.
"Who... or what the fuck are you?"
"HAAHAHHAHAHAHHAHA, it has been a long time since a mortal has spoken to me like that. I like you; I like you a lot. I am glad I chose you to be my champion."
"Champion? what do you mean?"
"ahhhh yes an explanation is in order. First allow for me to introduce myself I am what you would consider God, though I would be considered the god of life, light and all that is good. As there is another who is the god of death, darkness and evil. You are to my champion, the champion of Light, Life and everything in-between. Your job will be to fight to protect life and good but do not worry if you accept you will not be a monk or not allowed to kill to complete your job or to save your life. You would be more like someone who wants to protect the overall population not the small numbers the big numbers." After my ears my drops to the void below. 'I would become his champion and protect the people' I thought.
"So, I would fight to protect people? But I don't know how to fight, and I am just 16yr old!!!!" I scream at the top of my lungs.
"Yes I know don't worry I have don't plan on sending you straight into the fray against my opposite's champions, I will send you to the world of Star Wars and have you trained as a Jedi though if that is not what you want you will be able to leave the Jedi order but know that if you do accept my offer and do still leave the order be warned you will still need strength."
"Wait. If I am to become your champion, I would become a jedi?"
"Yes. You could become more powerful than even Anakin could ever become. I will also give you a way to grow more powerful, the Life Nexus system."
"Life Nexus system?"
"Yes. it will allow you to gain the power of any species you can think of. You will even be able to fully assimilate each species into yourself and become equal to the species power. though if it eats something different like for example the need to drink blood if you were to assimilate the vampire species."
"Would I also get their weaknesses like vampires and the sun?"
"Yes and no while you would be weaker, you would not die in the sunlight."
"ahhh so I would be weakened but not killed. understood. I accept will become your champion in the Star Wars universe." with that my mind is made up I will go on the adventure I have always wanted into my favorite fictional universe. Though there is still something that I would most defiantly like to have in this new universe I will be going to.
"Though can I ask for something extra? It is not a deal breaker, but I would still like to ask."
"Ask away my child" is all god says to my request.
"I would like to have access to all books, movies, tv shows, animes and everything in-between." I ask.
"Hmmm. I already suspected you would ask for something like that, so I had changed the system slightly. You will be able to summon a portable projector with infinite charge, all movies, tv shows and animes in any quality you as for. You will have a book that will be able to replicate any book from your world for you to read. And finally, if you want to eat something specific from your previous world you will be able to buy ingredients from the system that originates from your previous world." he states with a matter-of-fact tone. which just increase my gratefulness towards him.
"Thank you"
"No need to thank me. If it makes your life in the universe a little better. Now off you go to your new life I hope you enjoy the peace while it lasts."
"What do you mean while it lasts?"
"You will be reborn 10yr before the start of the clone wars, so most likely you will be a padawan during the war and have to fight, so like I said enjoy it." With those words my world goes black, and I fell into the endless white void.