POV Kira
My eyes open as I remember I am no longer the same human I used to be as I look around and see I am still in the council chambers but this time Obi-wan and Anakin are gone and left me still on Plo-koon's lap. Plo's hand is tracing over my hand with it resonating in force as if making a calming area on his own hand. I look down at my hands and remember I am still a child and not an adult like I used to be.
"Young one awake she is." Yoda's old voice is calming to my ears. I look up to see Plo looking down at me with what appears to be his species version of a smile. I clap my hands together while looking up into his eyes seeing how much he cares for every child he comes across.
"What should we name her though as stated by both Obi-wan and Anakin there was no mention of a name on the capsule that she was held in during her transport from the machine to the ship." Ki-adi-mundi brings up a good point as all the council members seem to nod along with this as they begin to consider what they should do about this dilemma.
"K-i-r-a" My voice comes out slowly one letter at a time in a high pitch childish voice making all the jedi stop and turn to stare at me and listen to what I say shocked at how I can speak at what they think is a young age or even understand them.
"Is that your name young one" Plo's question is filled with curiosity as he looks down at me with pride. I simply nod my head up and down multiple times to answer his question with an affirmative yes.
"Powerful and intelligent this one is. Could bring about a new age she could." I watch Yoda carefully staring at his large stary eyes as he stared into mine. I move and try to crawl off of Plo's lap, but he stops me. I look up at him but see he is not stopping me but lifting me up and placing me on the ground allowing me to move around the council chambers freely. I smile and begin my crawl toward the low-level chair that Yoda sits in on the other side of the room. I quickly crawl as fast as I can with a massive smile as I look around the room at the people who I used to watch on the tv screens.
For the next few minutes, I simply crawl around the entire room to each of the council members but as I reach Yoda I stop and sit while staring at him. Our eyes meet and we stare for the next few minutes. I activate the system and read over the description on my current species. From the information it appears I only currently have two that being a force sensitive human and a vampire. And now that I think about it that is probably why I needed to feed when I arrived as for the past two weeks, I have been in a ship with no access to sunlight meaning I was not weakened by anything. I raise my hand in an attempt to test my force powers as I try to use them to grab Yoda's lightsaber.
The council all look down on me in curiosity as I raise my hands and focus on the lightsaber as it begins to float in the air shocking everyone in the room as I bring it toward my hand and try to grab it, but my hands do not have the strength. Yoda quickly stands and walks over and takes back the lightsaber while looking down at me as if realizing just how powerful I am. But as I continue to think my mind becomes light as I realize my young body even if immortal from the vampire part of the system still can't handle that much use of my powers. As I begin to sway on the spot all the jedi run over in worry as my world is devoured by darkness and I pass out.
hours later.
My eyes flutter open as I look around to see where I am as this is not the council chamber, I was previously in. My eyes move over all the advanced technology held within the room as I see a similarity with that being they all seem to be used for healing. That is when I realize I must be in the infirmary. I look to my side and see another child on a bed and from the looks it is a Togruta with orange skin and blue and white head tails. I sigh as I turn my head back and try to sit up but can't as My entire body seems to be on pins and needles making it very hard for me to even move and inch let alone sit up with my back straight. The monitors around me begin to go off alerting both the nearby as well as waking up the young Togruta. My eyes remain fully open as I watch the alien doctor with yellow skin quickly walking over and checking the monitors while the young Torguta who must only be 4 years old at most with her head not even fully reaching the bed.
"Calm yourself young one you are in the infirmary I am Rig Nema the jedi physician. you need to calm do, take deep breaths in and out trying my best to calm my racing heart while I simply stare at the young child next to me who stares back with wonder in her eyes. My heart rate eventually goes down after a long period of slow and calming breaths making Rig breath out a sigh of relief as she sees my vitals stabilize.
"There we go all better. You really scared me there for a second I thought you were going to spiral and flat line. Now do not use your jedi powers until you are older, or this will happen again understand?" I honestly get a bit scarred as I hear her go into mother bear mode and talk down to me. so much so that all I can do is simply nod as she continues to stare at me for the next few minutes.
"Good pphhheewww that was close." She sighs in relief as she sees my head nod up and down before her attention is move toward the small child sitting next to me. "Ahsoka why are you out of your med bed. You know that you need to rest after such an infection." The young girl flinches and hides behind my bed making me laugh.
"Sorry master Rig it was just that I was worried about her and wanted to come check on her and I have been feeling much better I think my cold passed." Ahsoka lifts her head above the table slightly while looking between me and the doctor. Making us both just smile softly at her antics while Master Rig just shakes her head while looking at the two of us.
"Why don't you two get to know each other while I go finish the blood tests to make sure that you both are perfectly healthy." She smiles softly as we both nod at her and she walks back to her desk and sits down to continue her work. My eyes turn to the young girl next to me as we look at each other.
"Hello, my name is Ahsoka what is yours?" Her voice almost makes me laugh as I hear her high tone voice again.
"My..... Name.... Is..... Kira" I stutter out still trying to get used to this new body and still trying to figure out how it works.
"Well it is nice to meet you Kira" Her words come out fast and excited as she raises her hand toward me for a handshake. I take her hand and shake it.
"Nice.... to.... meet... you... too... Ahsoka" I stutter out as I slowly take her hand and shake it while smiling.