Chereads / Rebirth in the Stars: The Life Nexus / Chapter 6 - The long journey to the gathering

Chapter 6 - The long journey to the gathering

Kira POV

We three younglings follow Anakin up the ramp with our bags slung over ourselves. As we enter, we look around the old ship and see how well maintained it is. We follow Anakin through the hallways of the ship until we reach a corridor with 4 rooms 2 on each side of the hall.

"These are going to be our living quarters for the journey to the planet Ilum. Please chose your room and place your bags inside. Mine is the end room on the right." He then leans on the wall and waits. Both Ahsoka and Barriss are frozen in place for a few moments. As I look at their frozen faces trying to decide which room to choose, I quickly walk and chose the room next to Anakin's. I walk in and place my bag on the bed and look around the room to see it is a simple room with a bathroom, shower, desk, bed and closet. A normal room with a sci-fi feel. 

As I step out of the room, I see both Barriss and Ahsoka trying to fight over the room opposite me. I look at Anakin who only smiles as he watches them play fight and argue over the room. I sigh and walk over and use my vampire strength to lift them up and hold them away from each other. I look at them both and they can obviously see how disappointed I am as I see the blush spreading over their faces. 

"Are you two going to keep fighting?" I ask while looking between them and watching them shake their heads I let them down and let my hands return to my side. "Now I am guessing you both want this room." I motion toward the room in front of mine to which they both nod fervently. I sigh "Rock Paper Scissors now." My words seem to shock them as they freeze and look at me for a moment. "I said now." My words make them begin moving quickly as they begin playing rock paper scissors. After a game ending in 11-10 with Barriss being the winner. I look at Ahsoka who sighs and walks to the room next door and opens it to put it inside. My eyes move to Barriss who does the same but in her room. 

I turn toward Anakin who simply smiles softly at me before speaking. "You have grown a lot from the young baby that me and Obi-Wan found all those years ago." I join him in smiling softly as I walk over and lightly punch his right arm. "Oww that hurt! hahaha, there is some blood in the fridge just for you and don't worry it is nice and pure." He says while ruffling my hair, I smile at him and show my fangs which makes him shiver as he remembers the time he took my blood as a prank and was forced to let me feed on him. 

"Hahah thanks might go have some later." I say as I retract my fangs as I have had my fun. "How long is this trip meant to take anyway?" He looks up and thinks for a moment before looking back at me and replying. 

"Should take about a week to get there but it will take a little longer to get back, so you have time to build your lightsabers." I nod at his words as I understand the extra would be useful in case it is a bit more difficult to make the lightsabers. As we are finished talking Ahsoka and Barriss walk out and over too us as Anakin turns and walks toward the living area where there is a tv on the wall as well as a couch and a kitchen in the corner of the room. Ahsoka and Barriss quickly move to the couch in front of the tv and turn the tv on so that they can find a show to watch. I follow Anakin as he leads me toward the fridge in the kitchen where there is a stockpile of blood bags so that I do not starve or have to feed on another passenger on this journey. 

"Thanks Anakin." I say with a smile as he just nods and turns to look at the girls who are arguing over what to watch. I sigh "If I have to go over there and tell them to stop fighting again, I am going to be pissed." I say in a low voice so only Anakin can hear. Anakin only laughs as we watch the girls who seem to have finally found a show to watch. "Want to join them or have a quick duel?" Anakin perks up at my words as he walks to the cupboard and grabs two training sticks and throws one at me making the girls look up to see what is going on and quickly pause there show so that they can watch the duel that is about to begin. 

"You sure you want to do this?" He asks in a mocking voice as I walk into the middle of the area where there is space for the duel. 

"You sure you are ready to get your ass handed to you on a silver platter?" I ask in the same mocking voice. "Also don't you have to go and control the ship as I know that we have already left Coruscant and are in hyperspace." He smiles at this even though he is still a little annoyed at my earlier comment. 

"Nah hyang the droid is currently flying us to illum." He reassures me as I nod before he quickly moves forward and slices down as I quickly use my vamp speed with a little force reinforcement to block the blade. For the next 30min we do a continuous duel with both of us on equal terms. I continue using my vamp powers to try and get an advantage but even with them as I am a child they are still limited. We both realize we are an equal match and begin to ramp things up by starting to use dirty tactics like kicking and other things. eventually after however long we both lay on the ground completely exhausted from duel with Ahsoka and Barriss sitting over us and looking down at our exhausted selves. 

"That was a fun duel" I say through pants. 

"Agreed" Anakin says as he tries to control his breath. We just stand up with weak legs as Anakin moves to the couch and I move to get a bag of blood and water. The training sticks still lay on the ground as I return and hand the water to Anakin as I drink the blood as we sit in silence and watch the show Barriss and Ahsoka chose.