POV Kira
I open my eyes and look toward the window viewing the large planet sized city that is coruscant. it has been 8 years since I was brought here to the jedi order. I have lived among the jedi making friends and family and accepting m new life in this new galaxy. I look over to my left where my roommate's bed sits. My eyes move to the small Togruta now sleeps rolling around her bed making me smile softly. I stand and stretch as I look at the sci-fi style room with every type of technology you could want as well as two desks to help when doing homework. I look at the calendar and smile as I read the year is 24BBY 2 years until the star of the clone wars and today is my birthday. It was decided by both the council, Obi-wan and me that my birthday should be the day that I was found and brought to the jedi temple which is today.
I quickly change into my Jedi robes which area dark blue color. I walk toward the small fridge in the corner of the room and grab out a nice cold blood bag from within and take a drink. Over the past five years I have grown stronger in both the force and in my vampire, side making me stronger and faster with better senses than anyone other jedi youngling and better than almost all of the knights and masters. Though with this has come the added effect of a heightened hunger for blood making me want to drink more than just a few drops a day to now a bag a day.
I lean against the fridge and watch my sleeping best friend Ahsoka as I drink my daily allotment of blood while I wait for her to wake up. My eyes rake over her making sure that she is completely healthy as I would not want my best friend to miss my birthday and the day, we leave for the gathering to get our Kyber crystals. While normally I would have to wait until I am at least ten I was given an exception because I passed all the general classes as I still had knowledge from my previous life allowing me to get through it better even though I hate school like any sane person.
I smile as I see the small orange girl slowly wake up and stretch before looking over to see me leaning on the fridge drinking some blood. She quick jumps up and runs over to me and engulfs me in a hug shocking me thoroughly.
"Happy birthday Kira!" She says with a very bright smile as she looks into my eyes.
"Thanks, Ahsoka." I say with a bright smile. "You excited for the gathering?" I ask honestly curious on what she will say on the matter.
"Yes, I am but I am also worried on whether I will do well or not." Her answer is honest as she lets go of me and moves to her own dresser and choses out a more reserved set of clothes than what she would have worn during the clone wars tv show. As over the years I have taught her why she should dress more modestly.
"Don't worry you will do fine" I say as I pat her head as I finish my blood and throw the bag in the garbage and grabbed my travel bag with clothes and a couple things I wanted to bring on this trip as I saw ahead and decided to pack a bag last night. As Ahsoka gets changed and sees me with a fully packed back she freezes for a moment.
"You didn't pack a bag last night like I suggested, did you?" I ask with a raised eyebrow and a slight amount of disappointment in my voice. She slowly shakes her head slowly in an embarrassed way as I only sigh as I put my bag down and walk over and begin helping with her own packing. "Come on I will help you this one time got it" I say with only a slight amount of annoyance in my voice as I walk over and begin to help her pack her things into her own bag until we have finished, and she has a fully packed bag with clothes and other items she would want to bring on this trip.
"Thanks Kira and sorry for forgetting to pack last night." Her voice is quite and embarrassed as she speaks trying to make light on the fact, she forgot to do the one thing I told her to do last night.
"Don't worry it is fine let's just get to the ship before we get in trouble with which ever jedi padawan is taking us on this trip." I say as I grab my bag and sling it over my shoulder as I begin to walk toward the door to our small room as she follows close behind me. We walk through the jedi temple over the next few minutes and meet with another of our friends Barriss Offi another jedi youngling who is to go on the gathering today.
"Hey Ahsoka, Kira been awhile. You ready for the gathering?" She asks as she joins us in walking to the hangar with her rucksack in hand.
"Yep, I am but Ahsoka here is a little worried about what will happen and whether or not she will pass the trial." I say quickly making sure to say the very thing that will embarrass Ahsoka the most. Ahsoka freezes for a moment before she punches me lightly in the shoulder and pouts and looks away. "Oh, I am sorry I revealed your little secret to Barriss but don't forget who forgot to pack their bag last night even though I reminded you twice." My voice is filled with mockery as I look over at her as she tries to rebuttal but can't think of anything to say. Both me and Barriss then laugh for a few minutes at the face she is making.
"Meanies." is all she says in response to us even though I can see the small smile that still lingers on her lips even though she says she is pissed at us. We walk into the Hangar and see that we are the only three younglings inside the hangar which confuses us slightly, but we see the transport ship that is to take us to illum and walk towards it where a tall human male leans on the ramp leading into the ship waiting for us. Once we get closer, I am shocked to see who our guide will be as I see his short brown hair and carefree attitude.
"It's been a while Anakin." I say as we near and he looks over and smiles as he sees the three of us.
"It has been a while Kira it is good to see you." His words are following by him ruffling my hair and me smiling before he looks to the other two next to me. "You must be Barriss and Ahsoka correct?" They nod their heads in response making Anakin smile. "Well as surprising as it is you three are the only ones going on the gathering this year." All three of our jaws drop at this as from what we know there has never been so few going to a gathering.
"Um Anakin why are we the only ones going?" I ask honestly curious as even with my knowledge on the tv show and fandom I still do not know of one interval where there were these few members on a trip to get their Kyber crystals.
"Well, you three are the only ones eligible as everyone else failed at least one of their mandatory classes meaning they are not allowed to come with us on this journey." He says this nonchalantly even though the three of us are shocked by this to the extreme. Then he turns and begins to walk into the ship before looking back at us to say one more thing. "Well come on then we have some Kyber crystals to collect." His smirk is as wide as a cheesier cat.