Chereads / Rebirth in the Stars: The Life Nexus / Chapter 2 - The old signal

Chapter 2 - The old signal

POV Obi-Wan 

I have just been called to the council after returning from a mission with my apprentice Anakin. For what reason I have been called to the council I do not know. As the elevator reaches the top of the central tower, and the council chambers the atmosphere turns downcast. As I stare at the faces of all the jedi council members I see nothing but grim faces. Yoda is the first to speak. 

"Ahh good, good. you are here Obi-Wan. serious situation we have." his wording leaves many questions in my mind as I see him scratch his chin with his head down in thought.

"Yes, I am curious what is the reason for my being called here?" As I look with questions written all over my face at Yoda. But it is not Yoda who answers it is Mace Windu.

"We have received a transmission on an old Jedi frequency. So old in fact that we suspect it to have been last used before the Jedi left Ahch-To" These words shocked me to my core. those frequencies haven't been used for so long because of how unreliable they can be at times. 

"That should be impossible. There should be no possible way for anyone to still be able to use it. There should be no one who could have access to that frequency anymore!" My mouth moves before I can stop it caused by the shock of this revelation. 

"Yes. aware of this we are. But still transmission has been received. And is requesting aid it is." Yoda states to my outburst.

"Send you and young Skywalker we shall. investigate you will and report what you find, you will."

"Understood master. we will leave immediately." As I finish, I bow my head and turn to leave by a final warning given by master Yoda.

"Be wary what you will find we know not of."

"We will remain resilient Master Yoda." with that I walk out and into the elevator. As I enter my body begins to relax. "Anakin is not going to like having to leave straight after a completed mission."

after a 10-minute walk I arrive outside of Anakin's. After a deep breath to prepare myself for the shit storm that is about to happen when Anakin's learns of our new mission. With that thought I knocked on the door. I hear shuffling through the room until the door opens and I look down at the 9yr old Anakin with a remorseful smile on my face as I see the tired expression on his face. 

"Hi, Anakin, sorry to wake you up but I have news." I say with my laced with sympathy. We had just come from a grueling mission on an outer rim world. We had just barely made it out of there alive especially with the 20ft bloodthirsty bugs trying to eat us.

"Please don't tell me we have another mission. We just got back from one." He wines with exhaustion lacing every single word.

"Yes, sorry Anakin but we have a mission. Don't worry though this one is very interesting and possible very serious." At my words Anakin perks up and looks at me intently.

"I have never heard you call a mission interesting, serious yes but never interesting. What makes it so interesting to you?" he asks.

"Yes. Even I will admit this is a first time I have found a mission this curious or interesting. We are being sent to investigate a transmission."

"Wait you find a basic Transmission investigation mission interesting?"

"I do not find the mission interesting but the transmission."


"Because it is a transmission on a Frequency that has not been used for over 25,000 years since the dawn of the Jedi order." With that my young apprentice's mouth drops straight to the floor.

"ttttwwenty-ffffive thousand years." He stutters which I laugh at.

"hahahahahah, yes my young apprentice 25,000 years. That is why it is so very interesting to me. We are leaving immediately so collect your things and meet me in the hangar." As I finish, I turn to leave for the hangar as Anakin begins to pack his bag for the long trip to the strange signal.

20 minutes later I am sitting in a Jedi shuttle meditating on the upcoming missions and the possible implications that could change everything. As I was deep in thought I am abruptly brought out of the state as I hear Anakin sit down next to me.

"So how far away is the signal?" Anakin asks as I sense the pure curiosity of the mission.

"It will take us 2 weeks to arrive through the fastest and safest hyperspace route. So there will still be time for you to learn more during the trip." With that the ship hums to life as I begin the take-off sequence and send my clearance codes allowing for safe exit of the system without any interference. 

"Alright, clearance codes check out you are clear to jump to hyperspace. safe travels." With this statement from the security officer, I began the initialization of hyperdrive. 

"Thank you" was all I could say before we entered hyperspace and began our travels far into the outer rim. 

- 2 weeks later -

It has been both a slow and productive two weeks of travel. During this time, I taught I have let Anakin practice his lightsaber arts and have given him pointers on what and where to improve. I have also showed him even more force abilities that will aid him far into the future. It is now the day we are to arrive at the signal. Both Anakin and I are sitting in the front cockpit as we wait out the final minutes before, we exit hyperspace. 

"What do you think we will find, ancient spaceship, space station or maybe an unregistered planet?" Anakin's over the top optimism and curiosity for what is out there in the wider galaxy brings a smile to my face as it somewhat reminds me of both a younger me and my old master qui gon jinn. 

"Honestly Anakin I don't know, and I think we will both be surprised with what we find."

"Why do you say that master?"

"Because we know very little about what the Jedi Order was like back then and what technology or anything of the sort they used and -" before I can finish the ship drops us out of hyperspace and into the void in front of what looks to be a massive space station. We should still be millions of kilometers from the signal and yet we could not see the edge of this station... no planet.

"What is it mast-"before Anakin can finish, he looks out of the cockpit into space and onto the massive planet size space station.

"Anakin can you scan the shi... no space statio, no tech planet?" I ask fumbling with the words as the enormity of this situation hits me. If this thing is controlled by someone with evil motives it could mean the end of the republic.

"mmmmaster the scanner.... iiiitttt can't cccompletely scan tttthe entire ssstructure." Anakin's voice trembles.

"What?!?! That should be impossible!!!" I yell as that would mean that this station is larger than an entire star system. 

"Aaalso mmmaster our transmissions are being blocked." He is terrified as if we can't communicate with anyone than we will get no reinforcements. 

"Are they blocking u-?!?!?!" Before I could finish my question all the lights and the systems begin to flash and flicker as if they are alive. As we begin to attempt to stop this, all systems but life support turned black. Then the station flashed as if realizing something.

"Are you the ones called?" its question is ominous but does confirm that this thing was what called us.

My hand begins to shake as I activate the comms "Yes we are the Jedi. we received an old signal with our old codes and came to investigate. were you the one that sent that signal?" My question goes unanswered as the machine begins to move in unnatural ways as if trying to find something.

"Then you are to be her protectors and guides in this new world." After the words are received by us a hangar opens on the side of its ship and what seems to be an escape pod is shot out and docks with us. The moment the docking procedure is complete the station in front of us glows and then begins to phase as if not in the correct dimension before disappearing. 

"The actual fuck was that?!" Anakin yells under his breath as he stares mouth agape.

"No clue but i have a feeling the escape pod docked with us will give a few more answers to our many questions." My words are stern as I walk to the docking clamp and breath to calm myself. Anakin stands next to me; I look at him and nod as he presses some buttons and opens the door. As it opens a baby girl is laying in a bundle of blankets. Anakin and I look at each other in shock and then back down at the little girl.

"The fuck"