"The basic thing to know about Dark Druids is that they are often depicted as the twisted and corrupted versions of traditional Druids. Druids, generally, are somehow related to nymphs when it comes to their association with nature." Celeste said while pausing to observe the full attention that Quincy was paying.
"You know you amuse me Quincy. Few days ago, if I had said things like this, I am pretty sure that you would have argued with me that such things doesn't exist. But looking at you now, I must confess, I am certainly amazed." Celeste remarked.
"I would take that as a compliment, besides like most people would tell me occasionally, the world is a larger place and the deeper one tends to go into it, there would no choice but to believe that even the impossibility is actually possible. Trust me, I have learnt that lesson at the cost of my life." Quincy stated, bringing a smile to bloom on the face of Celeste.
"Now, if you are done admiring my change of heart, would you please get on with the Dark Druids history." Quincy urges agitatedly.
Although, curiousity is part of the main reasons Quincy wants to know about the Druids, a part of him is hinting that most of the recent kidnapping cases that occurred in Celestial Falls might have something to do with the supernaturals so the more he knows about them, the better.
"Your wish is my command, Messiah." Celeste joked before she continues. "Now like I have said that Druids are related to nymphs in many significant aspects, it is important to note however, that this aspects are usually twisted in a way by the Dark Druids to their favour. Unlike traditional Druids, Dark Druids are known to be associated with dark magic and sorcery, the destructive forces of nature, human sacrifices and sinister rituals and--"
"Wait a minute, did you just mention human sacrifices?" Quincy asks wide-eyed earning a nod from Celeste.
"What about it?" Celeste inquires as she squints her eyes.
"Uhm, have you heard about the rampant kidnappings occuring in Celestial Falls?" Quincy asks a question that received a nod as a response from Celeste. "According to the Sheriff station, most of the missing victims would either have their head cut off or a slash mark on their necks. Some of them ends up torn to shreds."
"There have been several ongoing investigations and theories proposed by the experts but I think that with the way this murders are being carried out, it only make sense if I think that the murders might be some sort of ritual or sacrifices and if what you said is true about the Coven Of Doom being in Celestial Falls, then that is the only plausible explanation I can think of."
Celeste pursed her lips as she listens to the analysis of Quincy attentively. She has to admit that he makes a good point and a solid logic.
However, what she fails to understand is the reason behind a Dark Druid going around for a massacre? If the Coven was here in Celestial Falls for Quincy, then it would only make sense if they focus solely on their target rather than going around murdering random innocent people.
Or could there be more to their actions? She ponders deeply on the other motives the Coven might have but so far, she isn't able to come up with any reasonable thought that might explain why the Coven would commit a massacre. Unless they weren't the culprit either.
"Let's say you are correct and the Coven is actually behind the massacres, apart from the logic you just analysed to me, what other evidence can you use to proof that the Dark Druids really committed these murders?" Celeste asks Quincy who, for a moment, reflected on the question directed at him.
Celeste makes a good point though. The supernatural realm has been hidden from the sight of humans that there are only few who believe it existed. He can't just barge into the Sheriff station and then state that the massacres occuring in Celestial Falls is a result of a group of psychotic supernatural mercenaries going around to kidnap and murder people when he has no solid proof.
They would probably laugh at him or worse, they would jail him and charge him for obstruction of justice. He really didn't consider this through.
Celeste sighed when she saw the sullen look on Quincy's face and tried to cheer him up. "Don't worry Quincy, I am sure that very soon, the culprit behind the kidnappings and murders would soon be captured and brought to justice but for now let us continue with the Dark Druids."
Quincy nodded as he fix his expression. "Okay, tell me more about these evil Druids and their work in the Coven."
"Where were we? Right, I was telling you about the sacrificial aspect that Dark Druids use humans for. Besides that, Dark Druids are also known to control plants and animals as well as commanding twisted and dark creatures...."
"Like they did to me in the woods?" Quincy interjected.
"Right. Those creatures you saw chasing after you were the result of the control of the Dark Druids on them. Normally, chimaeras are known to be extinct as they have been hunted down and killed due to the danger they pose to the lives of humans. But since the Dark Druids wield dark magic, they are able to bring a creature back to life, a feat that is seen as a challenge to the authority of the gods."
That means Jake was speaking the truth. Chimaeras no longer exist but they did because of the influence of the Dark Druids. For a moment, Quincy wonders about how powerful the whole Coven is if even one of its members is already strong enough to resurrect a dead monster to hunt him down.
"And what about the rest of the members on the Coven Of Doom? It can't just be Dark Druids and Amazonians that makes up the Coven now, can it? They must have a leader. Tell me about their leader."
"Leader?" Celeste racks her brain, "I don't think the Coven has a leader, at least not one that I know of. Also, I have not heard of the Coven following a leader considering that they are a group of powerful mercenaries but one thing I am sure of is that they tend to do the will of the person who hires them. And in your case, the will of the king is to have you dead."
The thought of hearing about someone wishing to see him dead makes Quincy uncomfortable. He is just an eighteen years old boy and he is yet to experience the comfort of life. He still didn't think he has done something wrong to warrant such death sentence from fate. How can someone be so cruel to sign him a death sentence?
"Don't worry Quincy, I am sure you welfare is well catered for." Celeste assures. "So I don't think you should worry about anything."
"And how are you so sure about this?" Quincy asks with his brows creased.
Celeste smiled but didn't say anything. The boy is worrying for nothing when he shouldn't be. He is a god and not just an ordinary one, the reincarnation of the great Olympic gods so there is very little things that can pose a threat to him in this world. When it is time, he would see for himself the kind of power he possesses.