"Do you remember the first time we met in the forest where you saved me from those creatures?" Quincy broke the silence as he question Celeste while the duo sat in the garden.
Celeste hums as a response, "Yes, I remember and what about it?"
"How did you know who I would become before I even triggered the potential within me?" This is a question that has been bothering Quincy ever since he left the forest that fateful day.
Celeste let out a low sigh before she answers Quincy question. "There is this prophecy where I came from. We call it the Divination Of The Ordained."
"The Divination Of The Ordained. What does it mean?" Quincy asks with intense curiosity.
"This prophecy is based on someone that would be the reincarnation of the gods. According to the prophecy, this reincarnated one of the gods would then become a saviour, bringing peace and redemption to the people." Celeste explains.
"That was the reason you were calling me Messiah that day, wasn't it?" Celeste nods affirmatively as Quincy asks. "It would also explain the way you were calling me the Chosen Blood. Forgive me if I say that I thought you were crazy and didn't know what you were saying at that time."
Celeste smiled slightly as she shook her head. "No offense is taken. I would have also thought the same thing if a stranger approaches me and start speaking about matters that doesn't seem to make sense to me."
"But you said that you knew there was a Messiah based on this divination. How did you know that I was the Chosen Blood the prophecy was referring to? I mean, was that the reason you came to Celestial Falls?" Quincy inquires.
"Although we weren't aware at first that the one brought by the prophecy exist in Celestial Falls, after many divinations done by the Oracle, we were able to locate you. And that would explain the first time we also met."
"You made mention of throne and rivalry when you told me about the divination. What does any of those things have to do with my status as the Messiah?"
Although Quincy has cleared most of the confusion in his mind, he was still trying to figure out where the rivalry for a throne fit into the puzzle. He is to become a god and not a king and the last time he checked, he was sure that he isn't of a royal bloodline.
"We have a tradition at Olympus." Celeste started, "The person who is to ascend the position of being a king must be someone blessed by the gods. Since the Divination Of The Ordained came out, the elders of Olympus has been searching for years for the Chosen Blood as they thought that he would be the suitable candidate to be crowned as king since he was chosen by the gods anyways."
Celeste paused to moisturize her dry lips before she continues, "After a futile search for several years, they decided to select the person next in line to be crowned as king. Though, the person didn't receive the blessings of the gods."
"And this king they crowned, who is he?" Quincy asks with interest.
"I am sorry Quincy. There are some things that I can't tell you. These things are matters you would have to uncover yourself when the time is right."
Much to the dismay of Quincy, Celeste didn't utter a word about the current king of Olympus. Besides curiosity, Quincy really wants to know about the connection that tends to exist between him and the king that the king would have to go to such great lengths to get rid of him just for the sake of a throne Quincy is not interested in, yet.
"Quincy, all of this things that you have learnt today, I beseech you not to disclose it to anyone, even your best friend as it could lead to dangerous circumstances." Celeste requested with a plead.
"Why would you ask me not to tell anyone?" Quincy is baffled, "Wouldn't it be better if those closer to me should have an idea of who I am to be?"
"Just promise me Quincy that you won't tell anyone. The realm of the supernaturals is hidden from the mortal plane for various reasons."
Quincy wasn't sure that he could be able to withhold such promise but nevertheless, he reluctantly nod his head as he promises.
According to Celeste, since there are reasons the supernatural realm is concealed from mortals, then he has to learn to uphold his promise lest it becomes catastrophic to him or those around him.
Only after Quincy promised that Celeste let out the breath that she has been subconsciously holding. "I know it might be hard Quincy but you should also understand that it is for the best."
Quincy absentmindedly nodded his head as he was still caught up in the dilemma of how he would not break his promise. He sighed inwardly, with great power comes great responsibility, Quincy thought in his mind.
"Do you have any ideas about those creatures that attacked me at the woods that day? I mean, when you spoke to me, you called them a name...." Quincy trailed as he tries to gather his memories.
"You called them the messengers of death. What do you mean by that because according to someone I told, I remember him telling me that those creatures are called chimaera." Quincy stated shuddering involuntary as he remembers the way he ran for his life that fateful day.
"That person is quite correct. Those creatures are called chimaeras but I wasn't referring to them as the messengers of death." Celeste replies.
"Then who were you talking about?" Quincy furrows his brows as he ponders on the words Celeste said.
"Those beasts you saw are the usual MO for a group of mercenaries that calls themselves the Coven Of Doom." Celeste said with a frown.
"The Coven Of Doom?" That doesn't sound like the name for a group of mercenaries, rather it sounds like a name for a group of witches or a cult.
"The group consists of several abominable beings and if I were to guess, I would say they were sent by the king of Olympus to take out his rival, you."
Quincy was beyond shock. Why would a king that he hasn't met send a group of abominable mercenaries to kill him? Is it all because of a throne or is there something more to it?.
Quincy didn't bother asking about matters concerning the king as he knows that Celeste would end up giving him the same reply about him knowing when the time is right and for a moment, Quincy is looking forward to seeing the future.
"So this abominable beings in the Coven, can you tell me about some of them" Since he is not meant to know about the king, he might as well inquire about the group the king paid to eliminate him.
"For starters, the Coven is known to consist of Amazonians as warriors when the need ever arises. It is also known to consist of Dark Druids who are known to serve as emissaries to the group and..."
"Pardon me for the interruption but what is a Dark Druid?"
Quincy had the privilege to learn about few beings that exists in the realm of the supernaturals but he is really intrigued when he heard Celeste talked about the Dark Druid. He might as well add it to the list of supernaturals he learnt today.