Silence engulf the duo as they layed motionlessly on the slopy surface, their head rising just a little bit above the slope to scout the forest. So far, the sound of the rustling leaves and the breeze are all that could be heard in the heart of the eerie forest.
"What is it?" Quincy asks, his breaths coming out in low pants as he struggles to maintain the rhythm of his own disturbed heart.
He knew it was a bad idea coming out so late into the woods but the persuasion of Jake had caused him to put his life at risk, just to venture with Jake on this deathly adventure.
"I don't know. I thought I heard something." Jake replies as he flashes the light across the forest, squinting his eyes to get it to permit the entry of more light rays as it can allow.
Sensing that it might have been a false call, Jake stood up slowly, his movements are steady as he took them with caution. He isn't ready to make a mistake that could cause him his very breath .
Standing on his two feet, he carefully scanned the area again just to be sure that his hearing might be playing tricks on him. All the while, Quincy kept his head low as the rhythm of his heart becomes uneven as seconds pass by.
"Come on, let's go. Nothing is out here." Jake said, relief etched in his tone as he walks away from Quincy who, with alacrity, pushed his body off the ground before hurrying to catch up to Jake.
"I knew coming out here is a bad idea." The first words of complaint escape Quincy's lips as his breaths slowly get even. "Dude, whatever you want to see, can't you just wait till tomorrow." Quincy suggested, allowing his fear to get the better of him.
"As I have said before, this is an urgent matter. Delaying it would only worsen the situation so I can't wait till tomorrow." Jake shook his head as he replies.
Quincy could only let out a low sigh in defeat. It was clear from the very moment Jake asked Quincy to come with him to the woods to search for the missing body that he would not rest until he gets to the root of the matter. And as usual, his best friend still retains his obstinacy.
They had barely walked a distance when the duo caught sight of light flashing. Soon after, they heard the sound of some men approaching them or perhaps walking in their direction.
Panic set in as even the resolved Jake finally gave up as he turned his figure to run in the opposite direction with Quincy cursing under his breath as he ran.
"Hey, I got something!" One of the men shouted as he also began to quicken his steps, a clear indication that he was pursuing the duo.
Quincy ran as fast as he could, mustering all the strength in his body to refuse the fear that gnawed at his mind as he moves across the vegetative terrain of the forest.
He didn't take not of Jake, who at some point stumbled over a stump and is now laying on the ground, holding his toe as he groans in pain. All Quincy is concerned about is getting away from this nightmare as fast as he can.
"I got someone." A yell rang in Quincy's ear drums. Quincy turned to look at his back momentarily before he stopped abruptly as a realisation dawned on him.
Jake is not behind him!
He ran his hand through his hair as he realised that Jake has probably been apprehended which resulted in the yell he heard. However his mind is now in turmoil as he deliberates whether to go back for his friend or not.
"Ah! Screw it!" Quincy cursed as he ran back the way he came from. Nothing matters to him than the safety of his friend so he makes his way back.
"Hold it, hold it. This little delinquent is mine." A hoarse voice sounded from a middle aged man who received Jake from the other man that lifted Jake off the ground.
Quincy stopped to hide behind a tree. He recognised that voice to be the voice of Jake's father. Now that would explain the flash light he had seen from earlier. The sheriff station is also on the case of the abductees so they would definitely be patrolling the forest in a bid to catch glimpse of a clue or two.
"And where would your partner in crime be?" Jake's father, the sheriff, asks as he put one of Jake's arm across his shoulder. Jake grunts as he struggles to keep his balance on his right leg while lifting the left slightly off the ground. He is pretty sure his toe would have been bruised as he had hit his feet hardly against that stump.
"Do you mean Quincy? Quincy is at home right now getting his good night sleep." Jake let out a sigh as he covers for his friend.
The Sheriff bathed the darkness of the forest with the parallel rays of light been emitted from his flash light as he yells Quincy's name, "Quincy, are you there? Come out now if you are hiding."
Having receive no response, the sheriff turned his attention to his distress son whose face is covered by sweat, an evidence of the pain he is suffering from.
"Okay then, let's get you all patched up." The sheriff supported Jake who limped as he rely on his father to keep his balance while they walk away leaving Quincy who stuck his back to the tree which sheltered him from being revealed to the Sheriff.
After a few moments, Quincy walked out from his hiding spot having confirmed that the forest is clear of the sheriff and his deputies. The uneven rhythm of his heart soon resume the normal pace as he walks away from the tree.
Quincy is confused as he looks around him, trying to figure out the direction from which he came. However, when he discovers that the effort of him trying to remember is futile, he randomly walk off in a direction with the excuse of trying to rely on his gut feeling to make it out of the forest
No sooner had he taken ten steps that the ground beneath his feet shifted as the earth opened her mouth to receive him whole.
Everything happened within the blink of an eye and before Quincy could figure out what happened, he is now laying in a building that seems to look like a temple of some sort. An ancient temple if he may.