This will actually be the second time in a row Quincy would admit that he had to run for his life. How worst could it get than this? He asks within himself and almost regretted having such thought.
Looking all around him, Quincy reckons that he is in a mess. A bigger mess than when he tends to hang out with Jake.
"Help!" The first word that came out of his mouth as he screams with his might, banging his hand on the closed path before him, a result of the collapse of the hall along with the tunnel.
He was trapped and he is back to where he came from. Looking out at the night sky, he yells the more hanging unto the thread of hope that someone would be nearby to hear his voice even when he knows within his heart that it is impossible as it is almost midnight. Who would be out by such time?.
Using his phone as a source of light, Quincy pushed against the debris with his might as he gave up the idea of yelling for help. He grunts hardly as he begins to breath heavily while resuming the action of pushing against the wreckage.
Realizing that he was stuck and there is no way out, besides the way he fell through which is difficult to reach, Quincy slowly sat back down as he slumps his shoulder in defeat. He gives up. He would wait till the morning before he tries to make anymore moves. Hopefully, he would get out of this hell hole by then.
With that thought, Quincy closes his eyes as sleep embraces him.
In the meantime, far beyond the reach of humans lay, within the mountains and the heart of the sea, a civilization that seems so ideal to exist. The landscape surrounding the civilization can simply be described as perfect and magnificent as it speaks of the beauty of nature. With large waterfalls to thick dense forest filled with all sort of fascinating creatures to been surrounded by a large water body brimming with life and the smell of ingenuity, the civilization is to be considered paradise on earth, in a literal manner.
However this paradise was cast into chaos within a twinkle of an eye as strange things begin to happen. Suddenly, the once bright yellow sun smiling in the sky as it bath the people with its warmth and light begins to dim slowly.
At first, the people thought it was just an eclipse occuring until the dimmed sunlight is accompanied by a change in the waether condition. The sky begins to rumble as flashes of lightning jumps from one cloud to another while an heavy rainfall drops to those beneath it.
As if that is not enough to have the people running for their lives, a strong wind begins to blow as though they were in the season of the tornadoes even when they knew there have been no such season since the beginning of their history. Accompanying the violent winds were the turbulent rise of the sea as a massive wave move across it threatening to bring everything and everyone in its path down into the ocean.
The indigenes are scared as they scurry to find safety in the nearest shelter they could find.
Up in the top of what seem to be the highest moutain of Olympus, the situation is not any better as some group of men could be seen gathered in what looks like a shrine.
The men looks to be slightly advanced in age as they gather themselves and stood before a white haired lady who seem to looks a little haggard, an indication that she has experienced the frivolities of life and has gathered knowledge from her journey in life.
The woman's eyes are closed as she mumbles some words while assuming a meditative position, sitting with both her legs crossed in one another on a stool.
The men are agitated and one if them couldn't help but ask, "Are the gods angry Oracle? What are we to do to appear them? What kind of sacrifice should be made?"
"Would you keep quiet and let the Oracle do her job." Another man interjected the first, anger laced in his tone as he stared at the man who just spoke. "We can't know anything for sure until the Oracle speaks."
"He has arisen." The old woman gasps in shock as she opens her eyes.
"Who has arisen?" The man who interjected the other spoke up, his heart tensed as he looks into the eyes of the woman.
"The Messiah. The Messiah has arisen." The oracle affirms before she begins with her prophecy, "Let the sky be witness to his glory and let the seas be testament of his greatness. That day has come. It is no longer knocking but had entered and has come in unto us. The Messiah has risen. Risen to fulfill the will of the gods and tread the path of his destiny. Fear not but be glad for the gods' chosen cometh and his arrival is that of good tidings."
The men were shocked beyond words at this great revelation. So the calamity they thought was befalling them isn't something that brings chaos but they were signs of that which would bring good tidings.
Their hearts which had jumped into their throats slowly resume their usual pounding as relief washed over then like a wave washing off the coast.
"Does that means all is well and there is no cause for alarm?" Another one of the men asks the oracle.
"Is it that you plugged your ears with something that you couldn't hear when the Oracle was talking, she said that there is no cause for alarm but a cause for good tiding. Learn to use your ears more Marcus." The same man interjected again as he shouts at the man named Marcus.
With the authority with which he spoke, one would reckon that he's the leader of the group or something within that line.
"Elders, there is no cause for words exchange between ourselves. There is no danger only a saviour. So I suggest that you elders should go prepare for the upcoming days of the future." The Oracle said.
"What do you mean oracle?" The interjecting elder's face crumbles into a frown ad he asks the Oracle.
"You would find out soon enough." Came the curt reply from the Oracle.