The day was quick to roll by as the sun gave way to the chilling moon of the nighttime. The streets of Celestial Falls are deserted, a clear indication that it's residents has retired to the comfort of the warmth of their abode to avoid the harsh cold the night brought with it.
However, while some are mindful enough to regard the night by spending it in their homes, others would rather stroll into the deep parts of the woods in search for an unsolved mystery.
Two figures could be seen walking around in the woods. One was holding what seem to appear like a flashlight as he led the way while the other trailed behind the one closely as though he is sacred of the dark.
"Are you sure that the body would still be in the forest. I mean think about it, how could the killer be so careless to actually leave evidence laying motionless in the woods." The familiar voice of Quincy rang out as he directed his question towards the still walking Jake.
"Not unless the killer is an amateur. Then I would be sure that he would definitely leave behind evidence besides there is no sure thing as perfection in this world, no matter how good one is." Jake replied, panting as he climbed a slope.
"I don't like this, man." Quincy complained as he looks around the eerie environment of the forest. "This place gives me the creeps. Perhaps we shouldn't have ventured this far into the woods."
Quincy felt uncomfortable walking under the cover of the moon in the forest. The same place which left behind traces of memories of the previous encounter he had with those beast like creatures that almost cut off his life, provided that Celeste was not there to rescue him on time.
"It is just a little further now Quincy. Don't get all scaredy-cat on me now." Jake mocked as he flashed the ray of light around him. He seem to be trying to detect something or someone.
"Besides, there is no one out here apart from us so try to relax your nerves. We would soon be there." Jake assured, following a path with Quincy still sticking as close as he could.
"Do you remember yesterday when we were camping in the woods?" Quincy asks Jake who hummed in response. "Would you believe me if I told you that I was attacked and nearly killed in this very same forest?"
"What?!" Jake stopped abruptly as he turns to stare wide eyed at Quincy, "And you didn't deem it fit to tell me. How come?"
"Well I didn't want to bother you so I kept it to myself." Quincy replies as he shrugs his shoulder.
"What changed then? Why are you telling me now?" The anger in Jake's voice could barely be concealed by the concern in his tone.
"The creepy forest. Remember you told me that your father said that the past attacks over the months has been some sort of animal attack..." Quincy said, earning a nod from Jake who furrows his brows as he listened to Quincy, "I believe that those attacks weren't done by any animal. In fact, it is bizarre for an animal to actually be as brutal as that." Quincy stated the facts.
"Okay. I accept what you have said but what if this is not just done by some ordinary animal but a wild one. Take for instance, a mountain lion or any other wild beast." Jake pondered as he stroke his chin, an action he does unconsciously if he is thinking.
"Right. But would a mountain lion rip a human to shreds. And we should also consider the fact that in Celestial Falls, there have been no sighting of a lion or any other wild beast for nearly a century so why now. And I think the answer lies in my attack from yesterday."
"What do you mean?" Jake is now confused. If everything Quincy just spouted was true, then it means that there is more to the recent disappearance and attacks in Celestial Falls, something that is way beyond what he understands.
"For starters, I don't think that there is no animal with the head of a lion, the body of a goat and then the tail of a serpent." Quincy shudder as he recalls the way those creatures looks like. He is pretty sure that those creatures might have been the result of a failed genetic mutation by some mad scientist.
Jake was silent for a while before realisation dawns on him, "Do you mean a chimaera?" He asks, a wild smile blooming on his lips as he looks at Quincy with amusement.
"No I don't mean a chimaera." Quincy shook his head as an exaggerated look appear on his face, "I mean a beast. A very wild one."
Jake let out a chuckle before replying, "With the way you describe it though, I am pretty sure you are talking about a chimaera. Like you have said, the animal tend to possess the head of a lion, body of a goat and tail of a serpent. This are all features of a chimaera"
Jake nods his head in affirmation. He is very sure about what he is talking about.
"What is a chimaera anyways? Is there really an animal like that." It is Quincy's turn to be confused as he follows behind Jake who has started walking again.
"No. Chimaeras no longer exist. In fact, I don't think they ever existed and for someone who claims to never believe in the supernatural, you sounded pretty sure about what you were saying."
Quincy creased his brows, a deep frown appearing on his face. If this animal never existed, how come it, no they almost ripped him into shreds yesterday or was he hallucinating because of the fear. Quincy shook his head dispelling that thought, fear doesn't cause hallucinations which means the creature was real.
"Are you sure that these chimaeras no longer exist because I knew what I saw yesterday. Take it from someone who had a close shave with death, I was this close, so close to having one of these creatures rip my head off my body." Quincy stated.
"If you don't know then I would tell you now. Chimaeras are beast, Greek monsters that existed in their mythology. They were known to have been the offspring of Typhon and Echnida, two great monsters that aided the titans during the war against the Olympic gods. However, chimaera was known to have been killed by the hero Bellerophon." Jake concluded, "So however you came across this monster, I am certain that it only existed in your imagination. And for someone who doesn't believe in myths or legend, I must admit that I am pretty surprise that you actually thought the attacks has something to do with the supernatural."
Quincy was shocked at Jake's revelation. Does is mean that those brutal creatures that were after him are actually scary monsters sprung from a mythology? Therefore, they weren't a genetic experiment go wrong rather they were a mythological story come to life.
In order words, it is certain that every other words that Celeste said to him yesterday are actually true. So he really is a Messiah of some sort but he is yet to still believe it, simply because the attack on him yesterday might have been a coincidence of some sort.
"Stop!" Jake said as he perked his ears. "Did you hear that?" He asks moving the flash light around.
"Hear what?! All I hear is the rustling of trees and I also feel the movement of the breeze." Quincy answers, darting his eyes across the creepy forest.
"I am not joking. It seems like we are not alone."