Chereads / [Discontinued]~ / Chapter 14 - Chapter 14 | Only the Worthy

Chapter 14 - Chapter 14 | Only the Worthy

leaving his new subordinate, Enya who was Over the moon with excitement and happiness to manager the town of her fellow followers of Ormr, Skuggir skuteled off to his own room and open the next few days expanding it. during these few days Skuggir had to fight multiple uninteresting and weak group of people who got past his currently trash defenses. unfortunately for the groups of adventurers they where almost all melted by super hot plasma, skewered with spears or impaled with arrows tippled with plasma as hot as a tungsten smeltery.

these few days payed off with not only the passive income of traps allowing him to hire guard skeletons to roam the small maze and a few commodities for the Ormr village like a well of infinite water, which was not truly infinite but regenerating, and a large wooden door to block the passage to their now expanding town if they needed too. 

in addition to the passive income the room they where working on had now been completed its circular shape having pillar like extrusions from the walls every ten or so meters and he perimeter being about 376 meters. with the last part of widening the entrance to five meters across and to be centered between to pillars, the room was finished.

this would be a really nice boss room. its a shame nobody is the right streghnth for the job. my hoplites are to strong and my regular skeletons are too weak. Wait! aren't there more monsters in the shop?

opening his [Store] Tab, Skuggir perused the multitude of powerful andand expensive creatures. 

[ Baby Cyclops - 700 gold ] 

[undead Griffen - 10000 gold]

[Griffen egg - 400 gold - low chance of hatching]

[minor lich - 10000 gold]

im that good! no wait I'm better then that now, am I crazy and just have a skill issue?

[greater skeleton - 100 gold]

[goblin - 5 gold]

[Hoplite skeleton - 3/5 free 3000 gold] 

[Skeleon - 20 gold]

[Hobgoblin - 94 gold - Limited time 6% off]

[bone giant - 500 gold]

deciding to buy the bone giant, to strike a middle ground between cost and perceived effectiveness, Skuggir's purchase warped into reality before him assembling itself within seconds.

The towering figure of the bone giant, and its calcium filled shiney bones, where sure to strike ear into the hearts of any who would make it to this point.

Not sure if they would be effective enough, Skuggir waited a few hours for an adventurer party to make it all he way to the end, and watched as the fight started.

The party of six entered the arena, their mage and priest taking the back and a tank infront of two club-men and an agile fighter equipped with two daggers a short bow and a small quiver strapped to his waist.

with a new enemy before them, and their confidence at an all time high as this was not the infamous party killer they had heard about, the party moved in to strike the Giant.

the mage in the back chanted a spell for the whole five second that it took all the close courters fighters to get in engagement distance with the giant. The mages spell, once unleashed, made the stone door turn into shoes that wouldn't let go of the giant feet, keeping them glued to one spot.

with the giant mobility impaired and its balance thrown off by its own attempts to move, the club-men had not problem closing the distance and smacking the giant femur bones with their metal plated clubs.

while he legs had the strongest bones in the body for most creatures, the Giants legs Ould not handle the onslaught of blunt force trauma to its shins and crumbled to the ground.

Luckily Skuggir was ready and had already surrounded the group from the edges of the room while they where fighting, and the only one who had noticed, the scout of their team, was skewered like a shish-kebab on Clackers spear.

"wooo, now to find some gold and treasure!"

before the others could affirm their stout friend, a spear cam into contact with the mans head, killing him innocently and freezing his now lifeless head.

even with their senses now on high alert, the group of club men put up little resistance, and the mage and priest combo had long run back out the door they had not wandered too far from in the first place.

now I need to chase them down, uhhhh.

Skuggir sprinted as fast as his skeleton body could, with was spursisingly fast considering the lack of muscle and his focus on magic. but even with his relatively high speed, he was only barely gaining on the two thanks too his traps and familiarity with his own dungeon.

after reaching the exit of the maze and having run for the past ten minutes, Skuggir had not slowed down and had caught unto the two girls who had slowed down considerably due to their muscles being used continuously.

having caught to them, Skuggir immediately sent out some super hot plasma with his [Solar Flare] spell. as the super hot plasma racked through the air it cam into contact with the priest ladies head as she screamed for but only a second before her face was melted and her bones where liquified into a soupy mess that coalesced on the ground int o a puddle. 

seeing the fate of her companion the Mage immediately started to beg for mercy, "PLEASE, NO DONT KILL ME, IM a MAGE I can BE USUFUL..." the female mage with average looks and brown hair begged Skuggir to let her live even if just as a slave. 

As a former Human himself Skuggir felt pity for the girl, but other then the pity that she would die early,SKuggir could not connect with her on any level. while she was a human like he was in his past life, he knew humans could be good, bad, and evil just like any other animal out there, and too him currently they where no more then live-stock he had to be creative in harvesting.

while some humans may gain his approval, like Enya had, in the future they would be hard working individuals that stood out from others. Not some low experience mage who had only seen combat from behind the comfort of multiple others putting their lives on the line in front of her.

Not feeling much, Skuggir watched as her body was melted into a pile of slimy goo and merged with the other pile only for them both to be slowly absorbed into the dungeon floor as he gained some gold from their bodies.