Chereads / [Discontinued]~ / Chapter 19 - Chapter 19 | Ex

Chapter 19 - Chapter 19 | Ex

summoning some basic Skeleton minions through the shop for ten gold each, Skuggir told them to expand the area of the current small clearing that the town resided in, and shape each dug out piece into a stone brick.

With the resource collection and expansion of the town underway, Skuggir went off to figure out how to make his dungeon ready for Monster creation.

Skuggir assumed that the monsters creation meant that the dungeon would form its own monster throughout and he wounding have to keep spending his own hard earned cash on monsters!

instead of just buying a hint this time , Skuggir wanted to figure it out himself. at first he tried pumping all his magical power into his dungeon core.

He eventually realized that this process was redundant as the dungeon core was also his phylactery. this meant that all his magic power, or mana was just flowing from his core into his body and being forced back into his core, where it would have naturally returned too.

as Skuggir continued his testing, the bustling city just on the other Side of the tall stone gate had a brewing conflict within its administrative halls.

sitting in a semicircle spaced by about a meter between each seat the representatives of each race and faction within the city of Ignalis where listening to an old man in white priestly cloths.

"those... devil worshipping monsters assaulted our prince. They have been allowed to spout their blaspheme for too long! You should hand over those unlawful and dangerous villains immediately." the Priest placed an emphases on the word devil to drive home his point.

Sadly for the Preist, he was no longer in the Holy city, and was even talking before a few Demonbloods who could have their ancestry link back to the devil in some way or another.

In addition to pissing of one of the six pillar races of the City, his words sparked displeasure in elves. They knew the god Ormr to be a chaotic god, but they where not evil, nor where their worshippers. The lies being spouted before them only made he Holy City of light look bad in their eyes.

But the Holy cities representatives words sparked talk among the religions who held position of power within the city. many saw it as a oppuertinity to spread their own gods influence more, but the smarter ones knew that the Holy city of light and the dotes that's serve their god where probably already in place to fill in the power vacuum.

in the midst of everyones discussions and debates within confined group in the audience, and the small meeting of the six races that sat on their raised semicircle, the door opposite the semicircle that lead to a room that connects the main entrance to the council room.

in through the well carved doors came a female elf standing in at 200 cm with red hair that gave off the illusion of real fire, the strands color complementing the deep sun orange of her eyes that seemed to glow even in the well lit room. 

Many in the room could barely recognise her, even with her absence being short. they previously remembered her as an average height elf standing in at 175 cm with hair and eyes of a red bordering blood, but much to saturated. But the most important thing they remembered, She was the representative of the followers of Ormr, the only religious group that held similar sway as the six pillar races due to their history and prestige that had been built up throughout the history of the city.

With her appearance, the representative of the holy City of light turned around and started to shout his head off. "You insolent wench! how dare you come to these proceedings of utmost importance late! such disrespect should not be tolerated. if we where in he holy city I would have you hanged!"

with his rage let forth, the Elf representatives previously concealed disgust morphed into a deep hatred! "How dare you insult my daughter like that! You came into our city and complained about our people and insulted my daughter! It was your prince who attacked us during a mission you sent him on! We shall concede nothing and fulfill no demands! That is the end of this hearing"

after the holy church of lights entire entourage was kicked out of town, Enya explained where the Followers of Ormr had moved and that the adventurers had only been killed by the holy creature because they where trespassing on holy ground un-invited.

said holy creatures had previously found out how to make the dungeon generate its own monsters after many hours of effort. He didn't have enough space and variety. the dungeon needed lots of space to summon the monsters in, and enough genes from various being to construct its own.

sense he could not leave the dungeon, Skuggir had Sent Enya, his loyal subordinate, to go out and bring back a bunch of small rodents, creatures, and pets he could kill.

on her way, Enya had noticed that the doors leading into the city hall where guarded, wich meant a meeting was taking place... a meeting she was supposed to be at!

In the end, Enya had made it back to town with a large amount of rodents, and a gift to serve as an apology, in addition to a well packed letter from all he members of the City council.

the letter expressed their apology for invading the holy land ruled by the goddess Ormr under his jurisdiction, and their hope that they could come to a long stand-in agreement to let them explore the holy land.

With this injection of gold and a few relics, specifically from the elves, Skuggir had enough gold to buy the universal language skill. after buying the skill he immediately rushed over to the large metal doors the had Latin imprinted atop their arch

Approaching the large tungsten doors that larly resembled the they stone brother in wich connected to the City of Ignalis, Skuggir read the sign atop the large imposing doors made of tungsten, Deus Ex...