Chapter 2 - getting started

"aaargh, my head?" i look around "where am i . . . i died and met aqua and, oh I'm in axel." i get up onto my feet and see that i am under a bridge. "the last memory i had was, a system."

you have met the requirements for the stat stealing system to activate for you. please state statues to get started.

a blue hologram esc screen forms infront of my eyes "holy shit i got a system. fuck yeah" i said as i read the text, "ok, generic enough. statues" the screen changes to a lager size and with different text.

Name: shitori

Level: 2

Strength: 21

Health: 13

Magic-power: 11

Intelligence: 32

Agility: 23

Luck: 21

(for reference Kazuma satou had Strength: 13 - Health: 12 - Magic-power: 9 -Intelligence: 14 -Agility: 15 - Luck: 792, at level 1. Jrpg rules for the stats) 

Skill points: 0

Skills - 

Passive skills - 

info - The Stat Stealing System will enable the user to achieve exponential growth compared to other normies by absorbing the maximum potential strength from any living organism. system will also let the user use any skill. if it slightly related to the class you are using then it will act as if it is. if it has no relation to your class then the skill point cost will be higher than normal. such as a priest using swordsmanship. after getting the adventurers card the system will connect with it, meaning you will no longer need to use it except for identity. 

after completely reading the wall of text that was about the system I closed the system tab. Getting the jist of things and how i should proceed

"Heh this is much better than i excepted, i got a way better start than Kazuma, sucks to be him. . . Now i guess i should go search for the adventurers guild and get to grinding."

I walked out from under the bridge and walked into the bustling streets of axel. I asked about where the adventurers guild was and after a good 15 minutes i was infront of the building.

I walked through the front doors to scene of people eating, drinking and laughing like your typical adventurers guild/bar. as soon as i entered a waitress greeted me at the door

"ah, welcome, you seem to be new here, approach the counter over there" she points to a counter at the far back "to register as an adventurer, If you're here to dine, then please take any empty seat and you will be served shortly" after explaining she turns around to attend to other business as she got called by a group sitting at a table.

'holy shit, it's a full table of knights, you don't see that every day. ' i thought as i moved to the counter where a very familiar character was behind one of the counters. she was definitly a beauty and had long wavy blond hair.

'Luna, if i remember correctly, i am shit with names.' i thought as i went to get registered "hello, how can i help you today" she asked as soon as i walked up. 

"i would like to register at the guild" she nodded "i can do that, just give me the registration fee and I'll get the paper work."

i took out my coin pouch and asked "how much is it" "1,000 eris."