turning back towards the toads that now had their sights on me, (since i turned one of their friends into a popsicle) i tried to get up but i slipped onto my ass again, "hahaha" megumin laugh in the back ground but i ignored her and instead of trying to get up again. i grabbed my sword and used it as a paddle to scoot my dumb ass off the ice. 'lesson learned. i am not good at walking on ice. i should work on that if i want to use the ice like Todoroki'
after a few pulls my momentum stopped the second i slid off the ice and onto the green (not frozen) grass, this allowed me to quickly get up and run the fuck back. the toads jumped once again, now fully fixated on me. they leaped forward with a few of them landing on the ice and sliding across it *thud thud* i stopped running and turned back around to face them. 'when all hope is loss, the "running like a bitch and slowly chipping away at their health" strat is the best option'
i waited until the front one jumped into the air and when it was about to the land i ran forward. i swung my sword towards its neck to make sure it died in a single hit. the sword flew through the air and landed directly through the side of its neck, making a large gash and after a few moments of gurgling, it collapsed dead on the ground.
'1 down, 3 to go.'
### (this (###) will be what a short time skip will look like from now on)
after a few minutes of me waiting for a toad to jump, then me slashing it and they all laid dead on the ground. also, after the 2nd kill i got a notification about how I had levelled up but i ignored it and continued to focus on the task of killing the frogs.
"and that's the last one" i Mumbled as i fell on the ground tired as fuck, since i now had less than 10% of my mana remaining since that first attack (the failed ice one) took around 80% because i had frozen a LARGE ass area around me, while also completely freezing the giant Toad including its insides (that's a lot of mana needed to freeze that much shit, add on the fact that this was the first time of me using it and the fact that i was inexperience then of course the mana use would be huge.)
i turned around to face megumin and asked "so, why have you been eating dirt this entire time, like the entire time i was fighting? do you wanna explain? or?" yes, i may already know the answer but it would be weird to her if i already knew.
megumin turned her head, to slightly face me and answered proudly "Because, i am an archwizard who wields the unparalleled power of Explosion Magic. After casting my mighty spell, I am left . . completely drained, unable to move a single muscle. . . but that is no matter as it is a small sacrifice for the glorious explosions i my call to fight my enemies. . . it may also be . . . the only skill i have . . " as she talked she became less and less confident until her voice turned into a barely audible whisper.
"so basically, you can only use one spell, and that one spell you can use, puts you out of commission for the entire battle, basically you are left for dead. so, basically, you are utterly useless." i stood up and looked her with a blank expression. her face turned red from embarrassment and she sputtered out trying to defend her self (kinda hard to take her seriously when she is mouth deep into the dirt) "W-Well, yes, I may only be able to use one spell, b-but there is no need for any other spells, because explosion magic is the strongest spell ever. there is no need for another if an explosion can wipe out entire hordes of monsters or the strongest in one hit. so yes, i may be un able to move after it b-but there would be no need for another spell if i cleared them all out . . . right?" after listening to her excuses that sounded like her trying to convince herself i snorted.
"Well, here's the problem with you explanation, Your big, mighty Explosion spell is barely five meters wide, number 2, it probably takes way to much time to charge and could basically be disrupted easily if the opponent has an IQ higher than room temperature. here an example, As you can see right now, you took out one singular toad and attracted all the other toads in the area. You basically signed your own death warrant. so, you're pretty much useless and pretty fucking dumb. that's all, see ya. never wanna be ya"
I turned around and started to walk away, putting my sword back into its sheath as I left to collect the bag of bunny corpses i left behind.
seeing me leave megumin starts to panic again and she raised her voice to persuade me to stay and help her "Hey, WAIT! Don't leave me here. HEEEY, COME BACK. I AM USEFUL! REALLY! DON'T LEAVE ME HERE, I CAN'T MOVE! PLEASE. I MIGHT DIE." my figure started to go down the hill towards the forest as her voice started to fade away "NOOOOO, DONT LEAVE ME HERE"
i completely ignored her pleads of help and continued walking away, until I reached the place i dropped the bag. i picked it up, threw it over my shoulder and turned back around to go back to the city of axel to reap my rewards. (money)
A/N well, sorry but megumin is dying tonight . . . or maybe not who knows. anyway
A/N . . . how the fuck are you here. this aint even your story.
??? yeah, but i just do my own thing. anyway continue the story, ignore me or else
??? ( ◕ᴗ◕)っ✂╰⋃╯
A/N OH HELL NAH 🏃♂️🏃♂️🏃♂️🏃♂️🏃♂️🏃♂️🏃♂️🏃♂️🏃♂️🏃♂️🏃♂️🏃♂️