Chereads / getting isekai'ed into konosuba and doing whatever the f*** i want / Chapter 10 - axel, city of beginnings, city of the weird.

Chapter 10 - axel, city of beginnings, city of the weird.

(in axel)

i glanced over to megumin who head was over my shoulder "so uh, megumin. maybe if you . . . tell me where you're living at, i might be able to get you there. yk might be helpful information. . . oooor i could drop you right now. either, or, i don't care which." i asked her as i walked aimlessly through the streets since i had no fucking clue where she lived.

she put her arm over my shoulder and tried to shake me "you wouldn't dare leave me all alone." she paused, she glared, before sighing and relenting "fine, its (directions to the place she is living at)" i listened to her instructions intently before nodding "ok, i think i got it. also i would have definitely drop you if you were a boring person. but you're not so be proud at being special" 'clap clap. heh' ". . ." "huh, nothing? well screw me too." 'damn i really made her quit huh. hopefully she will be back to her normal self soon.'

i followed the directions she gave until we got to an old, decrepit, desolate building. that was quite . . . abandoned looking. it was rundown with most of the windows broken and others just completely removed. well, atleasts the door's ok. "are you sure this is the place? it looks. . . shit. just complete shit." i asked, i knew she was poor but damn. "yep, it was really cheap, so it was a great choice."

'goddamn this place is like a fucking haunted castle, Luigi anyone?' i thought as i walked through the 'door', the inside was a little better looking, but not by much. crooked planks, dust everywhere, some spider webs and all that crap. "well if it's that cheap, how much was it?" she looked a bit surprised i asked but answered anyway "oh it was 400 Eris a night"

"Wow, nice deal. That's cheaper than living in a fucking barn. đź‘Źđź‘Źđź‘Ź Are you really that poor?" Megumin's head lowered a little and I could tell she was having not so fun thoughts probably her family being dirt poor. "that's non ya business "

'i think i want to help her out. hmmmmm . . . yes i do . . . maybe. yeah its fine.'

"yeah, no this place is absolute garbage. I'm going to buy you a night at the inn I'm staying at. its cheap compared to other places and it does not look like a building made of cards. i'll pay for 2 nights."

megumin's eyes widened in surprise "huh? what? "Huh? Wait, what? You don't have to do that, I'm completely fine with here" she as she confidently stated, but i could completely see through her, as she looks like she is holding on by a thread, it looks like she might break and agree instantly if i say anything.

the funny thing is that the second after she stated that, a small piece of wood fell out of the ceiling and landed on the ground. (the size of like a pencil) "yeah, i don't think this place will last more than 10 days. i think it would be wise if you just went with my option. . . or do you like dark, almost collapsing building's to sleeping in? hey. I'm not one to judge. you do you."

"HEY, i don't like dark or collapsing buildings, its just cheap. anyway, since your insisting i may as well accept your offer." she said trying to sound not desperate but i could see cracks break in her façade, the first thing is the giant ass grin on her face. 'she's not even hiding her joy. heh, its cute. like a puppy getting a treat. i wounder what would happen if i . . . nah, not worth it. maybe some one else'

"well, lets get going then" i quickly turned around and walked right out of that maybe hunted building. "well, lets see if i can remember where it is, hmmmmmm" "wait you don't remember??? why would you eve-" "shush" i put a finger to her lips and cut her off, she gasped but she grinned as she quickly tried to bite it, thankfully i pulled back in time to not get a free amputation sevice. "heh, not today Satan" i instantly mocked as she missed. after hearing my response she groaned and shouted out "don't shush me you fucking asshole" 'oOoooOo language~, hah she is so easy to tease. tsundere's are the best, especially if you are stronger than them. then they cant do anything back. (remember that one tsundere that had a gun)' 

"just get to the Inn already, I'm tired of you and your bullshit." she snapped out, just completely done with me. "oh really, but it's only been an hour. wanting to get away from me so soon. I'm heartbroken" a tear streamed down my face as i had a dramatic tone. "woe is me" i wiped the tear away as megumin in a toneless voice said "KYS" 'oh no, she sad. womp womp'

(10 minutes later)

after a few minutes of wandering, I finally found the place. 'i am really shit at remembering, huh' "Okay, here's the inn—wait... did I just see that correctly?" I squinted at a door across the street, where seconds before, I saw a guy walking by get yoinked inside by a butt naked man. 'WTF, what the actual fuck.'

"See what?" Megumin asked, her voice filled with confusion. She followed my gaze to the door, but there was nothing unusual to see now as the gayness had passed.

"It's... nothing," I said, shaking my head as i tried to forget it what ever that was "Maybe I was just imagining things." 'what if i look back, and see it again. what are the chances.' i thought to myself.

but As I turned back toward the inn, I saw it. the SAME two guys come out of the SAME building as before, now hand in hand. 'This world is stupid, this goddamn world is so fucking dumb, i knows a comedy anime but the fuck.' i cursed in my mind as why would anyone would think that stupid stuff would find them. i looked away to just walk toward the inn, no longer wanting to remember that shit.

i walked through the door and saw that same lady head on the desk, "welp here it is, now let me go pay for a room" i marched up to her and shouted "HEY, LADY, YOU AWAKE" and saw her instantly shoot up and look around before seeing me, then seeing megumin on my back. she raised an eye brow at that but ignored it and glared at me "you could've been not a piece of shit you know. that is an option." she said out clearly irritated from being shouted awake.

"well yeah but where's the fun in that" i smiled slightly and pulled out a coin pouch. i placed it onto the desk and took out 2,00 Eris with some difficulty (since holding a gremlin on your back while doing something is hard) "here, i will be paying for 2 night for her" i shot a thumb up to her. 

she looked at megumin, nodded and grabbed the money "ok, here." she grumbled, clearly tired as she tossed a key at my face. thankfully i caught it but barely, why she did it. probably because i was an ass but it was funny, so it was worth it.

i walked passed a few doors before realising "she didn't tell me which one, ugh" megumin instantly used this opportunity of me making a mistake as a chance to get some teasing revenge on me. "you didn't ask which one though, so who's the real idiot now." she stuck out her tongue "you, you are" i flick her on the fore head *flick* "ow!" 

i then tried to unlock each and every door with the key (there were only 6 rooms) until i found which one, it only took all of them so, 'yippee' "you know you could of just asked the receptionist lady right. are you that stupid to not think of that" megumin asked as she did have a clue on why i would leave it up to random chance. "it is my pride as a sayan warrior" "A what???" she asked completely confused as to what the fuck is a sayan. "eh, its just a reference, now. where do you want me to place you?" megumin looked around the barren room before realising "OH CRAP, MY STUFF AND CHOMUSUKE!!" she shouted out in panic. as she remembered she forgot her things . . . and her cat too. 

'oh right, i forgot about that, damn she really forgot a literal incarnation of a sin. props for that i guess' "well, that's cool i guess i'll go get it for you then, also what is chomusuke." "oh, its my pet cat's name." she replied casually, looked over my shoulder and I gave her a dead panned stare "wow, you are an idiot. both for forgetting the cat and that crappy name." "HEY CHOMUSUKE IS A GREAT NAME!"

"well, i guess we are going all the way back to go get him or her." "her, she's a girl" she corrected "yeah yeah got it, and your stuff, now lets a go"

After we'd walked halfway back, Megumin told me to put her down, saying she'd regenerated enough mana to walk on her own. so I let her down, and we made our way back to the old place. When we arrived, I was surprised to see that she had only three items: a bag filled with what looked like regular leaves and two outfits. "um, whats with the leaves?" "oh that's my tea" "but, but that's not tea, that's just random leaves" i answered as there aint no way she was this dumb right? RIGHT? "isn't tea just leaves?" i face palmed as i watched her take it out of the cupboard. 'well she aint wrong.'

she grabbed her 2 spare outfits and chomusuke, who was staring at me . . . menacingly, like she was assessing me, judging me. (omg sans) ' I'm pretty sure if i remember correctly, that cat was quite intelligent since it is technically human? i think? i cant remember. oh well' we travelled back to the Inn again, but half way through, i remembered that i wanted to go to the adventurers guild to sell my corpses. 

"oh, megumin. i need to go do something at the adventurers guild so see ya tomorrow" i turned around and quickly skedaddled to go to the guild. "oh, ok. bye." megumin looked at me before muttered to herself, when i was out of view.

"i know i left YunYun there a few weeks early, but i was kind of hoping she would have come with as well. oh well. I guess this just gives me more time to get even stronger. By the time she arrives, I'll be leagues ahead of her." megumin turns around to get back to the Inn as she thinks about how much stronger she will get. 'HA HA HA , i am megumin and i can nuke the everything' ah dreams



i opened the front door with my bag now over my shoulder since i didn't want to reveal the inventory skill yet, since it might be a very rare or even a non-existent skill. but who knows, anyway. "hey Luna I'm back." Luna looked at me and then to the bag over my shoulder before sighing slightly while having the kind smile still on her face "yes, i can see that. if you're looking to sell any monster corpses or individual parts, the butcher is over there" she points to a door near the corner. "Thanks," I nodded, then added, "also, I took down 11 horned rabbits and 5 giant frogs. here ya go" I handed her my adventurer's card to verification.

she grabs the card and verifies it "oh, you did. well, well done. usually it takes newer people longer but i guess you're different than the others. now here" she passes a large-ish bag filled with coins and continued "this has 15,000 Eris for the quest reward, 13,200 Eris for the individual rabbits killed, And 12,500 Eris for the frogs. right now there is no quest for giant frogs but in a months time mating season will start. at that time their will be many frog related subjugation quests" she smiled a genuine smile (since i could actual kill things and was better than most people she has seen for my level.) "also, congratulation on getting level 6. I don't know why you are so fast but maybe its your class. is that all for today" Luna asked 

I looked her dead in the eye, letting the silence hang for a moment before I leaned in with a drawn-out, "Nooooooo~" grabbed the bag of coins and began to walk backward, all the way to the butcher's door, maintaining eye contact to assert dominance

Luna watched me with a annoyance before exhaling sharply. "EVERY ONE IN THIS FUCKING CITY IS FUCKING CRAZY," she muttered loudly before slamming her hands down on the desk in frustration. Heads turned to look at her, but everyone quickly went back to their business—this was just another day at the guild. Luna is a fisty tired lady that will beat your ass.

i watch this with a grin plastered on my face "perfect" then behind me i hear "HEY, DUMB ASS WITH THE WHITE HAIR, you gonna come in or not, huh" i hear a semi British maybe Scottish accented man shout out to me. i turn around to see a guy with a large cleaver looking at me. he was tall, black, looked like Shaq but a little smaller, and looked like he would say bottah of wottah. 

A/N there is bound to be mistakes, as you guys are reading this. also i feel like i am talking to a brick wall, any comments. please? ~ ?

  1. i had the URGE to drop her since she didn't specify to not drop her, but I'm nice. so i didn't