Chapter 3 - weapons and oopsie's

walking through the streets of axel i could see that i was unable to find a black smith on my own, which meant i had to ask around. which is either going to take a few seconds of up to a few hours.

(5 minutes later)

'well, this place sure does look black smith like.' i walk into the hot work shop where a tall muscley guy is hammering away at something that looks like a metal pole but like really hot (molten metal). "can i buy some sort sword" "IN A MINUTE" he shouts even though i am right behind him

he hammers away for like 2 more minutes before he throws it into a bucket of water finished. he turns around and asks "what ya here for." " can i get a medium sized 2 handed sword, i can spend 3k Eris max, what could i get that fits that description?" 

"hmm, not much but yeah, i got 2 that fits that" he goes into a corner and pulls out 2 swords off a rack "this ones, 2.5k Eris" he holds up one "this one is 2.7k Eris" he holds the other. "I'll let you have a feel" 

i grab one of them and it feels all right, but abit to heavy. i take the 2.7 one and it feels quiet a bit lighter than the other one. "this one" i hand him 2.7k Eris and he accepts it and starts to count it.

after counting "pleasure doing business with you, come again if you need some upgrades. i can tell that you are a newbie" he then turns back around and starts to do something that idc about.

(back at the guild)

i open the door and head straight to Luna, "hello again shitori-kun how may i assist you." she says in a semi-business, semi tired as fuck like tone. 'what happened in the like 10 minutes i was gone, eh not my problem'

"could you recommend me a quest to start out with" "oh, of course, hmm here" hands me a paper.

kill 5 giant toads (other information that i dont want to write, fuck you)

"the giant toads are coming out of hibernation and eating all the farmers crops. they are quiet easy to beat and are low level type of monsters. but they are resistant to water and physical attacks. up for it. now anything else?" 

i look over the paper that had some extra info (like where it is and blah blah blah) "yeah, i'll take it" "good luck" i place the paper in my pocket and walk off to go find some frogs or toads but same thing.

(time later)

'oh, woah that shit ton of frogs.' i looked over the field as many different coloured frogs hopped around the grassy plains. 'i have the urge to make a stupid voice and ' "here we have the giant toad in its natural habitat feasting on weak over confident adventurers to dumb to make actual plans" i say in my best planet earth narrator voice

but then i watch as one poor guy gets swallowed half way by the frog (like how aqua does usual) "HAHA, that's fucking funny." the frog continues to suck on the guy "free distraction" i lift my sword and use "mana infusion" a soft white-ish blue aura coats the sword dimly making it slightly glow.

i charge the frog and make a surprisingly smooth slash at the frogs neck, considering i have never been taught to wield one properly. but its like my body knew how to hold it and slash like i had trained with a sword. like it was natural.

 the sword easily made a really good slash on the neck but it couldn't get that deep since the when the actual metal of the sword touched it, it slowed down heavily. but the mana part of it did work. blood trickled out the slice but the frog did not let go of its meal. it rather die that stop sucking. 'wounder if it would feel good if you put yo- no not now.'

i realised i could feel the mana flow and could manipulate it, not well, but good enough for what i am trying to do. i stab forward into the neck and it pierced like 2 inches before halting but then while imbedded, i pushed a good chunk of my mana into the tip and thrusted forward. 

the sword slid in like butter. but then it stopped and the guy already almost in there (just the feet sticking out) just made the loudest most raw scream imaginable. thankfully he was in the frog so it was not as loud as it should of been. after 2 seconds of thinking i realised 'oh shit i hit his balls. oops?'

[you have killed x1 giant toad]

i completely ignore the system notification and fucking book it out of there. 🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️ 'fuck this shit I'm out. not my problem, i am not going to jail for doing a free dick removal. i did him a favour by saving him.' 

i sprinted for a full 10 minutes while also dodging many toads trying to attack me until i could no long see anything about the frog i killed or the guy i cut. "holy fuck" i drop to the ground out of breath, *Huff* *huff* "oh my fucking god *huff* i cant believe i did that *huff* well it was pretty fucking funny *huff* but if i see him *huff* i should give him some compensation for that *huff*"

i fall back to lay on the grass with the bright ass sun shining on my skin, my frog and jugular stained sword falls to side of me "i'll stay like this for a bit" i say as a i catch my breath on the surprisingly soft ground. i close my eyes enjoying the moment but then

*thud* . . . . . . *thud

*thud* . . . . . . *thud


A/N if he was in court, this is mc's defence "it was just it a little oopsie"


"hey now, it's not like you were going to use it or anything"

he pulls out a sword "WELL YOU DONT NEED ONE TOO" fucking yeets it at mc's crotch but mc side steps it

"oh, this must be divine intervention"

anyway you can tell that i will not be taking anything seriously, so stop reading if you want serious shit.