Chapter 7 - oh no, our foot. it slipped

after 30 minutes of non stop hunting i finally got the last one and sliced it in half. "finally, these rabbits are quite slippery." i mused as i picked it up and placed it into my now fully filled bag, filled with many chopped in half rabbits. some not as cleanly cut as others. 

LvL 5 reached

a new system feature unlocked - Gacha

description: a new panel that will let you roll for a random chance for a new skill, item or power from any anime or world including the one you are in. 

you have been given 5 free common rolls.

"oh fuck no, why fucking Gacha, i have the shitiest luck ever (bro had a 90% of getting a unit he really wanted, and failed. twice.) fuuuuuu-" i start to complain a fuck ton but get cut off from another notification. 

skill's unlocked - drain


description: lets the user drain mana from any living thing. for now it can be no more than 20% before it goes on cool down. touch based

cost: none

cooldown: 1 hour

"oh great, i basically have mana drain now. here's the problem. . . HOW THE FUCK AM I GONNA TOUCH MY ENEMY WHEN THEY ARE GONNA TRY TO FUCK MY SHIT UP." i complained more. before calming down. "well. at least i have 5 common rolls. hopefully i wont get something crappy. like idk cooking" (foreshadowing is a narrative device to sho- ok i'll stop)


you have rolled a spin in the "skill" category.

"oh hell naw, is each spin a spin to get another spin?"

*spin x4* 

you have rolled a spin in the "item" category

you have rolled a spin in the "skill" category.

you have rolled a spin in the "power" category.

you have rolled a spin in the "system" category.

"wtf is a system category, fuck it. lets find out"

i press the system category and all there is, is a roll button and a guide on the levels 

shit < common < uncommon < rare < epic < legendary < mythic < COLOR

". . . bro this system is shitting on me." i say not even caring any more. 


. . . you rolled . . . 

colours start to rapidly appear and change until it got slower and slower until it hit legendary


adding sentience to system, do to low grade, it will need parts of USERS personality as a CATALYST.


hey fucker, I'm now fucking sentient.

'oh, this aint bad, its just an ass. like me'

what not gonna say anything.

"nah" *goes back to the rolls screen and rolls a skill category* 'i think i should walk back as i do these' 

. . . you rolled . . . 

. . . uncommon . . .

Analyse - F - when used, will let you see all information of a person or item depending on skill level. 

cost: change to free do to legendary skill, sentience.

cooldown: none

"ooh, that's a cool skill you got there" the system tried to talk to me but i still not say anything "rude bitch"

I rolled all the other rolls I had left and got the following

*rolls item*

. . . you rolled . . . 

. . . common . . . 

Twin short swords - D - 2 short swords made from steel. what else do i need to say dumb ass

"oh great, you can fuck over my descriptions too. -_- yay" "yeah, i can bitch. tf you gonna do about it" 

do to A.I tampering with system, they will be put on silent for the next hour. repeated offences may include harsher punishments

"wait wait nooo, stop"

"HAH, FUCKING KARMA BITCH" i put up double middle fingers 

"🖕 B̶I̶T̶C̶H̶" 

"AH HAHAHA. that was fucking hilarious" i laugh a bit more before rolling the final one left, "whats the difference between power and skill?"

. . . you rolled . . . 

. . . uncommon . . .

ice magic - the power to control ice and the cold. - (since this is power. it will only be increased in power through users own effort. skill points cannot be used to upgrade)

"oh, that's the difference. "

inserting basic knowledge of ice magic

"wait, what? no not again. fuuuuuck" 

(2 minutes of brain pain later)

"welp. i now know how to ice. i guess" i said while trying to ignore the pain of having a lot of knowledge shoved into my brain. i continued to walk back to the city again since i have now looked over all my rewards, but then i realised "wait a minute, where's my twin short swords?"

i open my system tab again but this time took a look over my stats

STATS - - - - - - Gacha - - - - - - Inventory 

Name: shitori

class: magic Swordsman 

Level: 5

Strength: 23

Health: 16

Magic-power: 15

Intelligence: 32

Agility: 26

Luck: 21

Skill points: 6

Skills - 

Mana Enhancement F

sword Aura F

Analyse F

Passive skills -

Swordsmanship F

Powers -

ice magic F

"oh, forgot to use my points, let me just" 

Swordsmanship Rank: F --> E

Description: you are now averaged skilled with any type of sword.

-5 points

"yep, best way to spe-" *BOOOOOOM*

"WTF" i turn around to the direction i heard the explosion from and saw a massive pillar of fire shooting up into the sky like a nuclear bomb was set off. i tried to get a better look of what the fuck was going on, but couldn't as a massive gust wind push me back, "HOLY SHIT" i stabilities (not really) my self to not fall to the back, but it abruptly ended and my stupid ass didn't realise quick enough so i fell flat on my face. (the wind wasn't even that bad, mc just dumb)

i quickly got up and started to speed walk in that direction. "ok, i think i know what that was but DAMN. i wasn't even that close by and i felt the wind." as i sped walk towards the impact site i saw 2 guys running away from that area, which was weird, but then i realised why. in the distance i saw 6 giant toads leaping over to and a large creator in the ground. laying in the grass near it was what i assume to be megumin. eating dirt. 

i dropped the bag of rabbit corpses and ran over to her, soon i could hear, loud ranting from her "HEY HEY, COME BACK HERE. ARE YOU SERIOUSLY LEAVING ME HERE. HEEY!" *thud* *thud* *thud* *thud* "OH NO" 4 loud thuds could be heard as the 4 toads leaped closer and closer to their next meal. an explosion loli who cant move. 

'it would a real shame to, let them eat her. hmm should i help . . . Hmmm. i should . . . buuuuut. i don't feel like it.' as i contemplated on saving the jailbait she continued to rant that soon turned into pleads and cry's of help, then desperation "UHH, HEY, HELP!, ANY ONE, PLEASE, i CANT MOVE. HEEEELP!!" she got more and more desperate as the frogs got closer and closer.

'hmm, it'll be fun to tease her so yeah. i should help her' i pulled out my sword and charged to one on the far right 'i think i can try to test out the ice magic.' i swung my sword and thought about a blue magic circle using the information i got from the system. i then shouted out "FREEZE", as soon as i shouted out the single command, a large blue magic circle wrapped onto the sword (think of a magic circle and then think of a sword going throw the middle) a cold mist surrounded the sword as it froze solid. the sword travelled through the air and sliced through the outer layer of the Toad, but with me missing quite abit of the toad the remaining momentum of the sword kept going and it hit the floor. 

in an instant, the area surrounding the cut on the Toad started to freeze and it did not stop until the entire toad turned into a frozen ice sculpture. "HELL YEAH, TAKE THAT BIG ASS FROG." but it did not stop there as the contact point of sword touching the ground also, froze the ground. meaning that the area around me froze on the spot. "wait, oh shit, not good" my foot slide and i fell onto the floor with a thud. "FUCK!" i cursed

"HAH" megumin on the ground laughed. i quickly turned over to her and thought, 'bitch!'

A/N oh no, how will out protagonist get out of this predicament. what will he do?. find out next time on dragon ball ZEEEEE. . . wait. wrong anime whoops.

  1. (yeah, ya sure did "felt" the wind)