Chereads / vigilante deku / Chapter 9 - chapter 9

Chapter 9 - chapter 9

Garaki pours Re-Destro a stiff drink as they sit in fine chairs, in what appears to be a very lucrative office.

"What're we drinking to today?" Garaki asks. Causing Re-Destro to smirk as he raises his glass.

"To a better world."

"Oh, very noble."

The two knock their glasses together with a satisfying clang which gently echoes around the room, as the two men each take a swig.

"Since when do you take understudies?" asks the Grand Commander.

"Could ask you the same thing." parries the Doctor.

"He's a young man who was in desperate need of liberating; what more can I say?" states Re-Destro as he takes another gulp as Garaki leans back in his chair.

"What's your end goal with him?"

"Hard to say... The ambition is to make him a lieutenant. However he's already exceeding my expectations at every avenue." declares Re-Destro as Garaki nods in approval.

"Powerful?" asks the doctor.

Re-Destro swirls the glass in his hand before looking towards the good doctor, silently smirking. Garaki couldn't help but grin.

"Bravo." iterates Garaki.

"What of yours? He seems like a well-mannered boy. Didn't think you thought politeness was a factor given our line of work." queries Re-Destro. Garaki laughs at that point as he sips from his glass.

"His research is astonishing; on par with those who have been in this field for years." declares the doctor.

"An intelligence ability?"

"No quirk of any kind."

"Oh, another pet project? I thought you already had one in the works." states Re-Destro, prompting Garaki to look sternly towards the Detnerat CEO, whom simply smiles in return. "Forgive me, sometimes I can't help but look as to what cards happen to lie in the other player's hands." he concludes as Garaki nods in acknowledgement.

"Well, not quirkless for much longer anyway. His body might not have a quirk in it, but its anatomy is unique." declares the Doctor, the declaration causing Re-Destro to sigh.

"The public may not be aware of your trials but those behind the curtains are, so I'll be the voice of reason. You'll kill that young man if you attempt to put a quirk into him, no matter how many laps you make him run." states the Grand Commander. However the doctor simply shakes his head.

"No I won't."

"Oh? A new technique perhaps?" inquires Re-Destro tilting his head.

Garaki finishes the rest of his drink and sets it down on the glass portion of the desk, it making a loud clang.

"I'm not the one putting the quirk into him." he smugly states.

The penny drops with a horrible clang, and the silence from Re-Destro as it does is deafening. He thought that obstacle to his cause had long since been permanently removed... but, as it turns out, that wasn't the case. Garaki simply fiddles with his glasses.

"You see what we want you to see Yotsubashi. Don't worry about our cards, they're safely close to the chest." declares Garaki.

Re-Destro thinks on it for a moment, considering possibilites, before he chuckles and raises his glass to the good doctor with a smirk on his face.

"Well played doctor, I applaud your gamesmanship." Re-Destro too finishes the dregs of his drink and sets the glass down, carefully on the desk.

"Now. As far as the business side of this conversation goes. We'll gladly accept your proposal, frankly though I'm curious as the generous nature of it." inquires Garaki, which Yotsubashi smiles at.

"Keep your friends happy and your enemies will stop appearing, right?" he replies. Garaki's turn to grin.

"You wish to be allies? Is that your proposition; the equipment being an olive branch?" presses the doctor as the grand commander shifts in his seat, leaning forward.

"Allies and friends are two different things. Don't think of me as a solider that will fight nobly alongside you. Think of me as the man that hands you your gun."

"Some would say those are the same person." replies Garaki.

"Some would, yes." tells Yotsubashi.

Garaki and Re-Destro look at one another, sizing each other up, this wasn't so much a meeting of unbridled generosity, but more a standoff as to who's intentions were the easiest to achieve first.

"If you joined us, we'd be unstoppable." boasts the doctor.

"We have mutual enemies, not mutual goals" shrugs the commander.

"We both wish to create a new society by tearing this one down. Do we not?"

"That's where the similarities end, good doctor."

Garaki couldn't help but laugh, both in admiration and frustration. Yotsubashi was always as committed as ever to his way of seeing things. However he looked past his narrow-minded view, a united front could tear down this society.

"Can't blame me for trying, right?" asks Garaki.

"I'd have judged you if you hadn't." chuckles Re-Destro.

An awkward silence befalls the office; the actual business side of things had been pretty much swept aside on account of their mutual love of tearing down the established order, however it's the doctor who decides to advance his understanding on the other-side further.

"What is your intention for us with this equipment? Our organisation might not be as well organised as yours, but we're not just petty thugs" he declares.

Re-Destro smiles as he leans back into his chair with a satisfying creak, the doctor's insinuation of an alliance in his mind suggests the idea that their cause is far weaker than that of the MLA, he realised he had the power in this situation.

"You claim we have similar goals, yes? Upsetting the established order of things is something we both aspire to do. However to mobilise a small portion of my organisation at the moment is to mobilise them all. To many cooks spoil the meal as it were; the first wave of upheaval requires a few individuals, not thousands." states the commander.

"Well, if this concludes our discussions. Then I believe we both have more important matters to attend to." states the doctor, getting the meaning behind Re-Destro's motives as the man whom seemingly held the power in this situation straightens his tie and stands out of his chair.

"Of course, I appreciate you taking the time for this."

"Likewise old friend, let's not leave it so long next time" states the doctor as the two firmly shake hands, with them both parting company and Re-Destro exiting the office and gently shutting the door behind him.

Garaki sits in his office for a moment, it was a rather melancholy moment for him, on one hand it meant guaranteed success for one project, but on the other hand it was daunting at the prospect of which the power and influence the MLA seemed to have in the grand scheme of things. He rubs his eyes and sighs, tapping on his phone and raising it to his ear, it crackles into life as the voice of absolute superiority speaks from the other end.

"How did our meeting with Yotsubashi go?"

"We've acquired the necessary equipment to move into the final phase of our Nomu Project." declares the humble servant.

"Excellent work doctor. Your charisma rivals that of mine these days."

"On the contrary sir, he was pushing this equipment into our arms. I feel he employs us in a greater strategy" nervously replies Garaki.

"I would expect nothing less from the heir of Destro. For now, we'll play his game as our goals align. But the things we aim to do and the projects we have underway behind the scenes? The Meta Liberation Army will be but a speed bump in an otherwise smooth road."

"I concur, sir."

"Keep up the good work Garaki." the voice of authority states.

"Thank you sir." Garaki concludes as the phone line cuts out. The doctor breathes heavily, things moved slowly for their goals and ambitions at the moment, but it would quickly evolve. Much like his prized projects that sat dormant within their tanks. It was only a matter of time...

Down the hallway, Yotsubashi too is in conversation with a member of his organisation vowing to change the world.

"Ah, Grand Commander. Did they accept our generosity?" inquires Trumpet.

"With open arms. They'd never admit it to our faces, but they're overly dependent on our role as their benefactor for these endeavours of theirs." he states.

"Excellent, Destro himself would marvel at your planning and tactics."

Re-Destro chuckles, he appreciated the flattery, however he always found a certain sense of pride in being compared to the man who's cause he'd dedicated himself to.

"Oh, in addition. Have our efforts in recruiting Dr Kamada had any results yet?" inquires Re-Destro.

"... Indeed, Curious' appointment with him yielded the results we had hoped for." proudly states the charismatic man.

"Excellent, to discard such a high ranking scientists, it's bold yet strategised. However we'll happily pick up the scraps." states the Commander.

"Indeed sir." says Trumpet.

"Talk to you later, my friend." Re-Destro says as ends the call.

He walks down the hall as he pushes the phone back into his pocket and heads towards the Sentinel Lab to retrieve his young friend, with a satisfied smirk on his face and a certain swagger in his step as he walks. Everything going according to plan.

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