Chapter 7 - Chapter 7.

Sophia finished bathing and exited the bathroom. She was glad she got to take a much-needed bath, but they hadn't even seen fit to give her warm water; instead, it had been icy. She quickly changed into the outfit, glancing at the mirror with disgust. Even the maids back at the DeLuca mansion had better uniforms than this. The skirt was too damn long, and the top was loose and shapeless.

A soft knock on the door interrupted her thoughts. Carla stepped in with an impassive expression. "You're ready?" she asked, not waiting for a reply before continuing. "Follow me. It's time to start working."

Sophia nodded and followed quietly. If she wanted to escape from here, she needed to study her surroundings first. Carla led the way downstairs, and Sophia was instantly struck by the beauty of the living room. It was luxurious, with high ceilings, chandeliers, and tasteful decor that spoke of immense wealth and power.

She noticed how busy the living room was, filled with people moving about with purpose. Whispers floated through the air, followed by curious eyes, likely speculating about her identity and situation.

"Is that the naked girl?"

"Do you think she's in trouble?"

"Looks like she's here to stay."

Sophia tried to ignore the comments, but the scrutiny made her uncomfortable. She kept her head high, refusing to show any weakness.

Carla led her to the center of the room and handed her a mop and a bucket. "You'll be cleaning the whole living room."

Sophia's eyes widened. "How am I supposed to do that alone?"

"It's the boss's orders," Carla replied firmly. "You must abide by it."

Sophia looked at the mop and bucket, then at the vast expanse of the living room. It seemed impossible to clean it all by herself, but she knew she didn't have a choice.

Taking a deep breath, she dipped the mop into the soapy water and began to work. The living room was meticulously decorated with expensive furniture, artwork, and elegant rugs. It was clear that Luca spared no expense in maintaining an air of luxury.

She was fuming as she worked. She was not meant to be a maid; she was supposed to be living a life of luxury and power. But here she was, scrubbing floors and trying to make sense of her new reality.

Carla stayed nearby, supervising her work. "Make sure you get to every corner," she instructed. "The boss likes things spotless."

Sophia puffed, biting back a retort. She was determined to find a way out of this situation, but for now, she had to play along.

Minutes passed, and her muscles began to ache from the constant bending and scrubbing. She wiped the sweat from her forehead and glanced around the room, noting how much more she had to do.

Just as she was beginning to feel overwhelmed, the demeanor in the room changed. Everyone paused what they were doing and kneeled. Sophia looked up to see Luca coming down the stairs as the room went silent. She resisted the urge to roll her eyes.

"Kneel." Carla whispered urgently, pulling her out of her trance.

But Sophia stood stubbornly with her chin jutting out in defiance.

Luca's eyes locked onto hers as he descended the last few steps. He stepped closer, his eyes sweeping over her outfit with mockery. In return, she burned with anger, knowing he had likely chosen it to humble her. Before she knew it, Luca's men were behind her, forcing her down to her knees.

"Right where you belong," he taunted, then glanced at Carla. "After cleaning the living room, she must clean the kitchen, do all the dishes, and handle the staff laundry. If she doesn't, let me know."

"Yes, sir," Carla replied.

Luca's eyes surveyed the living room before meeting Sophia's angry gaze. "I'm not impressed by your work so far. Start all over," he ordered coldly. She could only clench her fists in controlled rage. With one look of pure hate at her, Luca moved out with his men, raising his hand to signal everyone to rise.

Sophia hated him. She despised him! Before she returned home to get her revenge, maybe she needed to kill this bastard first!

"Up you go," Carla commanded urgently, but Sophia took her time standing up. "You heard the boss, start all over."

She glared at Carla, who remained impassive, not caring that Sophia was suffering. Sluggishly, she took the mop and began from the beginning again. Each stroke of the mop fueled her anger, but she kept her movements deliberate, knowing she had to bide her time.

As she covered most areas of the living room, her body ached. She had never done such a tedious task. She lived like a princess and had never lifted a broom. Frustrated, she scrubbed the floor, splashing water angrily.

"What the fuck!" A voice yelped. Looking up, Sophia saw a gorgeous but furious woman staring down at her.

"Aren't you going to apologize?" The lady screamed, then took the bucket and emptied the soapy water on Sophia without waiting for a response.

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