Chapter 12 - Chapter 12.

Diego glanced around the restaurant cautiously, taking in the surroundings. The enemies of the Moreno Mafia were constantly lurking around, so they had to be careful.

After discovering that they didn't have all the pictures of the girls present at the club that night, Luca had ordered Diego to search for the remaining girls and find out their identities. It was still morning, but he hadn't had breakfast, which was why he was at a restaurant. He sat down on a chair as a tall, beautiful girl with brown hair walked up to him, carrying a menu.

"What's your order going to be?" she asked, popping her gum loudly and surprising Diego. Despite her beauty, her manners left much to be desired.

"I'll have a coffee and a croissant, please," he replied, handing back the menu.

The waitress scribbled his order on a notepad and sauntered away, her hips swaying with each step. Diego watched her for a moment before turning his attention elsewhere 

As he waited for his order, he scanned the restaurant, keeping an eye out for anyone who might be watching him. He spotted a few suspicious-looking individuals but dismissed them as regular patrons. After all, it was common for people to be wary in such a dangerous city.

His breakfast arrived, and Diego started eating, enjoying a short break. He knew he had to keep looking for the rest of the girls once he finished. It was a big job, but he was determined to finish it or he risked his boss's wrath.

The waitress returned with a pot of tea, leaning in slightly with a flirtatious smile. "Need a refill, handsome?" 

"No, thank you," he replied coldly.

Just as she was about to walk past him, her foot slipped on a wet patch on the floor, and she stumbled forward. Diego reacted quickly, reaching out to steady her before she fell.

"Whoa, be careful," he said, helping her regain her balance.

"Thanks," she said, a hint of embarrassment in her voice. "That was close."

Diego nodded, and she quickly excused herself, walking away with a slight blush on her cheeks. He watched her go, then finished his meal and left the restaurant.


Meg, you've been staring at the door since the red-haired handsome dude walked out," one of Meg's co-workers teased, giving her a playful look.

"He's very handsome, I couldn't help it," Meg replied with a shrug.

"Don't let that grumpy manager catch you," the girl replied with a raised eyebrow. "Remember, no flirting with the customers."

Meg rolled her eyes as the girl left for the kitchen. She was about to carry her tray into the kitchen when a group of men walked inside the restaurant. At first, she didn't recognize any of them. Then she looked closer and realized it was Ken. She had met him last night at the club, and he had hit on her.

"Well, well," Ken laughed, eying her from head to toe. "If it isn't my Barbie doll."

"What... are... you doing... here?" she muttered, dropping the tray on the counter before stepping back.

Ken smirked. "You know why we're here, Barbie."

Before Ken knew it, she dashed out of the restaurant and into the street, her heart pounding in fear. The men followed close behind, their shouts echoing in the busy street.

"Come back here, you fucking thief!" Ken's voice boomed behind her, fueling her adrenaline as she dodged through the crowd, desperate to escape.

Meanwhile, Diego, who wasn't far off, surveyed his surroundings and heard the commotion. He turned around, immediately recognizing the girl running as the waitress. As she ran past him, their eyes met briefly. He wondered what she had done to have these men chasing after her. It was none of his business. As the remaining men ran past him, one screamed "thief." He felt a sudden realization. Quickly, he reached into his pocket and found his wallet was missing.

"Fuck!" he cursed under his breath, frustration mounting. He quickly assessed the situation and realized that Meg must have taken it. Without hesitation, he joined the chase and began running after her.

Meg, on the other hand, had grown tired and exhausted; she could barely move her legs. Unfortunately, she ran into a dead end, panting heavily. 

"Well, I guess this is the end, huh?" Ken and his men caught up, cornering her immediately..

"Please, let me go... I didn't do anything," she begged, as she stepped back.

"You're lying fucking bitch. Where's my money? I worked hard for it, and you think you can just take it?" Ken's voice was loud and angry, echoing in the alley.

"That's right," another man joined. "She didn't even agree to dance or fuck you, Ken." He taunted her and they all laughed.

"I'll give it back, I just don't have it now," she pleaded desperately.

"Too bad. You'll have to pay with your body," Ken sneered, making Meg feel sick and angry.

"Never, you pig," she spat angry but they continued laughing at her. 

"Bring her to me," Ken ordered his men. They hurriedly grabbed a struggling Meg; however, Diego arrived just in time.

"Let her go," he demanded coldly. Meg drew a sigh of relief, but she wondered how this handsome guy could fight off all these men.

Ken glanced at Diego in amusement. "Why should we listen to a guy with red hair?" he mocked, and his lackeys laughed.

Diego scoffed at them, taking out a pen knife from his pocket. "You have until the count of three to get out, unless..."

"Unless what?" Ken demanded.

One of Ken's men came up to him and whispered, "Boss, isn't this one of Mr. Moreno's men?"

Ken flinched at the mention of that name, but he shook it off. "Our boss is Greg Stevens. The Scorpion gang doesn't bow to anyone," he whispered back.

Diego started counting. "One... Two..."

"No need for that, get him," Ken ordered his men.

They rushed at him aggressively. But Diego was quick and moved smoothly, avoiding their punches and kicks effortlessly. He fought back with fast, accurate hits that quickly took down each attacker.

Meg watched in amazement as Diego defeated the men one by one. She felt her heart fluttering with butterflies; he was so cool.

When the last man fell, Ken looked shocked. Seeing he couldn't defeat Diego, he backed down. "Retreat, retreat!" he ordered in a shaky tone, already running with his men. "You'll pay for this!" he pointed an angry finger at Diego before glaring at Meg. "Both of you!"

Meg rushed towards Diego, squealing, "That was amazing! You were so badass."

"Where is it?" He stretched out his hand angrily. "My wallet."

Rolling her eyes, Meg took it out of her pocket, but it fell on the floor. As she bent down to pick it up, Diego jerked it away roughly.

"What are all these?"Picking up some fallen pictures, she asked, "What are all these pictures?" She paused, a bit confused. "Wait, what are you doing with these? This is Cherry, Mary..."

Diego's curious eyes glanced at her. "You know them?"

"No, no," Meg quickly replied, trying to brush it off. "They just looked familiar." She stood up with a smile, hoping to change the subject.

"You know something," Diego insisted, noticing the unease in her eyes. "And you're going to help me."

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