Chapter 14 - Chapter 14.

Luca glanced at his watch, his impatience evident, which made Gianna laugh.

"Are you already bored?" she asked, smiling into her glass.

"You guessed right. I can't wait for this to be over so they can all get the fuck out of here," he muttered as his eyes scanned the crowded hall.

"Oh my fucking... what's that bastard doing here now?" Gianna exclaimed in disgust, drawing Luca's attention to the entrance.

Greg and his men walked in majestically, making Luca boil with anger, though he held back.

Gianna noticed his hesitation. "Are you just going to allow him to come here?"

Luca sighed. "He's now part of the New York Mafia. He's allowed into our gatherings unless it's the Moreno Mafia alone."

"I don't know why the elders did such a stupid act," she said, crossing her arms and glaring as Greg approached.

"Luca, Gianna," Greg called out with excitement. "It's so great to be here. Man, this place is popping," he stretched his arms and grabbed a glass of champagne from a passing waiter.

"Are you done? If so, you can get out of my face and go elsewhere," Luca snapped.

"Come on, Luca. Are you still angry about what happened five years ago? It's all in the past. Let's forget about it and become best friends again," Greg suggested.

"You must be dreaming," Gianna hissed, but Greg only laughed.

"You're wasting your time if you're trying to provoke me. It's not going to work. You can stand here and rant all day like a parrot, or you can actually get out of my face and go have some fun. Your move," Luca said coldly.

Greg's smile faded into a small frown. "Even after becoming part of the New York Mafia, you're still looking down on me, Luca."

"The only reason I'm letting you talk to me this way is because of old times. But one day, you'll overstep your boundary and never return," Luca warned.

"Are you saying you're going to kill me?" Greg chuckled, nodding his head. "You did try five years ago, but you couldn't."

"That was five years ago. This time, I won't hesitate to cut off your fucking head," Luca's voice was deadly serious. "Ti farò pagare per avermi tradito, bastardo—I'll make you pay for betraying me, you bastard."

"What did you just say?" Greg asked, confused, as he didn't speak or understand Italian.

Gianna, with a wry smile, stepped in to translate. "He said, 'You're a piece of shit and you deserved to have your dick chopped off.'"

Luca's expression mirrored Gianna's, a dark amusement playing on his face.

Not liking the conversation and the look on Luca's face, Greg cleared his throat and walked away from them.

Gianna laughed. "Did you see his face? He looked as though he wanted to melt into the ground."

"As he should," Luca said, without a hint of amusement. One of his men quickly came forward and knelt down before him.

"Boss, there are two people asking to come inside. They weren't invited and are not part of any Mafia in New York City, but they're asking to see you."

"That's interesting. They certainly have a lot of guts coming here and asking for me." Luca handed his empty glass to the man before looking at Gianna. "I'll be back." She nodded, watching him move out of the hall.

Meanwhile, Diego was glancing around the hall, making sure that everything was running smoothly and there weren't any unusual sightings. He noticed an unusual movement from one of the tables. It seemed as if someone was hiding. He quickly went there, drawing in a deep sigh.

"Meg? What are you doing here?" He frowned at her, but she gestured for him to keep his voice down.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" He ignored her discomfort, glaring down at her.

She slowly straightened her back and hid away from view. "I actually came with someone, okay."

"Then why are you hiding?"His eyes accessed her from head to toe. She was wearing a mini red gown that hugged her curves perfectly. He couldn't deny that she was attractive.

"Because of them," she motioned at Ken, who was talking with his boss.

Diego sighed. "Who brought you here?"

"It was someone from the Heaton Mafia."

"Do you go around messing with Mafia men? Don't you have something better to do?" He pinned her with a hard glare, which she returned.

"Look, man, I just want to have fun, okay? Just act like you didn't see me." She pleaded with him before her eyes widened suddenly. "Who the fuck is that man? He's so handsome, my gosh."

Diego followed her eyes, frowning because she was swooning over his boss who was talking with some people. "That's my boss, Luca Moreno. You'd better not go near him if you don't want to die."

"Fuck, that's Mr. Moreno, the famous Mr. Moreno... He's so fucking hot."

He shook his head at her. "What a shameless woman," he thought.

"Anyways, just leave me be. The other day I helped you, but you didn't even thank me or tell me your name."

"That's because your help wasn't useful. None of those girls were the woman I was looking for." He turned and made to leave, but she held him.

"Aren't you going to tell me your name?"

"No." He rudely jerked his arm away and strode off.

"What a fucking jerk," Meg cursed under her breath.

Kim, who had been watching the whole exchange, wondered who the lady Diego was talking with was. She was quite beautiful and tall, but Kim had never seen her at these parties before. Besides, it seemed like he was quite invested in the conversation, a rare feat.

"Here you are," Sophia said, breaking Kim's thoughts as she held up the empty tray. "I've finished handing out the drinks."

"That's great," Kim replied, scanning the room. She noticed a maid approaching them with a tray of champagnes, looking scared.

"What's wrong?" Kim asked the maid, seeing her distress.

"I've been asked to deliver drinks to those men, but I'm scared. They're known for causing trouble," the maid whispered, looking towards Greg and his gang.

Kim snorted in disgust. "Oh, it's Greg Stevens. He's trouble. I wouldn't want to go there either."

Sophia took the tray from the maid, who smiled in relief. "Don't worry, I'll handle it," she reassured her.

"Thank you so much, Sophia," the maid said gratefully.

"You're welcome," Sophia returned her smile. Kim, however, looked worried.

"I don't think this is a good idea, Sophia. Greg and his men are troublemakers, and you're very attractive... I bet they'll try to flirt with you, and you might get angry," Kim warned.

"It's okay, Kim. I can handle them," Sophia insisted, determined, as she walked towards Greg's table.

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