Chapter 13 - Chapter 13.

Sophia fell deep into the water, sinking further and further as the light above grew dim. She struggled to breathe, her lungs burning for air. Panic set in, and she felt as though she was dying. Just as the darkness began to close in, a hand reached down and grabbed her. She was pulled upwards, away from the water's cold grasp.

As she was about to see the face of her rescuer, she sprang awake, panting hard on the bed.

She looked up and saw Luca staring at her with a confused look. "Bad dream?" Luca asked, taking a step closer to the bed.

Sophia frowned, averting her gaze from him. "What do you want, you fucking beast?"

"I'm a beast, me?" Luca was amused. "That's rich coming from someone like you."

"What the fuck is your problem? I didn't do anything to you, but you keep acting as though I did." Sophia tried to sit up on the bed but screamed in agony. She had totally forgotten about that horrible experience.

She looked up at Luca. "How could you do this to me, you fucking bastard? How could you brand me like a fucking slave?"

"Oh, so now you hate branding, huh? Did you really forget everything, I mean lose your memory, or are you pretending?" Luca's green eyes studied her curiously, but she truly looked clueless.

"You must have mistaken me for someone else," she spat angrily at him.

He didn't say anything for a moment before nodding his head. "Let's say you lost your memory. I won't rest until you recover every last piece of it, you fucking bitch. I swear, I'll not stop until you pay for this."

She narrowed her eyes, confused, as he walked out of her room, leaving her frustrated. He was visibly hurt, not just by her father but also by her, but for the life of her, she couldn't even recognize him.


Two Weeks Later

Kim and Sophia were outside, cleaning the garden. "Are you sure you're alright now? I still think you should be in bed," Kim said, her worry evident as she watched Sophia walking gingerly.

"I'm alright. Besides, even if I wanted to keep resting, I can't since Luca will not allow it," Sophia replied.

"About that, I don't get it. Why does the boss hate you so much?" Kim wondered aloud.

"I wish I could tell you, Kim. I wish I knew the answer to that. I've searched my head, but I can't seem to remember him from anywhere," Sophia confessed, frustration tingling her voice.

"I feel so bad for you, Sophia. I wish I could help you, but I don't know much about you," Kim said sympathetically.

Sophia sighed. She really wanted to open up to Kim, but she was still so ashamed of herself. It was better that only Luca and a few others knew about her real identity.

"Let's hurry up. It's almost evening, and the party will start soon," Kim reminded her, cleaning the ground with a broom. "I'm glad that at least you'll be able to rest tonight. Although I'm surprised Carla doesn't want you to work."

"I guess she doesn't want me anywhere near the party," Sophia shrugged. Although in her mind, she was determined to find a way to attend. Who knows, she might see someone who could help her.

The party was now in full swing, and the kitchen was busier than ever. Carla had changed her mind and made Sophia work, though she was assigned to kitchen duties, far from the party halls.

Sophia saw Kim carrying an empty tray into the kitchen and hurried to meet her. "Sophia, what are you doing here?" Kim asked, surprised to see her.

"Carla changed her mind. I'm assigned to washing the dishes," Sophia sighed. "So, how's it out there?"

"It's filled with guests, high-caliber people from New York and far beyond. It's actually quite lively out there," Kim replied.

"What even is the occasion?" Sophia asked, helping Kara place some glasses on her tray.

"It's just a hangout for the New York mafias. It's held every week by different mafias. Today is the boss's turn," Kim explained.

"Interesting," Sophia nodded, absorbing the information. Just then, someone entered the kitchen and found Kim.

"You're needed out there, Kim. There are about ten people who need a glass of wine right now," the lady explained before moving elsewhere.

"Oh my, how am I supposed to carry up to ten glasses on my tray?" Kim whined, glancing at the glasses.

"I can help you," Sophia suggested with a smile. "I'll carry some, so you don't have to delay."

"Are you sure it's okay for you to come out there?" Kim asked, worried.

"Yes, sure," Sophia shrugged nonchalantly. "Now come on, let's get these out there."

They began arranging the glasses on the trays, with Sophia carrying one while Kim carried the other.

"Let's go," Kim motioned for her to follow. In the back of her mind, Sophia could hear Carla's voice warning her to stay back, but she stubbornly waved it aside. Who knows, her savior could be out there.

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