Chapter 10 - Chapter 10.

By the twentieth slap, Sophia's cheeks were red, while Gianna's hand began to sting. Still, she kept hitting Sophia until she was gasping in pain. Diego's lips twisted slightly behind Sophia; he was surprised by her stubbornness. She was clearly in pain yet refused to plead for mercy.

"That's enough!" Luca finally spoke up. In Sophia's mind, she was grateful because she was near her breaking point.

But then Luca spoke again. "Since that didn't work, maybe we should try something else, shall we?" His green eyes met Sophia's in a fierce gaze. "Maybe a poker iron on her delicate skin."

A shiver ran down Sophia's spine, but she remembered her father's words: never show fear, never show feelings. Do not give them what they want.

"Go get the poker iron, Diego, and make sure it's very hot," Luca's voice was calm yet cold.

Diego quickly ran out of the study to do as his boss had ordered.

"Tsk tsk, all you have to do is apologize, and maybe I'll convince Luca to show some mercy," Gianna taunted Sophia with an amused look, but all she got in reply was a glare—a cold, icy glare.

"You really think you're still some big shot? What a joke. Your cousin Ariana is now the leader of the DeLuca Mafia. Just give up; you're fighting a losing battle."

Sophia's fist clenched at her cousin's name. Along with Marco, they were the reason she was in this predicament. She wanted nothing more than to rip them apart.

"Let her be, Gianna. Don't bother. If she loves pain and embarrassment. I'll be pleased to give it to her."

The door swung open, and Diego returned with a rod with a red-hot poker edge. "Here it is, sir," he knelt before Luca, raising it up.

"Perfect, just what I need. Now bring her here."

"No need, I'll come by myself," Sophia said to their surprise. She dragged her feet and stood in front of Luca, raising her chin. Although her heart was thudding violently.

Luca studied her for a minute before nodding. "As you wish. Take off your dress."

Sophia's eyes widened in horror but quickly regained composure, exhaling sharply before taking off the horrific maid outfit. Almost everyone saw her naked on that pole; it was nothing new.

"Here I did." She looked straight into Luca's eyes, startling him. She had certainly gone crazy, but he wanted to know how far.

"Here," he motioned to Gianna to take the poker iron. Even Gianna was stunned by Sophia's action, but she gladly took it. Who was she trying to impress?

"Now bend over the desk," Luca ordered, crossing his legs elegantly. But Sophia hesitated."Are you scared?"

Sophia didn't reply but forced herself to bend over the desk. Her mind screamed at her to stop this madness, but she hardened her heart. She was the true leader of the DeLuca Mafia, not some weakling.

"Go on, Gi, and don't stop until she's pleading for mercy."

"As you wish, boss," Gianna replied, motioning for Diego to hold her down before using the hot poker to press on Sophia's bare bottom... right on her sit spot. The smell of burnt skin filled the air as Sophia screamed in agony, trying to wiggle away, but Diego's firm hands held her down.

Luca rested his back on the chair, watching the spectacle with an impassive expression. She lasted ten seconds, but by the fifteenth, Sophia broke down and started wailing, though she still didn't beg.

Luca let the punishment continue.

By the thirtieth second, she couldn't take it anymore and began pleading desperately. "Let me up, please... it's enough, please..."

"Then apologize," came Luca's baritone voice. "Say you're sorry and beg me nicely."

"Please... I'm sorry... let me... up, please... I'm sorry."

"Stop," Luca finally said. Immediately, Gianna pulled away the poker, scrunching her brows at Sophia's badly damaged skin.

Diego let go of her, but Sophia couldn't get up. Her body was in pain, and she couldn't feel her legs.

Luca stood up and motioned for Diego to pull her up, but she pushed his hand away angrily. She then tried to straighten up, but pain shot through her, causing her to lose balance. Luca caught her.

"Let go off me," she cried out, but his grip tightened around her.

"And if I don't?"

"Let me go, you bastard."

"Shhh," he held her close, stroking her back. "I warned you, but you didn't listen."

"Please….." she cried desperately, but Luca shook his head.

"I can't do that. I can't. And don't waste your beautiful tears because I'm just getting started. All the pain I suffered, all the pain... she suffered, I'll make you feel it."

"Please, let me go. I didn't do anything to you," Sophia begged. She was tired of being strong. She'd apologize to her father later, but for now, she couldn't anymore. Slowly, she felt her life slipping as she passed out.

"Clean this place up," Luca commanded Diego as he carried Sophia up. "Call the doctor, Gi."

"But why? Just leave her to suffer." Gianna didn't like that he had even carried her.

"Call the fucking doctor," Luca said more sharply. Not wanting to get on his bad side, she picked up the phone and started dialing the number as she watched them leave the study.

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