Chapter 11 - Chapter 11.

"Gosh, I hate New York," Ariana sighed, taking off her dark shades.

Beside her, Marco smiled, opening the car door. "We have no choice. The last place Sophia was seen was here. There's a high chance that she's still here."

"Yeah, yeah, I figured." She took her gun from the dashboard and placed it inside her pocket. "Let's go."

They got out of the car and began surveying the busy area, teeming with pedestrians.

"Remember, we're keeping a low profile. This isn't our turf," Marco reminded her, reaching for her hand.

"I get it, now let's go. By the way, are you sure this guy is legit?"

Marco nodded. "He's great at finding anything and anybody. I'm sure he'll be able to help us since he's familiar with the whole of New York."

They made their way through the crowded street, avoiding pedestrians and busy traffic. The noise and chaos of New York City buzzed around them, but they stayed focused. They turned into a narrow alley, where the street noise became a faint hum. Ahead, they saw an old, worn office building.

"Is this the place?" Ariana asked, glancing around warily.

"Yeah, this is it," Marco confirmed. They climbed the shaky, creaky stairs, each step echoing in the narrow space. The hallway upstairs was dark, with peeling wallpaper and a musty smell.

At the end of the hall, Marco knocked on a door with a faded sign. It swung open almost immediately, revealing a burly man with a stern expression.

"Mr Angelo, we've been expecting you. Come in," the man said gruffly, stepping aside.

Marco and Ariana entered the cramped, cluttered office. Papers and files were strewn everywhere, and a single, flickering fluorescent light cast a harsh glow over the room. A group of men stood around, their eyes tracking every move Marco and Ariana made.

Greg's right-hand man, Ken, stepped forward. "Mr Stevens will see you now. Follow me."

They were led through another door into a slightly larger room where Greg sat behind a desk, a sly smile on his face.

"Marco! Welcome," Greg greeted, leaning back in his chair.

"Hello Greg, longest time," Marco replied, extending a hand.

Greg shook it firmly, his eyes shifting to Ariana. "And you must be Ariana. I've heard a lot about you."

"It's Miss DeLuca. And let's cut the small talk," Ariana's tone was sharp. "We need information, and we need it fast."

"Straight to the point, I like that," Greg said, gesturing to a pair of worn-out chairs. Marco and Ariana sat down, their eyes never leaving Greg.

"We're looking for someone," Marco began. "We heard you're the best at finding people."

Greg nodded. "Sophia DeLuca, right? I've been keeping tabs on her situation. She was last seen around here, but tracking her down won't be easy. She's been keeping a low profile."

"We're aware of that," Ariana said with an eye roll. "Do you have any leads or not?"

Greg smiled. "I do, but it'll cost you. Information like this doesn't come cheap."

"Name your price," Marco said, not missing a beat.

 "Six grand, up front."

Ariana's eyes narrowed, but Marco nodded. "Fine. You'll get your money, but you better have something solid."

Greg reached into a drawer and pulled out a folder, sliding it across the desk. "Here's what I have so far. Last sighting, potential hideouts, known associates. It's not much, but it's a start."

Ariana grabbed the folder, flipping through it quickly. "This better be worth it," she muttered.

Greg leaned forward with a serious expression. "Trust me, it is."

"Who are these girls?" She asked, scanning through the folder.

"These were the girls present inside that club on that fateful night," Marco explained.

"And I heard that man killed all the men there and freed these girls."

"That man?" Greg chuckled in amusement. "That's Luca Moreno, and yes, he did exactly that."

"He fucking ruined everything," Marco grumbled.

Greg laughed, but then his expression turned serious. "Yes, he did. He always does. Trust me, you don't want to fuck with him. This is his turf, and he has men all around. They won't take kindly to outsiders poking around. It'd be best if I handled it."

"We can handle ourselves," Marco assured him, standing up. "Congratulations on your gang becoming an official member of the New York Mafia."

"Thank you, my old friend," Greg smiled. They had met during a brawl years back at a bar in New York. Greg was getting beaten up, but Marco stepped in and saved him. They had kept in touch ever since.

As they turned to leave, Marco called Greg back. "Are you two... uh, together?"

"None of your fucking business," Ariana snapped at Greg, who began laughing.

"Feisty and sassy. Just how I love them," Greg said, still chuckling.

As they left the office, Ariana glanced at Marco. " He's so fucking annoying. But do you trust him?"

"Not really," Marco admitted. "But right now, he's our best shot at finding Sophia."

"Alright. Let's start with one of the girls. Who knows, that stupid bitch might be hiding with one of them." Ariana's face hardened at the thought.

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