Chereads / Nine-year-old Magic Doctor / Chapter 43 - Chapter 43: The Nine-Year-Old Alchemist

Chapter 43 - Chapter 43: The Nine-Year-Old Alchemist

As another female student stepped forward, Sasha immediately moved to the front of the line. She dutifully reported her name, subject, and age. Her slender hand touched the crystal ball, and in just a second, the pure-colored crystal turned a deep red.

"Thirteen years old, primary-level Sage high-grade, disqualified, next."

"Little Yanyan, your sister will go up first!" Sasha beamed at Yanyan and walked forward with pomp. When she announced her information, the three examiners simultaneously glanced at Sasha, especially the young male instructor, who concealed a flash of light in his eyes and his gaze inadvertently swept over her stunning figure.

"So you are the princess of Longteng Country. Begin," the female instructor said with a slight startle, but then she regained her composure and spoke calmly, her voice softer than before.

Sasha nodded gracefully, lifted her right hand, and lightly placed her slender, pale palm on the crystal ball. Her lips curled slightly, her eyes sparkling brilliantly, and the plain crystal ball suddenly emitted a bright orange light, catching everyone's attention.

"Not bad at all, Miss Sasha truly lives up to the name of a Longteng princess. With such cultivation base at this age, welcome to Youlan Academy." The male instructor beamed warmly, complimenting her before the female instructor could, clearly impressed not just by the girl's distinguished status but also her excellent cultivation base. If he could get her into his class...

Sasha merely nodded indifferently. She wasn't moved by the overt flattery coming from someone impressed by her status. She turned and walked to stand beside Yanyan.

"Next!" The male instructor's face sunk instantaneously after being coolly brushed off in full view of the crowd. A dark look flashed through his eyes as he called out loudly, with a tinge of spite in his voice.

Sharon walked up calmly, his dark green pupils betraying no displeasure, "Sharon, Sage, fifteen." As soon as he spoke, everyone present froze. Sharon? The prince of Longteng Country, universally recognized as the next heir, was this refined young man?

Yikes! Tie Mu trembled, his face a mix of shock and fear as he looked at the young man before him. Sharon? The harshness of moments past disappeared, and Tie Mu's face flushed with alternating shades of red and purple, regret turning his guts green. He had just offended the future ruler of Longteng.

The elder sitting in the presiding chair gave a cursory glance when Sharon's identity was revealed, then continued to feign sleep. Luo Feng's eyes brightened, and a pleased expression crossed her fair, beautiful face, "So you are Princess Sasha's prince brother, please proceed with the test."

Luo Feng invited politely and humbly. Sharon and Sasha were actually twins, and the siblings were extremely close, especially with Sharon being incredibly fond of his sister. Luo Feng's words were tactful and showed more finesse and adaptability compared to Tie Mu's crude behavior.

His large hand stretched out, touching the pure-colored crystal ball. The emerald of his eyes dimmed, and in an instant, the crystal ball shone with brilliant light, the dense orange color bold and eye-catching, filling the small crystal ball completely. The elder with the white beard jolted in his feigned sleep, his closed eyes flying open, revealing a gleam of sharpness that had not been there before when he looked at Sharon.

The crowd erupted in astonishment as pairs of fervent eyes fixed on the orange crystal ball, unable to blink, each filled with shock and a touch of admiration.

"Mid-level Sage high-grade!" Luo Feng murmured, her bright eyes tinged with excitement. Mid-level Sage high-grade, after a whole morning, she had finally found one.

"Mid-level Sage, high-grade; Prince Sharon is truly formidable," a certain young man looked at the composed Sharon with a face full of admiration, his gaze burning with enthusiasm, his heart swelling with excitement.

"Wow, Prince Sharon is so amazing!" a group of girls with heart-struck eyes recovered from their shock, letting out squeals of adoration, instantly attracting the attention of students in other assessment areas, with the ones lined up behind craning their necks curiously.

"I am Luo Feng, the instructor for Class 1. I wonder if Prince Sharon and Princess Sasha would consider joining my class?" Luo Feng smiled charmingly, her demeanor full of flirtation, as she stood up from her seat and asked bluntly.

Youlan Academy had a rule that each year during freshman recruitment, teachers who also served as proctors for the entrance exam could personally choose two students they liked. There were countless outstanding new students, but very few truly stood out. Luo Feng had waited all morning without finding anyone she liked, but the appearance of Prince Sharon instantly made her blood boil.

Mid-level Sage, high-grade; such results were so rare among the new students that they could hardly be found even with a searchlight. Therefore, to make sure Prince Sharon would choose to enter their class, she even offered a buy-one-get-one-free plan. Princess Sasha's performance was good, but who could guarantee that no even more exceptional students would appear?

"Ha-ha, I want to be with Little Yanyan, wherever she goes, I will follow," Shasha laughed without restraint, looking at Yanyan with a fan-struck expression. She had no intention of being separated from Little Yanyan.

Sharon's gaze was gentle, and he nodded accommodatingly. It didn't matter to him where he went, as long as Shasha was happy. Also, it seemed not bad at all to be with that little one. His eyes landed on Zhiyan, and the corners of his mouth slightly curled into a smile.

Luo Feng's mouth twitched, and a series of black lines slid down her forehead. The onlookers were speechless, their eyes filled with ridicule and mockery. No wonder everyone wanted to curry favor with powerful nobles. Was this little brat going to get into the academy just by his word before his own assessment?

"You can't be serious. This little kid obviously looks like he has no Spiritual Power. Can he also enter Youlan Academy?" It proved that envy could be frightening; even in the presence of Longteng Country's prince and princess, it couldn't suppress the crowd's opinions, and some began to point at Zhiyan and whisper among themselves.

"Indeed, if just anyone can come in, what's the standing of Youlan Academy?" A sharp female voice rang out, and the crowd once again nodded in agreement. Entering Youlan Academy was the dream of all, and anyone who might threaten their interest was to be stopped at all costs.

"Uh, Princess Sasha, as you've seen, Youlan Academy has its own rules..." The female instructor looked at Shasha helplessly, her initial intent to invite her was solely to attract the genius Prince Sharon. If she brought in another... cough cough, the little girl doesn't seem to have even Spiritual Energy. Could she be a blind cultivator?

The surrounding murmurs grew louder, Shasha's face turned a steely blue, anger flashing in her eyes, while Sharon's brows knitted slightly, a trace of displeasure appearing on his warm and handsome face...

Zhiyan's lips curled up slightly, as she looked at the cold taunts and hot ridicules around her, her clear, water-like eyes flashing with a hint of mockery, "It's my turn now, isn't it?" It was not a question, but an affirmation. The hitherto silent Zhiyan suddenly spoke up in a crisp voice, her petite figure radiating strength under the bright sun.

"..." Luo Feng was taken aback, suddenly finding the girl before her to be extraordinary, her entire persona shining brightly. Her demeanor was in no way inferior to Sharon and Shasha's. Could it be that she had been mistaken, and this little girl was the proverbial dark horse?

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