Chereads / Nine-year-old Magic Doctor / Chapter 45 - Chapter 45 Rejecting the Offer to Become a Disciple

Chapter 45 - Chapter 45 Rejecting the Offer to Become a Disciple

Based on the flames used, alchemists are classified into Inner Fire Alchemists, Exotic Fire Alchemists, Heavenly Fire Alchemists, and Divine Fire Alchemists.

An Inner Fire Alchemist is one who uses their inherent fire attribute, transforming their spiritual power into flames within the body.

Exotic Fire Alchemists capture the Exotic Fire naturally spawned on the mainland and make it their own. After a period of natural assimilation and testing, and the absorption of spiritual energy from heaven and earth, the effectiveness and power of the Exotic Fire far surpass that of their inherent fire attribute. If the existence of alchemists is as rare as phoenix feathers and unicorn horns, then the existence of Exotic Fire could only be considered a speck of dust on those feathers and horns.

Heavenly Fire Alchemists are the result of an Exotic Fire undergoing a mutation and upgrading in strength with the alchemist's advancement in rank. The likelihood of this occurring is even tinier than a speck of dust, almost negligibly small. As for Divine Fire Alchemists, well, that's just the stuff of legends!

Anyway, the old man didn't believe that Divine Fire Alchemists truly existed, and he even doubted the existence of Heavenly Fire Alchemists because, up to now, he had not even met an Exotic Fire Alchemist. No, if Zhiyan before him qualified as an Exotic Fire Alchemist, then he would have certainly expanded his horizons.

The Yang Energy within Zhiyan's body belonged to the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. Since all things in the world contain yin and yang, her flames could overcome anything. If one were to be precise, her flames could indeed be considered true Divine Fire. However, her current cultivation base was low, limited by her own strength, and the Divine Fire transformed from the Yang Energy was still in a dormant state. Once fully awakened, its power would be unimaginable...

Wow, the entire hall was abuzz, with people staring at Zhiyan in amazement, their eyes glowing with an intensity that could set everything ablaze.

Being able to manifest Inner Fire— even if she weren't an alchemist—meant she wasn't far from becoming one. Goodness, they had foolishly offended a young and potential future Pill Master.

Many faces showed remorse. The instructors from the Warrior Assessment Area were excited, their chests filled with surging passion. Who could tell them how this little girl had achieved this feat?

"Would the young lady be willing to study in my class?" A large-bearded instructor in a light gray robe squeezed through the crowd, looking at Zhiyan expectantly. A nine-year-old alchemist with such a talent verging on a miracle would make their class the focus of the entire school once word got out.

"Instructor Hu, it seems you've crossed a line. This is our Sages and Pill Masters' assessment area." Luo Fengdai frowned slightly, a hint of displeasure appearing on her beautiful face.

"Ha ha, that's right. With such outstanding results, she should of course join the best class. Our Pill Master Class One welcomes the young lady at any time." Another middle-aged instructor, his eyes gleaming, spoke with fervor. Their Pill Master Class One was the best pill master class at Youlan Academy.

"The young lady is indeed a Pill Master, but her Sage cultivation is also exceptional. Our Sage Class Five also welcomes you to join," boasted the instructor from Sage Class Five, amidst a chorus of jeering from the crowd. How bold of him to claim so; with Pill Masters being held in such high esteem, could they really be compared to mere Sages?

"Hahaha, such an excellent young lady must be carefully nurtured by Youlan Academy. From now on, you are a guest of honor in the Alchemy Hall. Here is an Access Crystal Card." The white-bearded elder smiled broadly, instantly presenting a card crafted from pure crystal to Zhiyan.

Thunderous applause erupted in the venue, everyone's eyes shining as they stared at the card. The Alchemy Hall—it was actually an Access Crystal Card to the Alchemy Hall.

Wasn't it said that only Second-grade Pill Masters could enter the premier Alchemy Hall of the academy?

Moreover, just entering was one thing; to truly use the Alchemy Hall, one must hold an Access Crystal Card granted by the Dean or the Alchemy Hall administrators. Each card was marked with a specific number, the number corresponding to a designated Alchemy Room. The holder of the Crystal Card also gained long-term ownership of that Pill Chamber, and even upon graduation, the ownership would not change.

Since the establishment of the school, it had cultivated numerous alchemists, yet only a mere one hundred and seven individuals possessed an Alchemy Hall Crystal Card. Now, Zhiyan became the one hundred and eighth.

The crowd looked at Zhiyan with an air of defeat; this girl was just too lucky. She hadn't even officially started school, yet she had already obtained a Crystal Card issued by Ye Wen, the Elder in charge of the Alchemy Hall. Oh, the envy could be maddening…

Just as everyone was turning green with envy over Zhiyan's Access Crystal Card, the next words from Elder Ye Wen plunged them into utter madness…

"I am Ye Wen, the Chief Alchemist of the Academy and also the manager of the Alchemy Hall. I wonder, young lady, would you be willing to take me as your master?" The elder's silver-gray eyes shimmered with an intense heat, as he gazed intently at Zhiyan!

Boom, a clap of thunder exploded on the spot, throwing everyone into disarray!

Luo Feng and several other instructors shook violently, astonished by the sight of the white-bearded elder who never took on disciples. As the Academy's Chief Alchemist and manager of the Alchemy Hall, his worth, status, and influence were even far above that of Dean Lei Ming, the controller of the Academy.

To be accepted by such an Expert as a disciple, one could easily imagine the bright future and development that awaited Zhiyan. Oh, geez, why didn't such a stroke of luck ever happen to them?

"I'll take the Crystal Card, but I'll pass on the apprenticeship," Zhiyan said with a flash in her eyes as she reached out her delicate, fair hand to accept the significant Crystal Card and then declined the offer.

With Fei Lao around, she needed no additional masters, not to mention that on this Mainland, there likely wasn't another Alchemist more formidable than Fei Lao.

Good heavens, Zhiyan's move struck like a bolt of lightning, shattering everyone's illusions. What? She refused the apprenticeship?

Oh, oh, oh… Had this kid been dropped on her head? Was she aware of how formidable Elder Ye Wen was?

Shasha and Sharon wore faces of shock as they stared at Zhiyan. Although they knew she was formidable, being the Chief Alchemist of Youlan Academy was also something to be proud of, even considered an object of worship by Alchemists across the Mainland. It was such an incredibly lucky and honorable proposition to be invited by such an Expert, yet she had refused without a moment's hesitation.

"Why?" Ye Wen trembled slightly, a deep look in his eyes, his large hand slightly clenched at his side. Proud as he was, when had he ever been rejected like this?

"I just don't like it," Zhiyan said, pursing her lips and speaking indifferently as everyone looked on expectantly. It was his right to take on disciples, and it was her freedom to agree or not—there weren't that many whys.

Geez, everyone staggered a bit, breaking out into a personal cold sweat. Dang, this kid was something, they had never seen such an individualistic Alchemist.

Luo Feng and the other instructors twitched at the corners of their mouths while warily looking at Elder Ye Wen. Many of them inwardly cursed Zhiyan's ignorance; to not curry favor with such an Expert was inconceivably foolish.

"Not bad, not bad at all, befitting of a disciple that I, Ye Wen, have taken an interest in. Sooner or later, I will make you call me 'master,'" Ye Wen said, his gaze shifting as a smile spread across his weathered face, speaking in a congenial tone.

"If there's nothing else, I'll be going now, and thanks for the gift," Zhiyan said with a black line running through her head, utterly speechless. She raised the Crystal Card in her hand and, with cool detachment, waved her goodbye.

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