Chereads / Nine-year-old Magic Doctor / Chapter 48 - Chapter 48 Picking Herbs in the Flower Sea

Chapter 48 - Chapter 48 Picking Herbs in the Flower Sea

Under the guidance of Sage Ye Wen, they passed through the playground, teaching buildings, and then arrived at the staff quarters surrounded by blossoming flowers and greenery.

"Following this shaded path all the way forward, the easternmost office is where the headmaster resides. I have other matters to attend to, so I won't accompany you further. If my good disciple encounters any difficulties, feel free to seek me out at the Alchemy Hall," Ye Wen halted and instructed, pointing ahead. As his voice faded, Zhiyan blinked and saw a shadow flicker before her eyes; by the time she realized it, Ye Wen had vanished from her sight.

The so-called shaded path was merely a winding, barely navigable trail carved between dense trees, and Zhiyan showed surprise, her delicate and soft face tinged with curiosity.

The headmaster, being Youlan Academy's most authoritative figure, actually resided behind a thicket of trees. The white house that faintly came into view seemed far from luxurious and grand, instead, it bore signs of dilapidation and decay.

Breaking off her contemplation, Zhiyan stepped forward, walking on a thick carpet of fallen leaves that rustled beneath her feet, while the wind carried away some of the heat around her.

Sunlight streamed through the gaps between leaves, casting mottled shadows on the ground. The path, though seemingly short, took her more than ten minutes to travel, and when she snapped back to her senses, she realized she was still circling the same spot.

"An array?" Zhiyan arched her brow, a sliver of mysterious light flashing in her eyes. She had been focused on the building ahead, neglecting the trees around her until now.

It seemed the headmaster had a deeper purpose in inviting her here.

Gazing around, all the trees looked nearly identical; there was only one path, and the white house, while seemingly within reach, was frustratingly elusive.

Her lips parted in a faint smile as she realized the array before her was minor compared to Misty Ridge—it was a challenge she believed she could overcome. Was the solution to the east?

Assessing the growth of the trees, the east lay to her right. She closed her eyes, spun towards the direction she determined, and proceeded at a steady pace. Just as she seemed about to collide with a large tree, she vanished without a trace in the next moment.

One tree after another, twenty minutes passed, and the harsh white sunlight fell on Zhiyan's eyelids. Her eyelashes quivered and as she opened her eyes, there stood an elderly man in golden robes, smiling with youthful silver hair and an unusual, pink-skinned complexion.

"Leng Zhiyan, a nine-year-old Alchemist?" the old man began, his voice crisp and pleasant without a hint of aged weariness.

"Lei Ming, headmaster of Youlan Academy?" Zhiyan looked up, her clear, water-like eyes boldly meeting his gaze.

"Haha, just as Ye Wen described, smart and agile, with extraordinary courage. Well done, well done. Come, let's sit in my office," he said, sweeping his sleeve. A gust of wind swept over Zhiyan, and the next second she was standing in a spacious and bright room. Lei Ming, clad in his golden robes, sat upright in his chair across a large crystal desk, amusingly observing her.

Zhiyan was in no rush. She picked up the teapot beside her, filled a cup for herself, and took a gentle sip. Then, she leisurely admired the room's decorations. It seemed like a test of patience, a tactic she recalled being used in a past life.

The corner of her mouth lifted slightly, a hint of mirth dancing in her clear pupils as if she was immersed in happy memories. Lei Ming's mouth twitched, and a flash of defeat shot through his silver eyes.

"Ahem, I have reviewed your information. Why did you only write 'Leng Family' in the detailed family background section?" Lei Ming squinted, looking at Yanyan as he inquired.

He had asked for her registration information after hearing about her from Ye Wen, hoping to find out which family such a talented young girl belonged to. However, he was dismayed to find that besides her name, age, and field of study, everything else was either blank or so vague as to be untraceable.

The Leng Family, there are no less than thousands of families with the surname Leng across the entire Mainland. Does he really plan to investigate them one by one?

"The clearest thing is just this. I was afraid that if I wrote too much detail, the headmaster would become even more confused," Zhiyan gave him a playful glance, speaking indifferently.

Lei Ming's mouth twitched. Was she considering his feelings? He could do without that. "So, which class does Yanyan want to join?" he asked, changing the subject while maintaining a pleasant demeanor.

"Sage Class One. As for Alchemy, an occasional visit to the Alchemy Hall will suffice." After pondering for a second, she decisively made up her mind, with Elder Fei around, she really didn't need more teachers. Her sole purpose in coming to Youlan Academy was to experience the student life she had never enjoyed in her previous life.

"Oh, Sage Class One?" Lei Ming raised his eyebrow. An occasional visit to the Alchemy Hall is enough? This kid sure seemed to be taking it lightly.

Actually, he had been prepared to place her in the Alchemist Class One, but considering that the girl was proficient in both Spiritual Power and Alchemy, and was chosen by Ye Wen as his disciple, he deliberately did not arrange her specific class. On one hand, he wanted to meet her in person, and on the other, he sought to understand her thoughts. But without seeking, he was fine; once he started seeking, he began feeling a sense of regret.

Why choose Sage Class of all things?

Her Spiritual Power level might be exceptional, but however outstanding she was, it wasn't as awe-inspiring as an Alchemist, right?

Unless you can become a pivotal figure among the Sages, a hundred Sages wouldn't compare to the nobility of a single Alchemist. Youlan Academy recruits about one thousand five hundred new students each year, and Alchemists only make up a mere two percent, thirty people, three classes, averaging ten students per class. Isn't this elite education designed to create the golden signs for Youlan Academy and the Alchemist community?

And the nine-year-old Alchemist before him was undoubtedly the best living signboard.

"Maybe you should reconsider your choice?" Lei Ming suggested, looking at Zhiyan, whose pink skin shimmered with a glow.

"You decide. If there's nothing else, I'll be going," Zhiyan waved her hand dismissively, stood up, and headed for the door, leaving the headmaster dumbfounded.

"The idea of arranging formations in the forest is good, but it's full of holes. I suggest you improve it," Zhiyan's crisp and pleasant voice floated in from outside just as Lei Ming snapped back to attention.

Lei Ming's hand, resting on the table, shook violently, his chest heaving and his eyes ablaze with a flicker of fire. This girl, can't she stop being so sharp!

Having left the teachers' district, Zhiyan followed the cobblestoned path straight ahead, crossed a bamboo bridge, went over a small hill, and a sea of flowers appeared before her eyes, dazzlingly beautiful in shades of purples and reds.

Such a large school with several thousand students, yet someplace where not a single person is seen – is everyone at class?

Shaking her head, Zhiyan simply stopped thinking about it. It would be a pity to just look at so many kinds of flowers. She rolled up her sleeves, darted forward with a swift movement, and crouched in front of the flowers.

The flowers swayed gently, and the rich scent of blooms filled the air. Zhiyan reached out, touching a pale purple flower with a soft feel. Inside her, the Yin Yang Qi began to rotate inexplicably, and strands of faint Spiritual Energy were drawn out from the flower, climbing up her wrist, suffused with a purple gleam.

Zhiyan was taken aback, staring blankly at the glowing light moving up her wrist, unable to understand what was happening at the moment. She just felt a chill wash over her mind as the light seeped into her skin, her thoughts cleared up, and she felt much more alert.

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