Chereads / Nine-year-old Magic Doctor / Chapter 24 - Chapter 24: Sowing the Seeds of Murderous Intent

Chapter 24 - Chapter 24: Sowing the Seeds of Murderous Intent

Ouyang Feng's eyes snapped open, a murderous intent clearly visible in them, "If he's trash, then he will always be trash. If he dares to defy the heavens, then I'll act in their stead to put him in his place." Having said this, Ouyang Feng disregarded the attempts of Ouyang Peng and Ouyang Jin to stop him, waved his hand, and instantly, a piercing green glow was unleashed. Like a solid sword, it carried the momentum to destroy everything, heading straight for Zhiyan.

"No——" Ouyang Peng's pupils dilated, and he let out a hoarse roar, reliving a scene from many years past. His previously gentle and unmatched handsome face suddenly stained with despair and regret, his eyes looking at Ouyang Peng held a resolution of finality...



Just as the green light was about to strike Zhiyan, Ouyang Peng moved swiftly to shield her, wrapping his arms around her. Since he couldn't change the outcome, they would perish together. In the next life, he would not be a member of the Ouyang Family.

"Puh!" Crimson blood sprayed from Ouyang Peng's mouth, splashing all over her. Zhiyan's eyes reddened with tears, her petite body trembled incessantly in his embrace. No, why, why is this happening? No, please, she didn't want her dad to be hurt...

The usually composed Zhiyan was now completely panicked, even forgetting the reminder from Elder Fei just moments ago. Her delicate face was covered in horror, her hands clutching his clothes tightly. A massive force flung them both dozens of meters away, and with a loud thud, they crashed hard onto the ground.

Zhiyan was so shocked her whole body went numb, followed by an intense pain. Ouyang Peng lay on top of her, his body convulsing, and blood trickled from the corner of his lips, dripping all over Zhiyan. Wherever she looked, all she could see was blood red, and even the tips of her nerves seemed to be the color of blood.

Silence, the scene was eerily quiet, and everyone was frozen in place, staring aghast at the scene before them. The smell of blood filled the air, once again confirming the grim reality. Ouyang Feng stood motionless, his gaze blank, looking vacantly at the figures on the ground...

"Father, Father, someone, quickly..." Ouyang Jin was the first to snap out of the shock, his voice trembling as he shouted in panic.

"Let's go, let's also check it out," Xiahou Kong said after looking at Situ Ba, taking the lead. Although he had not single-handedly caused the tragedy, he felt somewhat responsible since he had been eager to make a statement and poach talent, which perhaps led to Ouyang Feng's drastic actions.

"See if there's any hope left," Situ Ba shook his head with a helpless expression, "Given Ouyang Feng's character, the full force behind that strike just now means Ouyang Peng's chances of survival are next to nothing."

"Peng, Peng'er!" Ouyang Feng's body trembled, and he aged considerably in an instant, deep sorrow overflowing from the corners of his eyes, his voice hoarse, trembling with panic, he staggered forward step by step.

"Seal his heart meridian quickly, if we don't save him now, it will be too late," Elder Fei's voice floated into her mind. Zhiyan jolted, enduring the pain, struggling to get up, "Don't move, don't touch him."

Ouyang Peng had already been moved to the side by Ouyang Jin and others. Just as they were about to examine him, Zhiyan's voice stopped them, "Ouyang Jin had long known Zhiyan's capabilities, and seeing her serious expression, he immediately stopped what he was doing. Situ Ba and Xiahou Kong, among others, looked at the bloodstained girl in amazement. At this point, what did she still want to do?

Zhiyan took out a silver needle from her bosom and, getting close, deftly inserted it into Ouyang Peng's body. The bleeding stopped, and with a thought, the ground became cluttered with a pile of bottles and jars. A familiar jade vial suddenly caught everyone's eye, causing Situ Ba and Xiahou Kong's hearts to skip a beat as a sliver of doubt flashed through their eyes.

As the vial was opened, Zhiyan poured the Primordial Essence Liquid into Ouyang Peng's mouth all at once, then took out two Qi Replenishing Pills, crushed them into powder, and fed them with another bottle of Primordial Essence Liquid... After completing the initial tasks, she bent down and placed her small hand on Ouyang Peng's chest, transferring pure Yang Energy into his body unrestrainedly, while using her Spiritual Sense to monitor his condition and control the Yang Energy to repair the damaged muscles.

The full-force strike of a Grandmaster-level Sage was not to be underestimated. Ouyang Peng's entire back was like a hornet nest riddled with holes, his muscles shattered, blood dripping, and his meridians twisted and deformed from the strong shock. Had it not been for the timely protection of the heart meridians, one would fear...

Zhiyan felt a sharp pain in her heart, her complexion as frosty as cold frost, her pupils brimming with a murderous intent. She swore that she would return the injuries her father suffered today a hundredfold. Even if it meant descending to hell, she would not let Ouyang Feng die a peaceful death.

After half an hour, most of the Yang Energy in Zhiyan's body had been depleted, leaving her face as pale as paper, but fortunately, Ouyang Peng's life was saved.

For a blind cultivator to survive an injury inflicted by a Grandmaster-level expert was nearly a miracle. So when Zhiyan stood up from the ground, Situ Ba and Xiahou Kong's gazes brightened once more. It seemed they had underestimated her. Not only was her Cultivation Base impressive, but her medical skills were also transcendent. Where else could they find such a talent?

"Could this be the Primordial Essence Liquid that's been circulating in the market?" A man in brocaded robes hesitated, staring intently at the Primordial Essence Liquid that Zhiyan had discarded to the side.

"Primordial Essence Liquid?" Situ Ba and Xiahou Kong abruptly looked up, their gaze fiercely landing on Zhiyan. Was it really Primordial Essence Liquid?

"Have someone carry father back to his room to rest, and I will visit the pharmacy later," Zhiyan ordered indifferently, stowing the bottles and jars on the ground into her Spatial Bracelet with a mere thought. This act once again stunned the onlookers. My goodness, she even had a Spatial Spiritual Device?

By this time, Ouyang Feng had also stabilized and looked at Zhiyan with a deeply conflicted gaze, wanting to kill her now to eliminate future trouble but also fearing for Ouyang Peng should anything else happen. When he saw those medicinal liquids and the so-called Spatial Spiritual Devices, his brows furrowed even more. If he had discovered her earlier and cultivated and treated her well, would things have turned out differently?

A look of longing and regret flashed across Ouyang Feng's face, but in an instant, his expression hardened, reverting to coldness. Now that things had gone this far, he could only continue. He, Ouyang Feng, would not humble himself to please a young girl unless the sun rose in the west.

Zhiyan cast a cold glance at everyone present, an indescribable chill in her eyes. She had no intention of acknowledging the enthusiasm from Situ Ba and Xiahou Kong. She bypassed the two, her slight figure trembling but stubbornly refusing to fall. Her solitary and aloof shadow seemed like an insurmountable barrier separating her from the rest—innately an expert destined to look down upon the world once the time came.

Though Ouyang Peng was no longer in danger, he still hadn't awakened from his coma. His body alternated between hot and cold. Zhiyan, worn out, took care of him all night, changing his dressings, applying compresses to his wounds, and ensuring that he was covered with a cloth whether hot or cold to prevent any accidents. She had to transfer some Yang Energy to him every two hours.

For three whole days, Zhiyan seemed to have gone through a calamity. After ensuring that Ouyang Peng was out of danger, she collapsed from exhaustion and slept beside his bed.

Ouyang Jin stood quietly to one side, his tall figure casting a long shadow over Zhiyan. Watching her go without eating, drinking, or sleeping, putting aside her usual indifference, and taking such attentive care of Ouyang Peng with earnestness and meticulousness, even more anxious than his own son, he couldn't help but feel a trickle of tenderness. This quiet side of her, like a valley's secluded orchid, exuded an irresistible charm.

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