Chereads / Nine-year-old Magic Doctor / Chapter 26 - Chapter 26: Initial Momentum Building

Chapter 26 - Chapter 26: Initial Momentum Building

Ouyang Jin's dark pupils had lost the icy chill of the past; the gaze he now directed at her unexpectedly held threads of tenderness. Eh, she must be seeing things.

"Hmph, who do you think you are, making us wait like this?" A disdainful snort suddenly erupted, and there stood Ouyang Qin in her pale yellow attire, her face full of displeasure, sarcastically taunting with contempt.

"I'm no one special, but perhaps you think too highly of yourself," Zhiyan replied indifferently, glancing at her before nonchalantly choosing a seat to sit down.

"It's been only a few days, yet you still manage to surprise," a magnetic and pleasant voice sounded. Zhiyan narrowed her eyes, looking over to see a youth in brocade sitting beside Ouyang Qin, his hair tied up, features handsome, lips slightly parted, clearly interested as he gazed at her. His eyes sparkled like stars adorning the night sky, bright and dazzling.

"It's you!" Zhiyan's gaze sharpened as she suddenly remembered this person she had seen a few days ago on the street; his surname seemed to be Lin.

"Brother Yun, how do you know this idiot... how do you know her?" The words reached her lips, but she forcefully swallowed the word "idiot." Ouyang Qin's expression softened, her eyes tender like water as she looked at Pin Yiyun, her lovely and exquisite face blushing with two red patches, which left Zhiyan speechless. Broad daylight, under everyone's gaze, and yet she openly flirted with Pin Yiyun. Tsk tsk, the family traditions of the Ouyang Family were truly exceptional.

"Haha, fate brings people together from a thousand miles away. In the vastness of Jindu, it just so happened that we met; what is this if not fate?" Pin Yiyun's eyebrows arched, his peach-blossom eyes shimmered with specks of starlight, his intense gaze fixed on Zhiyan as he smiled, his face asking for a beating.

Ouyang Qin, at his side, turned pale, her hands clenched, watching Zhiyan with jealous hatred. If looks could kill, Zhiyan would have died a thousand times over by now.

"Even if it is fate, it could only be considered a karmic one," Zhiyan said mockingly, not taking him seriously in the slightest, "Now that I've seen you, there shouldn't be anything to do with me, right?" She looked up, her gaze coldly fixed on Ouyang Feng, sitting at the head of the table, her eyes like water with faint ripples, hiding the murderous intent deep within her pupils.

"Hmph, who allowed you to speak to the head of the family with that attitude?" Ouyang Feng's gaze turned fierce, his presence exuding an intimidating, life-threatening aura.

"Does the Family Head of the Ouyang Family only know how to bully the weak and the young?" Zhiyan sat quietly, utterly unfazed by his imposing manner. He wouldn't dare to touch her again.

"Cough cough, the Family Head of the Ouyang Family has always been fair and reasonable, so how could he bully the weak? I called for you, and I've heard your medical skills are miraculous. Isn't the recently famed Primordial Essence Liquid also your doing?" Pin Yiyun coughed twice, cutting through the tension in the room, his dark pupils filled with great expectation, burning bright—staring at his prey, leaving Zhiyan quite displeased.

At the mention of Primordial Essence Liquid, everyone in the room lifted their heads in unison, their eyes on Zhiyan like ravenous wolves, a mix of anticipation and nervousness, dominated by disbelief.

"It's just a small bottle of medicinal liquid. As long as you give me gold coins, selling you ten or eight bottles won't be a problem," said Zhiyan, her eyes gleaming, the corners of her lips curling into a sly smile, speaking nonchalantly—with her current speed of producing ten bottles per batch, it indeed was not a big deal.

The room filled with the sound of sharp intakes of breath as everyone gaped at the young girl before them. Just a small bottle of medicinal liquid? "Selling ten or eight bottles won't be a problem"? This—this—this—was this girl intent on humiliating them? The Primordial Essence Liquid, which could rival a Second-grade Vitality Nourishing Pill, was being dismissed by her as something cheap, available for money, which was exactly what they didn't lack; she just needed to provide that much Primordial Essence Liquid.

"Hahaha, anyone can talk big, but you—a mere girl—claiming you can produce Primordial Essence Liquid? That's simply ludicrous," a man with a brutish face laughed loudly without restraint, wearing a self-satisfied grin as if he had unveiled a lie. The people, who were momentarily stunned by Zhiyan's words, suddenly came to their senses, looking at her with eyes filled with intense scorn.


No wonder he's a bastard, heard he's also Ouyang Family's cultivation idiot. To think he would devise such deceitful tricks just to show off, tsk tsk, a fool is always a fool. If you're going to boast, why on earth claim to be able to concoct Primordial Essence Liquid? And to do so without any reservations, sigh, the youth of today...

"Is this true?" Pin Yiyun's gaze quivered, staring intently at Zhiyan. So long as she's paid, she would sell Primordial Essence Liquid?

"In the market it's 600 Gold Coins a bottle, but for you, how about 1000 Gold Coins? If you want it, it's a deal: cash on delivery." Unconcerned with the unusual looks from those around, Zhiyan folded her arms and leisurely watched Pin Yiyun.

"Fine, here are ten Purple Gold Coins!" With a thought, Pin Yiyun instantly produced ten Purple Gold Coins in his hand, all within less than two seconds. Watching this, Zhiyan winced at the speed. Had she known this guy was so rich, she would have fleeced him for more just now.

One Crystal Stone is equal to a thousand Purple Crystal Coins, one Purple Crystal Coin is equal to a thousand Gold Coins, one Gold Coin is equal to a hundred Silver Coins, and one Silver Coin is equal to a hundred Copper Coins.

Ouyang Jin's sword brows furrowed slightly, her gaze unblinking as it fell upon Zhiyan. From the beginning until now, her eyes had never lingered on her, always so composed and indifferent, as though nothing could trouble her. Watching Zhiyan's interactions with Pin Yiyun felt like an invisible hand was clutching tightly at her chest, causing a strange discomfort.

"Here, exactly ten bottles. Next time, they won't be the same price." Zhiyan handed over ten bottles of Primordial Essence Liquid to Pin Yiyun, reminding him while someone's mouth twitched amidst the envy and jealousy of the others as he tucked away the Primordial Essence Liquid.

"Is this really Primordial Essence Liquid?" A low murmur rose in the hall, everyone's eyes shining brightly on Zhiyan.

"Too late, if you want some, you can negotiate with him, maybe he'll resell a bottle or two to you." With a slight upturn of her lips, Zhiyan innocently pointed at Pin Yiyun, causing the crowd to have dark lines above their heads, nearly spitting blood in frustration. It seemed offending anyone but the child before them would be less egregious.

"Yanyan, could you also sell ten bottles to Brother Jin?" Following Ouyang Feng's prompt, Ouyang Jin helplessly spoke, his dark and deep pupils tinted with a trace of expectation, his gaze warm, a stark change from his previous cold pride.

"Oh, is that so? But Yanyan has already sold all she had on her," Zhiyan blinked innocently, her face showing a cute helplessness. This action once again caused people to feel the urge to spit blood. If you don't have it, just say so; why put on an innocent act?

"However, in a month, Yanyan will have even better things for sale! At that time, Brother Jin is welcome to come and support. Oh yes, there's also Spirit Gathering Liquid. It's a pity Brother Jin isn't Grandmaster-level; it'd be useless to buy it. But, selling it to the Situ Family Head and Xiahou Family Head might be a good idea—yes, that's a fine idea," Zhiyan mumbled to herself, seemingly offhandedly.

Boom, a thunderbolt exploded overhead, and everyone was stunned on the spot, hardly believing their ears. Did she just mention Spirit Gathering Liquid?

The Spirit Gathering Liquid that could instantly elevate an Expert of Grandmaster-level by one rank?

"Hmm, Daddy should be beginning to wake up about now, so I will not disturb everyone any further." Seeing that her effect had been achieved, Zhiyan stood up and left amidst the attention of all...


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