Chereads / Nine-year-old Magic Doctor / Chapter 29 - Chapter 29: The Great Medicine Sale Conference

Chapter 29 - Chapter 29: The Great Medicine Sale Conference

"Pfft—" Pin Yiyun couldn't help but laugh out loud, seeing Ouyang Jin eat humble pie in front of a girl for the first time, his rare tenderness mistaken for illness. Ha-ha, this little one is too adorable.

"Do you really dislike me?" Ouyang Jin's expression changed abruptly, his brooding eyes flashing with displeasure as he leaned in close to Zhiyan, gripping her shoulders tightly and speaking in a deep voice.

The two were extremely close, his hot breath showering her face, "You're hurting me," Zhiyan frowned, looking at Ouyang Jin indifferently. What was he trying to do? Just because he could dislike her, didn't mean she couldn't dislike him? This man is truly ridiculous.

"Ahem, Jin, I think we better find somewhere to sit down and talk," seeing the pain and dissatisfaction cross Zhiyan's face, Pin Yiyun couldn't help but intervene. Such a delicate person should be cherished, not manhandled, even if Jin usually is cold and aloof.

"Boring." As soon as she broke free, Zhiyan quickly put distance between herself and Ouyang Jin. Watching her eagerly move away, Ouyang Jin's hawk-like eyes darkened again, a surge of inexplicable anger boiling in his chest.

"If you have business, speak; if not, leave!" Yawning, Zhiyan nestled tiredly onto the table, curling her small body into a ball, and lazily addressed the two men.

Ouyang Jin and Pin Yiyun's eyes lit up. Watching Zhiyan, who unintentionally exuded boundless charm, both of their hearts uncontrollably skipped. In this moment, Zhiyan was as lazy as a kitten, her bright pupils wild and cunning, bewitching and lively. Her soft body was so tempting they wanted to hold her in their arms and give her a thorough spoiling.

"Hehe, so, I heard Yanyan has prepared quite a few nice things and I hope to receive your favor at the medicine sale..." Pin Yiyun lowered his posture ingratiatingly, speaking to Zhiyan. Gold Coins are easy to come by, but Medicinal Liquid is hard to find. Even if one were to concoct more Medicinal Liquid, it wouldn't be enough to share among all the nobles who come from every direction.

"I hope Yanyan, in consideration of my father's face, can sell a Jade Vial of Spirit Gathering Liquid to the Ouyang Family." Ouyang Jin looked at Zhiyan, speaking earnestly. A Grandmaster-level Expert could revitalize a family; however, a Jade Vial of Spirit Gathering Liquid could reshuffle the power dynamics among the major families. No matter to which of the three major families she sold the Spirit Gathering Liquid, it would impact the remaining two. Therefore, Ouyang Feng was determined to obtain it.

They're getting impatient so quickly! The corners of Zhiyan's lips lifted slightly, her clear and spirited eyes shimmering with a sharp glint. "Turning down money is for fools. This time, Little Yanyan has prepared three vials. However, whether you can get your hands on one depends on your abilities, big brother Jin. Heehee, just a friendly heads up, the highest bidder wins." Zhiyan winked, her smile radiant.

Indeed, for my father's sake, of course, I would sell the Spirit Gathering Liquid to Ouyang Feng. She would let him "steal the show," in front of everyone... Her lips curved into a devious smile, Zhiyan looking almost wickedly violent. The medicine sale event, she could hardly wait.

In the blink of an eye, five days passed, and Jincheng bustled with activity, filled with the clamor of excitement everywhere.

In order to achieve the ideal sensation and momentum, Zhiyan deliberately chose the central square of Jincheng as the venue for the major medicine sale. The place was wide and large enough, and most importantly, it allowed both nobles and commoners to participate. Any slightest commotion during the sale would spread instantly.

"Haha, Little Yanyan looks so beautiful today. Truly worthy of being my Wen Cheng's granddaughter," Wen Cheng said in his beige long robe, looking at Yanyan, his face flushed with pride.

"That's right, my precious Princess has always been the most beautiful," Ouyang Peng, in high spirits, doted on Zhiyan, holding her hand with triumphant joy.

"Alright, alright, you two aren't embarrassed, but I'm getting shy here," Zhiyan glared at the two men, who had been showering her with compliments from the moment they left the mansion, seemingly prepared to exhaust a lifetime's worth of praise on her then and there.

Walking alongside two elegant and charismatic men, one of them being the current Minister of Literature, drew quite the attention. Envy and jealousy abounded, and, cough, it's safe to say there were many youngsters drooling over Yanyan.

The square was packed, with a massive stage set up at the center, surrounded by rows of seating arranged like steps. Noble families and Sage families with a modicum of power were seated close to the stage, and Jincheng's three major families - Ouyang, Situ, and Xiahou - had already taken their seats. Upon Zhiyan's arrival, each of them looked excited, their eyes blazing with fervor. And as they recognized the elder at Zhiyan's side, their expressions turned serious and they came forward to greet him.

"Haha, no need for formalities, everyone," the Minister of Literature said heartily, waving his hand to encourage people to sit, his wise eyes twinkling with unabashed pride and satisfaction. Decades as the Minister of Literature did not compare to the joy he felt when claiming Zhiyan as his granddaughter.

Upon hearing the Minister speak of his beloved granddaughter, everyone held their breath, their gazes shifting towards Zhiyan, changing with admiration. Tsk, tsk, the Minister, second to none save for the Emperor himself, actually took her as his granddaughter?

It seemed this girl was not only proud in her cultivation base but also immensely likable. Knowing the Minister had a reputation for his lofty and proud nature, they were astonished to see him not only accept her as his granddaughter but also to humbly preside over this grand medicine auction for her.

Boom, the crowd erupted with excitement, eyes locked on the elder with white beard and hair on the stage, while many citizens loudly chanted in support of the Minister. Those powerful nobles sat in their seats, feeling honored.

The Minister's public appearance was entirely unexpected. They had come to witness the legendary medicinal liquids, hoping to acquire a few vials if they were lucky, but now, they were treated not only to the medicinal liquid but also to the Minister's grace—how delightful!

Zhiyan stood calmly by the Minister's side, observing the restlessness and excitement below, her lips curving into a faint smile. Very good, there was something even more spectacular waiting for them.

After exchanging a look with the Minister, Zhiyan walked over to a chair on the side and sat down.

"Please be quiet. Our purpose today is the medicinal liquid. Now, let us welcome the first batch of the medicinal liquid onto the stage," said the Minister. As his words fell, two graceful women approached, each carrying a red cloth-covered sandalwood platter. The square had been boisterous just a moment ago, but now fell silent as everyone craned their necks and fixed their eyes on the stage, eagerly waiting for the reveal.

"Hehe, thank you all for your continued care for my granddaughter. These two platters of Primordial Essence Liquid were specially prepared by Yanyan for everyone, totaling eighty-one vials. According to the market price, six hundred Gold Coins each," the Minister announced.

Whoosh, the crowd surged with excitement as they all peered at the densely packed Jade Vials within the sandalwood platters. Eight... eighty-one vials? Could it really be Primordial Essence Liquid?

Ouyang Feng and the others were visibly shaken as they stared at the items in the platters. Despite having seen much of the world, they were still astonished by this staggering quantity. Eighty-one vials, indeed eighty-one vials? Surely they weren't just filled with water? They remembered the struggles they went through just to purchase one vial, and now, so many were presented at once?

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