Chereads / Nine-year-old Magic Doctor / Chapter 35 - Chapter 35: The Emperor of the Demon Realm

Chapter 35 - Chapter 35: The Emperor of the Demon Realm

"Goddamn it, are you coming out or not?" Zhiyan instantly lost her temper, roaring into the sky, no longer caring about her previous disguise. Wow, this person is a total freak, watching her every step of the way and now, after saving her, refusing to show himself. You're posing as some kind of saint…"

The air trembled, and the next second, a man in white clothes appeared floating gracefully before her. His hair was like a waterfall, his face like the bright moon, and his presence as pure and piercing as an iceberg. His slender figure was hidden beneath a silver veil of snow, his blue eyes deep and unfathomable, and his thin lips sensual. He looked like a banished immortal, gazing at her from afar.

Zhiyan stood frozen, her mouth slightly agape, staring dumbfounded, her delicate and smooth face flushed with infatuation. She was so enamored that she was nearly drooling. How could such a beautiful person exist in this world?

"Who are you?" Ming Yihan's voice, indifferent and slightly cold, came from above. With a slight furrow of his brows, he gazed down at the petite creature below him.

"Ahem, isn't it polite to introduce yourself before asking someone else's name? That's basic etiquette," Zhiyan coughed dryly, trying to cover up her embarrassment. She looked up, serious yet innocent as she spoke.

Her exquisite, soft face was tinged with red against the snow, her lips as delicate as cherry blossoms, irresistibly luscious. Her lips were partly bitten, like a tempting morsel, compelling one to pluck them.

Ming Yihan felt a tickle in his throat, looking down at the girl who was blissfully unaware of danger. "This is not a place for you. Leave, now," he replied casually, as if he couldn't care less. With a twist of his body, he prepared to leave.

"Wah, you're bullying me, wah, you're a big bad guy, the worst of the worst…" Zhiyan's mouth turned down, and she suddenly began to cry aloud without warning. Ming Yihan was shaken, looking at Zhiyan with surprise. Were all humans so prone to crying?

As he watched her tear-stained face, his normally unflappable heart felt ripples of emotion. His figure drifted downwards, landing close to Zhiyan. He looked down, silently observing the girl who was crying so heartbreakingly.

Thus, a strange scene unfolded in the vast space: one crying her heart out, the other silently watching. One in pink and one in white, the two of them created an odd and subtle atmosphere.

After a long wait, seeing no response from him, Zhiyan's head was filled with frustration, and the corner of her mouth twitched fiercely. Damn it, she had lost her composure again. It seemed this man had a head of solid wood, utterly incapable of uttering a comforting word.

With a flicker in her water-like eyes, Zhiyan leaned forward and lunged at the man, clutching tightly onto his garment. Now he couldn't escape.

The clean, pleasant scent wafted to her nose, and Zhiyan sniffed hard, her head pressing even closer against his abdomen. Ming Yihan's body stiffened and his deep pupils darkened further…

"Mmm, hug!" Zhiyan, pushing her luck, extended her arms towards the stunned man, childlike and innocent as she spoke. The two towering ice beasts stood completely dumbfounded, staring at the fearless girl.

Ming Yihan's gaze flickered, and he crouched down, taking the soft and fragrant little thing into his arms. As cold and unyielding as he was, he found the little one in his arms quite entertaining. The sly and triumphant glances that flitted across her eyes and the subtle movements she made under his watch, believing them to be unseen, all piqued his considerable interest. Maybe it wouldn't be such a bad idea to take this little creature back for his amusement.

If Zhiyan knew what he was thinking at this moment, she would surely be infuriated enough to spit blood. Goddammit, how did a vibrant and beautiful young woman like her become reduced to a doll?

Thus, Zhiyan was carried in Ming Yihan's arms, witnessing various forms of ice sculptures along the way. The most uniform aspect was probably the facial expressions of the Ice Beasts. After seeing so many, Zhiyan grew sleepy and nestled into Ming Yihan's neck, plotting to herself. The grandeur of the Ice Palace was evident at a glance, hinting at the man's exceptional identity. Hmm, she decided to figure it out before anything else.

"Bring her back to the sleeping chamber and take good care of her." Zhiyan was carried by the man into an environment shrouded in darkness. At his command, the next second, she fell into the arms of someone strong, exuding a scent of blood.

"Stay put and don't wander around." The harsh and cool voice came through, and Zhiyan was dropped onto the ground by the collar of her dress by that person. With a swish, the darkened room instantly sparkled with light, illuminated by a large number of crystal-clear crystal balls overhead, shimmering in brilliant colors and instantly lighting up the gloomy room as if it were daylight.

Even Zhiyan, who had seen grand scenes in her previous life, couldn't help but marvel at the environment before her.

The floor was tiled with large, pure black crystals, the walls were decorated with white glazed tiles, and in the center against the wall stood an enormous ice-cold bed with purple drapes fluttering and swirling, accompanied by a subtle and pervasive chill in the air, making everything seem so mystical and opulent. Standing there, Zhiyan felt utterly insignificant.

Every detail of the room was shrouded in mystery, from the golden columns and intricate patterns to the various antique ornaments displayed, as well as the huge glowing crystal balls overhead. Each of these items, if taken outside, could fetch an astronomical price. It took Zhiyan a full ten minutes to explore the entire room.

"What is this place?" Zhiyan turned to the young man who had been rude to her, cough, boy. His eyes were surprisingly red, his skin almost translucently white, and his expression very cold, his gaze sharp.

"The Demon Palace!" The boy didn't even glance at Zhiyan, responding with distaste. As an envoy of the Demon Clan, with noble blood flowing through him, having to watch over a human child was nothing short of a blasphemy to his demonic nature.

"Demon Palace? Then the person who carried me in…" Zhiyan nodded, shifting the subject to Ming Yihan. Could that man be...

"The Demon Lord, the Demon Emperor!" The boy gave Zhiyan a fleeting look, a hint of mockery in his gaze.

"What the hell are you laughing at? You think you're so great, daring to be disrespectful to me!" The boy felt a pain on his cheek and, the next second, a delicate and smooth little face loomed before him. The girl looked furious as she angrily tugged at him, with eyes clear as mountain spring water, so transparent they seemed to see right through him.

Aren't all humans supposed to be greedy and crafty? Yet, the eyes of the girl before him were so clean?

Zhiyan stood on tiptoes, her small face tilting upwards with all her might as she fiercely pinched the boy's cheeks. Initially, it was just to vent frustration, but eventually, she found it hard to let go. Wow, such smooth skin, so tender, pinching it left a mark, even better than her own. Before long, she was pinching and touching, turning the face of this pure yet unruly child bright red.

"What are you doing?" A majestic and authoritative voice suddenly rang out, as Ming Yihan returned to witness such a scene, enough to provoke wild thoughts in anyone's mind.

Ming Yihan's gaze darkened, observing the scene before him and finding it particularly irritating, his chest inexplicably congested.

Qianhe shuddered, snapping out of his daze. Looking at Ming Yihan, who bore an aura of icy chill, his crimson eyes flickered with intense fear.

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