Chereads / Nine-year-old Magic Doctor / Chapter 39 - Chapter 39 Cold Cauldron Controls the Fire

Chapter 39 - Chapter 39 Cold Cauldron Controls the Fire

"Ha, where shall we go for a stroll now?" Having registered, Shasha excitedly tugged at Yanyan, seeking her opinion.

"No need, I wish to find an inn to rest," Zhiyan shook her head, lacking interest.

"The inns are all overcrowded right now, if you don't mind, you could stay at our place," Sharon offered with a gentle gaze, speaking softly to Zhiyan.

"What's there to mind or not mind? Is Yanyan that sort of person? Come on, I'll take you to see our house, and you can pick any room you like," Shasha said, pulling on her hand and running forward before Zhiyan could reply.

In less than twenty minutes, Zhiyan arrived at a private residence under Shasha's guidance, with its tall gate and wide courtyard filled with countless flowers. It lacked the luxury one might imagine but was tranquil and comfortable, highly suitable for living.

Zhiyan chose a room far from the siblings and once she closed the door, she flashed into her Qiankun Bracelet.

After half a month in Misty Ridge, plus the ten or so days on the road, in just one short month, there had been huge changes inside the Qiankun Bracelet. The water in the pond was clear and you could see to the bottom, the medicinal herbs planted in separate areas had grown fiercely under the immersion of the Spiritual Energy, having doubled in size since they were planted, and their medicinal efficacy had moved up a notch.

The ancient trees transplanted along with the Nightglow Grass were lush and verdant, with thick branches and leaves. Originally at about fifty meters, they had now reached at least a hundred meters, becoming the most distinguishable feature in the Qiankun Bracelet.

The Nightglow Grass that depended on these trees had grown branches, rich with luminescence. Even in places that weren't dark, they still shone brightly, especially eye-catching in the white misty space. The grass was supple, and in just one short month had grown from fifty to sixty years of age, and it was believed that soon they could reach a hundred years.

Besides the white fog in the air, there was also a faint green mist, all emanating from the various herbal plants. This was the 'Green of Life,' the essence of living beings, which could appear and linger due to the special nature of the Qiankun Bracelet.

"So eager to practice Alchemy?" Mr. Fei chuckled lightly, giving Zhiyan a teasing look.

"Everything is ready; wasting time is not my style," Zhiyan pursed her lips, neither admitting nor denying it. Had she not been in a rush the entire journey, she would have already been eager to practice alchemy.

An Alchemist is indeed able to concoct various miraculous Elixirs to enhance strength, a prestigious profession passed down from ancient times. Alchemy, unlike processing medicine, requires not only the necessary ingredients and a Medicine Cauldron but also a strong Soul Power. The requirements for the flame are also extremely strict; ordinary flames cannot be used at all.

Therefore, Alchemy can be broken down into three points: ingredients, flame, and Soul Power.

As for the ingredients, Zhiyan had an ample supply of medicinal materials, and she also had a Medicine Cauldron.

For the flame, the Yang Energy within her was the perfect catalyst. It not only carried a natural burning capability but could also evolve as her strength improved. Being the ultimate Yang, it was estimated that there was no stronger burning force than the Yang Energy.

Soul Power, that is, the ability to sense the soul, control of the heat, and the state of the elixir, all require Soul Power to control. Strong Soul Power is the key to successful alchemy.

She was a wisp of soul that had traveled from the 21st century, with countless experiences from her previous life, plus her twenty-five-year-old mind, she was much stronger than the average person. Furthermore, with Old Fei's spiritual supplement, she could boldly claim to be second to none among the younger generation.

"Alright, everything is ready, let's begin." With a wave of Old Fei's hand, more than ten herbs immediately flew towards Zhiyan, Gourd Lantern, Dragon Fruit, Shanhu Mushroom, Thousand Leaves, Hundred Grains…

With a thought, the deep purple Medicine Cauldron flew out from Zhiyan's body, emitting a buzzing sound as it landed on the ground, its cold breath scattering in all directions, involuntarily invigorating one's spirit.

"Purple Iron Cold Cauldron, a relic from ancient times, endowed with an Artifact Spirit, possessing emotion and life…" Old Fei's gaze fell on the Cold Cauldron with deep mystery, his face showing an indescribable complexity, "This cauldron is good indeed, but not easy to control. To make the cold iron yield heat is like igniting fire amidst ice, requiring great patience and determination, and it consumes a tremendous amount of Soul Power."

"Hence, the first step is to test your ability to control fire. Whenever you can manipulate the fire at will within the Cold Cauldron, that's when you can officially begin alchemy." His eyes narrowed, Old Fei stroked his beard, a hint of mischief on his face. This time it was not him being deliberately difficult. To practice alchemy, one must pass the test of the Cold Cauldron.

"Control fire? I refuse to believe that I, Leng Zhiyan, can't control a mere Medicine Cauldron." She glared back at Old Fei, focused her mind, and in an instant, Yang Energy within her surged, converging towards her fingertip. With a hiss, an orange flame shimmered brilliantly, gleaming at the slender tip of her finger.

"Go!" With a light shout, Zhiyan flicked her finger, and the flame instantly shot towards the Cold Cauldron. Hiss—it hadn't even touched the Medicine Cauldron when it was extinguished by the cold air it emitted. Zhiyan looked startled, as the domineering Yang Energy seemed helpless before the Cold Cauldron, extinguishing in less than a second. Ah, she must be mad to torture herself with such a cauldron.

The thought was fleeting; the Cold Cauldron in front of her trembled violently, followed by a piercing hum in her mind. Alright, the Medicine Cauldron did indeed possess life and emotions after all. Zhiyan felt embarrassed and consoled it slightly until it calmed down before she refocused her intentions.

"The Medicine Cauldron is your companion; you must first try to understand it before you can conquer it." Old Fei sighed, his eyes shining with envy. How lucky she was to have encountered a Medicine Cauldron left over from eternity, such a chance encounter one could hardly seek. How could she just stumble upon it?

Under her control, the orange flame slowly approached and abruptly stopped half a meter from the Medicine Cauldron.

Yang Energy flowed endlessly from within her, and the flame suspended in mid-air gradually grew larger and hotter. The orange light cast an effulgent glow on her fair and delicate cheeks, blush creeping in as the heat neared. The Cold Cauldron trembled slightly, its disperse coldness nearing zero under the roasting of the flame.

This is the moment. Zhiyan's eyes brightened, and the stationary flame pushed forward fiercely, penetrating into the cauldron instantly, had she succeeded?

Her eyes, clear as water, were filled with intense joy, and Zhiyan's face was animated. Just as she was about to cheer, the flame within the cauldron trembled violently, puffed out, and extinguished again. Her delicate and smooth face tinged with hints of disappointment, she exhaled heavily, gritted her teeth, and her spirit sank down once more. Today, she would stand her ground against it—she refused to believe she couldn't tame it.

Puffing and extinguishing, her petite body stood in front of the cauldron, over and over again, manipulating Yang Energy within her. The orange flame lit up again and again in the Qiankun Space, the surrounding air alternately hot and cold. Old Fei watched leisurely from mid-air, occasionally nodding, occasionally shaking his head, admiration gradually showing in his eyes as Zhiyan failed time after time.

Not bad, not bad at all; her progress was evident, from extinguishing instantaneously at the start to now being able to persist for more than ten minutes. Such progress was undoubtedly obvious. It seemed that within a day, she would be able to control the heat and make full use of the Purple Iron Cold Cauldron.

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