Chereads / Nine-year-old Magic Doctor / Chapter 38 - Chapter 38 Longteng Royal Family

Chapter 38 - Chapter 38 Longteng Royal Family

Breathless, everyone wore an idiotic expression, and Luo Yingxue trembled with rage, her eyes ablaze with fury. How dare this ignorant brat disregard the existence of her Luo Family, no, the presence of the entire four great families.

"Ha ha, little sister, you've got guts. Don't worry, with your sister covering you, no one can bully you," the enchanting woman laughed heartily and squeezed her way to Zhiyan's side, patting her small shoulders and promising spiritedly.

The little girl was handsome and cute, exuding an indescribable attractiveness that made one unable to resist the desire to protect her. Seeing her calm and composed in the face of threats, their fondness for her rose to a new level. Regardless, she would take care of today's matter.

Whoosh, people were dumbfounded, staring blankly at this beautiful woman who had suddenly appeared. What was happening today? Was it a day for beautiful fools?

A girl's ignorance of the situation was one thing, but why was this purple-clad girl joining in the excitement? She was protecting someone who challenged the four great families. Carelessness could lead to disaster, tsk tsk, it seemed to confirm the saying "long hair, short wisdom." Women, oh women...

Zhiyan's lip twitched slightly. Was this woman a bit too overenthusiastic? They didn't even know each other after all.

"He he, don't be stingy, let me hug you, mmm, so fragrant..." Whoosh, jaws nearly hit the ground in shock. This woman... she was too unrestrained. No, wasn't the topic just moments ago about the four great families? How did the focus shift to how fragrant the girl was?

"Very well, I will let all of you witness the might of our Luo Family," Luo Yingxue's face was dark and menacing, her fair and delicate cheeks flushed to a purplish red as her petite body trembled, her chest heaving with towering rage. Good, very good. If they dared to disregard her, Luo Yingxue, they would pay a bloody price.

"Disperse, it's just a minor conflict, no need for a full-scale war," the blue-robed youth, who had been silent until then, suddenly stepped forward, his voice low, gentle, and melodious, very pleasing to the ear.

Luo Yingxue's eyes brightened at the sight, and upon seeing that softly handsome face, her mind wavered, her previous severity melting into a soft and gentle demeanor, "May I ask who this gentleman is?" she asked with a demure smile, her voice dripping with tenderness.

Zhiyan's lips curled slightly, her clear and bright pupils flashed a hint of mockery, infatuated! (Cough cough, it seems someone had also been infatuated before.)

The blue-robed youth stood tall and indifferent, his black hair tied up high, his skin so pale it was nearly translucent, and his emerald-green eyes calmly observed everyone, as vast as the ocean and as dazzling as the stars. He appeared gentle, yet there was an inherent aloofness in his presence.

"Sharon, this is my younger sister. Let's consider the earlier matter a misunderstanding," with thin lips slightly pursed, creating a handsome curve, the youth's demeanor shifted from gentle to stern and serious. In that moment, his aura instantly captivated countless young girls.

Boom, Sha, Sharon?

Which Sharon? It seemed the Longteng Prince was also named Sharon... Oh, could it be the same person?

The crowd was astonished, eyes wide, their faces a picture of disbelief. Good heavens, was this youth the Longteng Prince?

A moment ago, Luo Yingxue was all smiles, but the next second, she stood frozen as if struck dumb, just standing there, deeply shocked. Sharon, Prince, younger sister... She had actually crossed paths with the Royal Family of Longteng Country, and she seemed to have just made some fierce threats too... Whoosh, her face turned pale, her body trembling ceaselessly, this was the end...

"I wonder how your Luo Family compares with our Longteng Country?" Shasha (the enchanting woman) snorted coldly, twisted her waist, and snatched the three-stage Wood-elemental System Crystal Core, "If you're unhappy, feel free to come find me anytime. And another thing, she's my sister. If you dare harm her in the slightest, I will have your entire Luo Family buried with her. Let's go!"

She sneeringly tossed out a sentence, and the purple-clad girl, pulling Zhiyan along, moved forward. The blue-robed boy closely followed behind. The crowd on the scene remained dumbfounded in place until long after their figures had disappeared before they came to their senses. Luo Yingxue's face was contorted, her eyes filled with violent rage, her fists clenched tightly, her face painted with madness…

"You can let go of my hand now." Reaching a corner, Zhiyan suddenly stopped and, looking at the overly enthusiastic Shasha, spoke.

"Wow, Little Sister looks so pretty even when she's angry. Big Sister really likes you." Shasha said excitedly, her eyes shining as they rested on her, her paws incessantly pawing at the delicate and tender cheeks.

Zhiyan's face was lined with displeasure, her brow slightly furrowed, expressing her annoyance, "I won't repeat myself, so please stay away from me."

Sharon narrowed his eyes slightly, finally taking a serious look at the girl in front of him. Most people scrambled to curry favor upon learning of their royal identity, yet her impatient demeanor was completely beyond his expectations.

The girl's lips were like cherry blossoms, her delicate features like flowers, her clear eyes were nimble and crafty, shining with multicolored light, reflecting a brilliance of wisdom. Her entire being radiated an indescribable presence. Standing there lightly, seen against the light, her silhouette seemed to be enveloped in a halo, ethereal and elegant, giving off an impression of mystery that was difficult to grasp.

Sharon took a sharp breath, a hint of amazement flashing in his eyes. It was the first time he had encountered such an exquisite and unique girl. That innate elegance and composure, that indifference and detachment deep in her bones, made one irresistibly want to draw closer at first glance.

"Ugh, don't be so stingy, Big Sister will stop touching you." Shasha pouted, reluctantly withdrawing her hands, as her gaze continued to linger on Zhiyan, "Little Sister, where are you headed? How about Big Sister accompanies you?"

"Youlan Academy." Zhiyan said succinctly, casting a brief glance at the boy opposite her.

"Eh, Little Sister, are you going to Youlan Academy to find someone, or…?" Shasha asked with a puzzled face.

"To register." Zhiyan replied flatly, what else could one be doing at Youlan Academy at this time if not registering.

Whoosh, Sharon and Shasha simultaneously raised their eyes, their gazes landing on Zhiyan like searchlights. She was going to register at Youlan Academy? But why couldn't they feel a trace of Spiritual Power in her? Was this girl joking?

"May I have the honor of knowing your name?" Sharon stepped closer to Zhiyan without anyone noticing, his emerald eyes intently gazing at her, his expression earnest, his voice strangely captivating.

"Leng Zhiyan. You can call me Yanyan." Taking a step back to widen the gap between them, Zhiyan replied indifferently.

"Leng Zhiyan, Yanyan, what a lovely name. My name is Shasha, and he is Sharon. From now on we're friends. Don't worry, with me looking out for you, no one will dare to bully you." Shasha was naturally sociable, enthusiastically taking Yanyan's hand. The three got to know each other briefly, then headed towards the academy together.

From September 9th to September 11th, these three days were the registration period for Youlan Academy's enrollment exams. The exam schedule would be posted on September 4th, with official testing commencing on September 5th.

The scene was crowded, with students forming dozens of long lines for registration, a sight to behold. Thanks to Sharon and his companion, it took Zhiyan less than a minute to complete her registration.

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