Chereads / Nine-year-old Magic Doctor / Chapter 37 - Chapter 37: Being Provoked

Chapter 37 - Chapter 37: Being Provoked

"His approach was right," Elder Fei drifted forward, suddenly uttering a sentence. The Demon Realm and humans were inherently entangled in complexity, and given his identity as the Demon Emperor, it was better to leave early.

"Yeah, since we're all not close, it should be this way," stepping on the fallen leaves on the ground, Zhiyan said with irritation. In her past life, she had made countless acquaintances, but this was the first time she felt completely at a loss.

This person was too cold, indifferent to a point where she found no way to begin, and it was driving her crazy.

Having spent half a month in Misty Ridge, it was strange to say, her luck this time was explodingly good. Not only had she not encountered a single Demonic Beast, but she had also collected numerous precious herbs. Just the ones fit for refining Elixirs above Third-grade numbered in the dozens, not to mention the common foundational herbs.

Now that she had a Medicine Cauldron and all the necessary herbs, there was no point in staying any longer. Xiahou Kong had tempted her with the prospect of Youlan Academy, and with September approaching, it was the perfect time for the academy's new term to start. An idea flashed through her mind, and Zhiyan made up her mind in an instant. Her body was still young after all, and it might be nice to experience campus life.

On the ninth day of September, in Ming Capital of the Phoenix Supreme Dynasty, the streets were filled with young scholars. In groups of three or five, with joy in their eyes, they chatted merrily or shared amusing anecdotes, painting a vibrant and youthful scene. Nine out of ten people were wearing brocaded robes, clearly of noble birth. Zhiyan, in a pale pink dress, weaved through the crowd, slightly out of place with her delicate figure.

Every September was the most bustling time in Ming Capital, and a great opportunity for merchants to make money. Stalls filled the streets as far as the eye could see, and many scholars were squatting in front of them, carefully picking out items in preparation for the upcoming entrance tests.

"Have you heard that this year's admission quota is going to be increased from previous years?" a young man in a splendid robe murmured mysteriously to his companions.

"Really? That would be great if it's true. That way, our chances of getting admitted will increase," a young man in a Blue Robe said, shaking with excitement. Youlan Academy, one of the top ten academies on the Mainland, entering it was something many people dreamed of!

"It's said that Prince Sharon from the Royal Family of Longteng and the Princess of Phoenix Supreme, along with heirs from various noble families, will participate in this year's freshman tests. This batch is even more impressive than before. Although the number of places has increased, the overall strength has doubled, so we shouldn't get too excited just yet. Let's think about how to pass the tests first," another young man said, shaking his head, dousing their excitement with cold water.

Following the flow of people, Zhiyan walked on, her gaze occasionally falling on the items displayed on the roadside stalls — a mix of swords, Crystal Cores, herbs, and prank devices meant for competition.

"How much for this one?" Zhiyan squatted down, picking up a green, sparklingly translucent Wood-elemental System Crystal Core. Since she hadn't encountered any Demonic Beasts in Misty Ridge, she hadn't collected a single Crystal Core. Now seeing this rare Wood-elemental System Crystal Core, she was delighted.

"A Third-grade Wood-elemental System Crystal Core, I'll take this one, how much?" A shadow flitted by, and with a sharp voice, the Crystal Core in Zhiyan's hand was snatched away. A young girl in tender yellow attire stood arrogantly, demanding to know the price.

"Sorry, but I saw this first," a calm voice, carrying a cool breath, sounded. The delicate girl looked up, her face composed as she spoke.

"Ah, my apologies, Miss, the Crystal Core was first spotted by this young lady here, wouldn't you agree?" The stall owner, an old man in his sixties bearing the weathered look of years, explained the situation with both embarrassment and humility.

"Tsk, as if she, a mere child, could afford a third-grade Wood-elemental System Crystal Core." The woman sneered, pulling out a Purple Gold Coin from her bosom, "Here, one Purple Gold Coin, equivalent to one thousand Gold Coins, is more than enough to buy your little third-grade Crystal Core." With an arrogant smile, she tossed the coin in front of the old man and turned to leave.

"Stop right there." Cold and icy, a chilling presence suddenly surged, "Do you think you're so great just because you have money? Or is it that you simply can't understand human speech?" Zhiyan looked at the girl, her clear, bright pupils brimming with boundless chill. Not only had she grabbed what Zhiyan had set her eyes on, but she also had an infuriating sense of self-entitlement that made one want to vomit.

The unusual behaviour of the two quickly caught the attention of others, and the originally bustling street came to a momentary halt before a rustling of whispered discussions broke out. The crowd looked on with curiosity, pointing and commenting on the pair.

"What's going on?" a young man asked his companion in a subdued voice, his interest piqued by the attractive girl in yellow and the delicate, pretty girl in the pink skirt, both of whom were catching the eyes of the passersby.

"I don't know; it seems the girl in yellow has offended the child…" another young man shook his head, accustomed to such spectacles. This was his third time attending Youlan Academy's admissions, and every year tens of thousands come to apply, but in the end, only about a thousand are admitted. Fights, quarrels, and conflicts were just commonplace here.

"Wow, whose child is this? She's so cute and imposing?" A star-struck voice rose from the crowd, and the next second, a charming and enchanting girl in a purple dress squeezed through the masses, followed by a youth in a Blue Robe.

With a face as fine as jade and eyes like stars, the girls around him gasped in admiration, their eyes filled with affection. In contrast to the girl in purple's enthusiastic vivacity, the boy seemed aloof and calm, an air of nobility about him, even neglecting to glance at Zhiyan, who was present.

"Do you know who I am? Ever heard of the four great families of Ming Capital? To dare defy this young miss, do you have a death wish?" The girl in yellow glared menacingly, looking down upon Zhiyan as she threatened, and the surrounding crowd lit up with interest upon hearing the reference to Ming Capital's four great families, wondering if this girl was one of them.

Good heavens, it looked like this little one had kicked a steel plate. The four great families of Ming Capital were not to be trificked with; even the dean of Youlan Academy had to show them some deference.

It was well known that the growth of an academy depended not only on the support of a few experts but also on the backing and financial aid from various powers. The local "snakes" of Ming Capital, the four great families, just happened to be four of the major investors of Youlan Academy, meaning that offending them was essentially closing the door to any connection with Youlan Academy.

Even if one's admission to Youlan Academy were to be revoked, escaping the punishment of the four great families was near impossible. All of Ming Capital, including the nearby counties and towns, were under their control; one couldn't escape even if they grew wings.

"The four great families of Ming Capital?" Zhiyan nodded slightly, her gaze deep like distant snow-capped mountains, tinged with a hint of coldness, "So what?"

She had dared to cripple Ouyang Feng, a member of one of Jindu's three great families, so why should she fear another great family?

Boom, a thunderbolt seemed to explode on the spot, leaving the crowd in disarray, faces filled with astonishment as they looked at the girl before them. Did she just say, "So what?" She actually said "So what?" Does she not realize the severity of offending the four great families, akin to seeking her own death, yet she replied so indifferently, so casually? My goodness, those are the four great families!

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