Chereads / Nine-year-old Magic Doctor / Chapter 27 - Chapter 27: Refining Spirit Gathering Liquid

Chapter 27 - Chapter 27: Refining Spirit Gathering Liquid

Having walked only a short distance, a sudden figure flickered before her eyes—the tender yellow-clad Ouyang Qin and another woman blocked the path.

"Hmph, you lowlife, don't think you can secure your position in the Ouyang Family just because you know a bit of medical skill!" Ouyang Qin, with her hands on her hips, scoffed arrogantly!

"Exactly, with a face only a mother could love and no mother's upbringing, you do nothing but seduce men everywhere!" Another young girl, full of scorn, laughed in agreement!

"Swoosh! Swoosh!" A cold glint flashed, and two silver needles precisely pierced the lips of both women. Ouyang Zhiyan, tilting her head back, her delicate and smooth face blooming with an innocent smile, said, "Sorry, but you two sisters are so eloquent that even my precious silver needles couldn't resist getting closer to you..."

The silver needles were coated with a newly developed medicinal powder, which caused their lips to swell like sausages in no time. It would probably take them ten days to half a month to heal.

Endurance and keeping one's edge concealed did not signify weakness or incapability. They could insult her, but they should be prepared to face death first!

She glanced at them dispassionately and turned around, leaving without a trace of mercy.

The collection of herbs went swiftly. With Wencheng acting as the intermediary, the prices were fair. Even the extremely rare Dragon Ganoderma Herb was collected in at least ten pieces, more than enough for her to craft the Spirit Gathering Liquid ten times.

Not only had Ouyang Peng regained consciousness, but nurtured by Zhiyan's Yin Yang Energy, faint Spiritual Energy had begun to gather in his body. This changed his constitution from that of a blind man. It was estimated that in another ten days or so, he could break through his limit and reach the level of a Primary-level Sage, an undoubtedly joyous piece of news.

Wencheng visited the Southern Gardens every two to three days. Aside from receiving treatment, he spent most of his time chatting with Ouyang Peng. Long traveled and wise, Ouyang Peng was vastly knowledgeable, and with his extraordinary demeanor and way of speaking, he won Wencheng's admiration. The two even became friends despite the age difference, drinking and talking about everything; Ouyang Peng's status within the family improved by leaps and bounds every day, even showing signs of surpassing Ouyang Yuan.

However, Peng didn't care in the least. Zhiyan had hinted at some of her plans to him, but Ouyang Peng only responded indifferently that there was no need to consider his opinion.

It wasn't that he didn't care; rather, he had completely given up hope on this family. Fifteen years ago, the person he loved most could die before his eyes; fifteen years later, the man called his father could still stubbornly harm another person he cared about.

People can be shameless, but they should never be so to this extent. If he could be heartless, then don't blame him for being merciless. For this family, he was determined not to make any concessions. Thus, he would not stop Yanyan from making any decisions, even if it led to the downfall of the entire family...

The Spirit Gathering Liquid was equivalent to a Fourth-grade Spirit Gathering Pill—gathering qi and Spiritual Energy, it was an elixir specially designed for Grandmaster-level experts. It could allow a Primary-grade Grandmaster to ascend to Mid-grade, or a Mid-grade Grandmaster to High-grade within a short period, fast and without any side effects, a top-quality aid desired by all Grandmaster-level Experts.

On the Youming Continent, where Sages were prevalent, countless High-grade Sages existed, but high-tier Alchemists were few and far between. In the whole of Jincheng, the most revered was only a Third-grade Pill Master. This man, Mo Feng, was employed by the Imperial Family, and the Elixirs he crafted were exclusively for the Imperial Family. What circulated among the common folk were probably Elixirs ranging from First to Second-grade.

Fourth-grade Alchemy Masters were esteemed heights in Youming Continent, and the price of fourth-grade elixirs was staggering. Ordinary people couldn't even fathom owning such treasures, let alone the wealthy elite and major families. So, when Zhiyan announced that Spirit Gathering Liquid would be on sale in a month, all of Jincheng was abuzz. From the royal court to common citizens, everyone looked forward to the grand medicine sale event a month away.

News of the fourth-grade medicinal liquid's advent spread like the wind, stirring up the towns surrounding Jincheng. Families with a bit of money all packed up, hoping to try their luck. Even if they couldn't buy the legendary liquid, witnessing it would be an experience in itself.

Zhiyan gathered her concentration, her Spiritual Sense firmly locked onto the Medicine Cauldron before her. Red flames danced at her fingertips, and with a light flick, they leaped dramatically in the Cauldron. The intense and vibrant red, like fresh blood, was dazzling and scorching to behold. For several days, Zhiyan had been practicing fire control, going from the initial flames to now being entirely at ease with them. The progress during this period had even impressed old Fei himself.

Once she had dealt with the issue of heat control, the next challenge was the actual preparation. The initial base of the fourth-grade Spirit Gathering Liquid alone consisted of over a hundred different herbs, plus the main herbs added later on, totaling nearly two hundred varieties. This massive undertaking tested a person's patience and attentiveness, as well as their cultivation base and willpower.

As Zhiyan controlled the flames, she organized the alchemy steps in her mind. The intricate details and protocols were so numerous that she couldn't help feeling a headache coming on, guessing that by the end of it, her Yang Energy would likely be almost depleted.

Fei hovered in mid-air, squinting as he watched Zhiyan make the medicine. Her current cultivation base was far from sufficient to produce fourth-grade Spirit Gathering Liquid, but it seemed the only way to bait Ouyang Feng. Hence, all he could do was assist her from the sidelines.

"Start with a strong fire to preheat the cauldron, then mix half a liter of water before layering the Mayten Leaf at the bottom," instructed Fei leisurely, stroking his beard. Zhiyan willed the flames in the cauldron to surge, crackling energetically and casting the room in a bright red glow.

The Mayten Leaf softened in the fire and slowly sank to the bottom, clinging to the cauldron like green moss with fine bubbles occasionally rising from its delicate surface. Zhiyan immediately stabilized the heat and added the rest of the herbs into the cauldron one by one.

Inner Fire was useful but also demanding on the mind. In just half an hour, Zhiyan's forehead was beaded with sweat, her delicate cheeks flushed with exertion as she focused intently, not daring to relax for even a moment.

Medicine making and pill forging, one requires careful modulation, the other demands fusion. The former is closely connected with traditional medicine, emphasizing the harmonizing of energies and ingredients, while the latter focuses on the blending of multiple forces. Therefore, medicine making is more complex, necessitating not only essential herbs but also many auxiliary and balancing ones. This is why it is both time-consuming and energy-draining. Even a Primary-level Sage, given enough patience and perseverance, is bound to succeed over time.

Of course, the number of practice attempts varies from person to person. Some may not succeed after hundreds of attempts, while others, like Zhiyan, may succeed on their first try.

"How are you holding up?" Fei asked, looking at the weary Zhiyan. It didn't need to be this hard; his Soul Body might be weak, but he could still manage to refine some medicinal liquid.

"I can!" Zhiyan bit her lip and rallied herself. It was just a fourth-grade medicinal liquid; she refused to believe she couldn't get past this challenge.

Time and again, as the sun rose and set outside, the initial base liquid was finally crafted successfully through her relentless efforts. After nearly ten days of refining, her control over the heat had reached an astonishing level. Her spiritual power grew with each overdraft, and the Yang thread inside her body became twice as thick as the Yin thread—an advancement so rapid it delighted her, making the medicine making process seem even more effortless.

"Good, next step is to add the main herbs. Start by slicing the Luoqian Vine, then place it on top of the medicinal liquid, and simmer on a gentle fire..." Following Fei's directions, Zhiyan cut a piece of the thick, purple Luoqian Vine into thin slices, then carefully placed them on top of the medicinal liquid. The steaming heat instantly turned them yellow and a viscous, deep purple substance oozed out, gradually covering the entire liquid. A faint, delightful fragrance filled the air, bringing an indescribable sense of satisfaction.

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