Chereads / Nine-year-old Magic Doctor / Chapter 25 - Chapter 25 Stop When It's Enough

Chapter 25 - Chapter 25 Stop When It's Enough

Ouyang Jin silently watched, a nine-year-old Advanced-level Sage, masterful medical skills as if touched by the divine, mysterious medicinal liquids? How many secrets had such a delicate body shouldered, and what else was there that he didn't know of?

The more he looked, the more shocked he felt, the closer he got, the more puzzled he became. Was she really the same Ouyang Zhiyan as before? If so, how could one person change so drastically? Even if her cultivation base could be concealed, what about her personality?

Ouyang Jin's dark pupils turned even darker as he gazed deeply at Zhiyan, eventually shaking his head helplessly, bending over, and carefully lifting her up.

The touch was ice cold, the girl in his arms was sleeping soundly, her eyelids closed, her delicate eyelashes trembled slightly, her brows furrowed tightly, even in her dreams, she seemed restless. Ouyang Jin tightened his hold on her slightly, as if trying to offer her some comfort.

Feeling the source of warmth, Zhiyan instinctively snuggled forward, the pleasant scent filled the nostrils, her rosy lips curled up slightly, forming a criminally enticing curve. Ouyang Jin caught his breath, daring not to move another inch.

Zhiyan woke up after two hours of sleep, looking at her surroundings, a hint of confusion crossed her little face. How had she returned to her room? Shaking her head, she decisively got out of bed, wondering how her father was now.

"Miss Zhiyan, Chancellor Wen has been waiting in the front hall for quite some time." Seeing Zhiyan come out of the room, a servant immediately stepped forward to inform her.

Chancellor Wen? Her eyes briefly flashed with confusion, swiftly recalling the old man she had saved at the restaurant three days ago, "Hmm, I understand." She nodded, signaling the servant to leave.

In the Southern Gardens' front hall, dressed in a gray robe, Chancellor Wen sat in the main seat. Beside him were the Family Head Ouyang Feng and the Ouyang Family's next heir, Ouyang Jin. The group was chatting and laughing, the atmosphere was very lively.

The moment Zhiyan stepped in, the atmosphere suddenly stiffened for a second, and a frozen smile appeared on Ouyang Feng's face, his gaze towards Zhiyan concealing a sharp edge.

"Little divine physician!" Chancellor Wen's body shook, he immediately stood up from his seat, a joyful expression covered his usually cold face as he excitedly approached Zhiyan, "Did the little divine physician sleep well?" His voice was gentle, lacking any pretense, treating her as if she was a peer of his own.

"Hmm, come with me," Zhiyan replied indifferently, completely ignoring Ouyang Feng's darkened face, and spoke softly to Chancellor Wen, who generally disliked pleasantries. After giving Ouyang Feng a slight nod, he followed her.

"Isn't this the benefactor who accompanied the divine physician last time?" Upon seeing Ouyang Peng on the bed, Chancellor Wen was suddenly surprised, a look of astonishment on his face. Although his eyes were closed last time, he had clearly heard Ouyang Peng asking Zhiyan to administer aid. Helplessly immobile back then, he was unable to extend his gratitude in time, and he had not expected to see him lying in bed this time.

"You can call me Zhiyan, this is my father, Ouyang Peng, and also the younger son of the current Family Head, Ouyang Feng," Zhiyan pulled over a chair, gesturing for him to sit, her eyes notably chilling when she mentioned Ouyang Feng, and a hint of murderous intent passed across her face.

"What happened to him?" Chancellor Wen's eyes narrowed slightly as he stroked his beard while calmly asking, his silver-gray pupils flashing with wisps of wisdom; his demeanor was serene but invisibly conveyed the pressure of someone in high authority.

"To save me, he staked his own life!" Just the simple four words, coupled with the murderous intent previously mentioned toward Ouyang Feng, allowed the politically seasoned Chancellor to quickly grasp the situation. It seemed all these machinations were Ouyang Feng's doing.

"I will treat you first!" Zhiyan interrupted his contemplation, hinting just enough to believe that with his wisdom, he could understand the meaning she intended to convey. She was not a kind person, and even less likely to show kindness without expecting anything in return. Inviting her to Ouyang Peng's room was for the sake of the plan to come, and the only thing she couldn't let go of was Ouyang Peng.

"Then I thank you deeply," Chancellor Wen's spirit lifted, and a deep meaning flitted across his eyes as he bowed to Zhiyan.

After more than half an hour had passed, Zhiyan withdrew the silver needle, "Throat-Sealing Powder is domineering and stubborn, penetrating deeply into the flesh. It can't be cleared in a day or two. Chancellor will have to trouble yourself to come here every two or three days."

"Not at all, if it were not for Miss Zhiyan, this old life of mine would have been long gone. Running a few trips is nothing; even running every day would not be a problem. I just fear troubling the young lady too much, and I feel deeply apologetic," Chancellor Wen said, shaking his head, full of remorse.

"There's no need for polite words. This is Primordial Essence Liquid, it solidifies and nourishes the essence. It's good for your body. To be honest, my father is also a blind cultivator, and Yanyan admires your unwavering righteousness. I hope you can interact more with my father."

As Zhiyan spoke, she handed over a vial of Primordial Essence Liquid to him. Chancellor Wen's body shook violently, his gaze trembling as he looked at the jade vial in his hand. Wasn't this the much-talked-about Primordial Essence Liquid recently in the court? Rumor had it that it was priceless, even the emperor himself had only one vial.

"This thing couldn't have been brewed by you, could it?" Seeing her composed face, Chancellor Wen asked doubtfully. As soon as he had asked, he felt he was being paranoid. How could a medicinal liquid comparable to a Second-grade Vitality Nourishing Pill possibly be refined by a child?

However, the answer came in the form of a faint nod from Zhiyan. In that moment, the air stilled, and he felt as though his blood was flowing backward. No matter how composed he was usually, he couldn't remain unflustered now. It really was created by the young girl in front of him. To think that this small vial of medicinal liquid was worth hundreds of Gold Coins! No, that wasn't the point. The real point was that, according to rumors, this medicinal liquid was crafted by an alchemist long thought vanished. So, was she the legendary alchemist?

Boom, another thunderclap exploded in his mind. Chancellor Wen's breath quickened, a rare blush tinting his aged face, and his white brows and beard trembled slightly, unable to contain a touch of playfulness.

"Pfft—It's not as grand as you imagine. Compared to the Alchemists prevalent on the Mainland, I have much more to learn."

Zhiyan let out a chuckle. It was said that Chancellor Wen was cold and proud, not given to smiles or laughter, but before her now, where was his dignity as one above ten thousand? He seemed no different from an affable old neighbor, endearing yet laughable.

"I can't accept this for nothing. May I ask if there is anything you need, Miss? I will do my utmost to help," Chancellor Wen said, standing up abruptly with a look of reverence in his eyes toward Zhiyan. The thing he disliked the most in life was owing favors. Zhiyan's life-saving grace had yet to be repaid, so how could he accept this valuable medicinal liquid?

"Please, take it. If you really want to help, rather than that, help me gather some information on these herbs," Zhiyan said, taking out a piece of paper full of herbs from her bosom and spreading it before him. Her lively and cunning eyes flickered with a touch of fierce intensity. She had said before that she would not allow others to bully her in this life. The harm done to her in the past, she would reclaim all at once. Her lips curved slightly, her delicate and smooth cheeks revealed a trace of a wicked and ferocious smile, making Chancellor Wen shiver uncontrollably.

No sooner had Chancellor Wen left than a servant brought word that Ouyang Feng had summoned her, saying an old acquaintance had come looking. Zhiyan's heart was puzzled. Could it be that detestable old head who had deliberately found an excuse? After a moment's thought, she still followed the servant towards the main residence.

This was Zhiyan's first visit to the main residence. The luxurious and extravagant setting aside, even the surrounding arrangements were meticulous. However, these had nothing to do with her. Upon arriving at the main hall of the residence, everyone's gaze shot towards her the instant she entered. Ouyang Feng sat in the high seat, his eyes slightly narrowed, his gaze firmly fixed on her, his facial expression inscrutable.

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