Chereads / loose spirit / Chapter 26 - surgeon eyes and a special training event

Chapter 26 - surgeon eyes and a special training event

Purple spiritual energy gathered around Miguel and he analyzed his opponents and he saw weak points and other weak spots with that said he changed at them

The lost souls unaware of there demise lunged at Miguel but he saw it coming and he slashed were the weak spot was and the lost soul was cut in too the others were surprised but there animal like instinct shut that down and they charge

Miguel wasn't surprised he connected the chains in his blade and he twirled his daggers like nunchucks and when one of them got close he grabbed one his blades and thanks to the momentum his blade struck with quick force once again splitting the lost soul in two.

The last one was now terrified of this human who easily split his partners in two he tried to ran away but Miguel appeared in the blink of an eye and with no time to attack he easily cut off his head.

Max was somewhat surprised that Miguel easily killed those lost souls in just single strike sure it wasn't exactly unexpected because Miguel has been an exorcist with more experience than him but watching him kill those lost souls like they were nothing was honestly surprising he still hasn't used the sword his mom gave him but he hoped that the person who was supposed to train him with the sword.

Miguel: that out of the way I will call a crew to pick up the body and give it a proper burial.

Max: what's the point of that?

Miguel: it's to give the man to get some respect nobody deserved to be die in such a way but it's only the we give his dead body the respect it needs.

Max: yeah I get it but still we're is his soul?

Miguel: I'll take care of that let's go back I'll call a personal cab of mine.

Max and Miguel were outside waiting for Miguel's cap and max decided to ask his mentor about his ability.

Max: hey Miguel mind if ask what exactly is your ability your eyes turning red isn't just for flashines rights?

Miguel: yup my ability is called surgeon eyes and they allow to see through a person body from muscle to nervous system and skeleton but for lost souls they an energy spine like thing on there backs And not only my eyes allows me have x ray vision I can analyze someone's body quickly like a computer and that allows me to know weak spots in both humans and spirit but for spirits it's basically like a spot that doesn't have much defense.

Max: so you basically have x ray vision and not only that it also gives you the ability to analyze bodies quickly not bad but it doesn't enhance you?

Miguel: unfortunately no only my vision and brain but thanks to spiritual energy that task isn't a problem oh and another thing kid I back there I didn't use spiritual energy I only use pure strength that's how effective weak spots are to my advantage even with out my dagger I'm good at hand to hand combat an exorcist always needs to be ready for anything of course some of us aren't perfect and make mistakes but we can only learn from them.

A quiet moment had passed and max let his mentor's words sink in and he remembered the fight when he almost died and he remembered how he told that if his memories didn't came back he would have died right there but in a way max did it to himself he willingly volunteered to stall the knight and that didn't exactly end well for him but still he swore that that won't happen again.

After a while a black car pulled up and Miguel and max got in and Miguel remembered something.

Miguel: right I forgot you and your crew are getting two new roommates.

Max: really?

Miguel: yup but you guys will preparing for a special training event it's you against the your superior.

Max: wait we are fighting you and the other high ranking members!?

Miguel: no not me you will be fighting the younger members that had been in the business much longer than you.

Max: if we are facing our seniors doesn't that mean me and the others will get our asses kicked?

Miguel: no you started but they have been in this for 2 years so you are 2 years behind them but consider this a learning experience for both of you.

Max: I'm not looking forward for this.

Miguel: don't worry you the event is in two months so you will have time to train and get to know your new roommates.

Max: I guess so.

In another part of the city a black hair with a pony tail in orange was meditating with another woman in green beside her

Monica: I can see you have gotten better at controlling your spiritual energy seina.

Seina: well you know I'm about to work for one of the organizations that makes an impact on the world along with people my age so yeah I don't want to make a bad impression mom.

Monica: don't worry the new kids are actually pretty nice from what Evelyn told me I even heard that one of them almost died during a mission but he survived.

Seina: that must have been hard for him

Monica looked at her daughter in worry she honestly didn't want her daughter to be an exorcist but it's hard to keep someone who has a family that of exorcist away from the world of spirits so when seina found out about them she didn't listen to her and trained herself to be one and reluctantly Monica trained her to make sure that her daughter was safe.

Monica: just to be sure are you really going to do this?

Seina: mom I told you I'm going to be an exorcist I don't want to waste my life on just doing a job that doesn't benefit me or anyone else if being part of EXO corp mean I can actually do something that I actually do something that I actually feel like I belong and if I don't use my ability it would just be a massive waste.

Monica just let out a sigh of defeat.

Monica: fine I won't stop you but promise me that you won't do anything to get yourself or others killed.

Seina: I promise.

Monica: good now in two days you will move to the dorms so I suggest you pack up.

Seina: on it.

In a house a white haired boy with blue eyes was twirling around a karambit in his finger the boy felt the power come off his weapon and he felt a connection his trance was interrupted by a call from down stairs.

Alexa: Ken get down here your breakfast is ready.

Ken: be right there

The boy now known as Ken put his weapon on his nightstand.

Ken got down stairs and a woman who was his adoptive mother Alexa samuel he got his last name from her.

Alexa: so how did you sleep Kenny?

Ken: it was fine and but I'm excited to move into the dorms in EXO corp I'm family gonna get the chance to be with people that can teach me a few things.

Alexa: so you won't feel bad for leaving your mother behind?

Ken: no come on you know I will visit

Alexa: well still I'm gonna miss you having around the house.

Ken: yeah but still I'm so excited to meet my roommates.

Alexa: actually when you meet your roommates you will have one big surprise.

Ken: what do you mean?

Alexa: you will see Kenny

Ken wasn't sure what his mom was talking about but put that aside and focused on his breakfast

In the wall of his house a picture of a much younger Ken was beside a kid with black hair boy linking arms and smiling like they were best friends.