Chereads / loose spirit / Chapter 27 - new roommates and two old friends

Chapter 27 - new roommates and two old friends

Max and the others were in the dorms we're currently having breakfast and max noticed how everyone was looking at him like hawks.

Max: what?

Bonnie: what? WHAT!? You literally came in here injured like all hell and you seriously expect us to just forget about it.

Michael: yeah even though me and Bonnie weren't there we saw how messed up you were you literally got stabbed in the liver I'm surprised that your insides actually fixed themselves while you're being carried here.

Sonia: yeah and apparently this idiot awoke his ability and if that didn't happen he would have died earlier.

Bonnie: yeah about that what is your ability anyway?

Max: well apparently I have these things.

Max stretch out his arm and it was covered in the black wisps and Bonnie had a curious look

Bonnie: so what exactly can it do?

Max: well I can shape these things into whatever I want.

Max shifted his the black wisps and turned it into shovels blades and tiny tendrils

Bonnie: so you can shapeshift these things into what ever you want?

Max: that's about it.

Peter: freya told us that you can absorb spiritual energy is that true?

Max: well yeah but the energy kinda becomes my own when I absorb it

Bonnie: so he can absorb energy and he can use the energy to use it in his own way?

Michael: yeah and it's possible that he can stock up a lot of spiritual energy though currently we don't know if he has a limit.

Bonnie noticed something that she never asked specifically to there red haired of the group.

Bonnie: hey Pete how come you never revealed your ability?

Peter: huh?

Sonia heard this and she glared at Peter suspiciously.

Sonia: yeah actually you never revealed your ability did you?

Peter was somewhat sweating in embarrassment because he does have an ability but it's complicated.

Peter: well I do have one but it kinda has a problem.

Max: and that is?

Peter: look. let me just show you.

Peter took a few step back from the group and his red spiritual aura flared up and the saw how Peter did a two finger hand sign and his aura separated in 2 and it materialized into a figure and they turned into perfect copies of Peter now standing in front of them was 3 Peter's and the group were shocked by this.

Peter 1: this is my ability I can materialize my spiritual energy into clones but I takes a lot of focus and I haven't completely mastered it.

Sonia: so why the hell didn't you use this in the territory that could have saved us a lot of trouble!

Peter 2: I wasn't in the right state of mind to focus and besides I was worried about max can you blame me that was the first time that I was under stress.

Max: wait is that why the past few weeks you disappeared on me and you are in the dorms?

Peter 3: first it's a form of training for me but that mission where moline killed the big guy I kinda pushed myself with my ability and if I pushed it would have given me a massive headache when one of my clones is destroyed I can get the memories and since I'm still in practice sometimes I suffer from information overload.

Michael: so basically your separating your consciousness to a clone and from the sounds of it you had very little practice.

Peter vanished his clones and he looked sheepish.

Peter: yeah I actually awoke it when I was training with charlotte by accident and she taught me a few meditation techniques but I can only summon 3 or 4 clones if can focus enough.

Max: well in a way I can relate I just awoke my ability and I-

Max was cut off when Miguel came through the door with a girl in orange with a ponytail and a white haired boy with blue eyes this guy looked familiar to max.

Miguel: am I interrupting something?

Sonia: not really we were talking about how Peter here forgot he had an ability and didn't use it.

Peter glared at Sonia for the jab.

Peter: oh you think is that easy you try it woman and then we will see who is talking.

Sonia just ignored Peter's response and Miguel decided to get this over with.

Miguel: I assume max told you about the upcoming special training event? And your two new roommates?

Bonnie: yeah that's them?

Miguel: sure is these two have been training in their own time however Olivia here is the daughter of an exorcist that goes by the title of the green witch and for good reason.

Seina stepped in front and introduced herself.

Seina: hey there like Mr.Miguel said my mother is a protege in spiritual energy manipulation hope we can get along.

Sonia: I like her already.

The boy stepped up next to seina and max got a good look he felt like he knew this guy but he doesn't know why.

Ken: hey my name is ken Samuel I'm somewhat of a rookie so hope we get along.

Everything in max's perspective went silent all he processes is the name he just heard he rushed up to Ken and grabbed him by the shoulders surprising everyone.

Max: your name is Ken Samuel holy shit dude I haven't see You in years!

Ken: um sorry do I know you?

Max: dude it's me max McKnight you and I lived near each other until you moved!

Ken took at max in more detail and hey saw his grey eyes and then it clicked.

Ken: no fucking way max it's actually you it's been forever.

While max and Ken were talking the others felt a little bit put off by how they were acting all for Miguel.

Miguel: so you two know each other?

Max: yeah me and this guy lived nearby each other and we got along well.

Ken: yeah but my mom had to move due to work that being this.

Max looked at Ken and he noticed something that wasn't there when they were kids.

Max: hey Ken how come your eye are different your eyes were black the last time I saw you.

Ken: well that's kinda of a long story.

Miguel: well you don't have any problem with your roommates I'll take my leave and by the way you all should probably get to the basketball ball field and train the ever is in two months so get as much training as you can.

With those words Miguel left the dormitory. Leaving the teens with there new additions.

The group decided to start training tomorrow right now they want to spend time learning about their new members.

Evelyn finished some paperwork and currently she is looking at the window to the city drinking wine she was waiting for her husband to return he messaged her and said that he is here and making his way back and the anticipation is killing her.

The door open and Thomas was there with his sharp yellow eyes which to her were beautiful she got up and she wasted no time and kiss him Thomas was caught off guard but he returned the gesture after a while they separated.

Evelyn: you sure keep me wait Tommy.

Thomas: yeah sorry but I bought some Italian food for use to enjoy and it's good.

Evelyn: maybe when we get home darling you've been gone for a while and I felt lonely without you.

Thomas: well I'm here now so-

Miguel: bad time?

The two adults stopped what they were doing and froze when they heard Miguel's voice and they saw that he was there with his arms crossed.

Thomas: well hey there ace detective I haven't seen you in a while.

Miguel: you too red dragon.

Thomas and Miguel shook hands in a sign of mutual respect.

Thomas: so how are the kids I heard that they have a lot of potential.

Evelyn: they sure do one has the spirit of the oni and one has the red daggers and one of them actually just awoken there ability.

Thomas: really? People who are aware of spiritual energy usually awaken there ability the more they practice.

Miguel: yeah but max's awakening was due to a blow to the head and his ability was suppressed because of unaware mental blocks.

Evelyn: it's rare but freya reported that max's parents were cultist and he was stabbed in the back he was still alive for a moment then max's black arm went on a rampage and it's max himself was pushing his small body to the point that he almost died but he managed to stop but it looks like he suffered amnesia possibly because of almost breaking himself.

Miguel: sounds familiar?

Jonathan: wait so the that church that was reported to have a lost soul on a rampage was actually max!?

Miguel: yeah but that's not all I think this is bigger than we think.

Evelyn: what makes you say that?

Miguel: I've been investigating the death of a basketball player and I found out that his wife one day went missing and he was trying to find her and I managed to find his home and I found out pictures of cultist kidnappings it's possible that max's rampage and the baseball player's death might be connected to the same cult that did this.

Thomas: not to sound like I don't trust you but you have anything to back your claim that the cultist are the same?

Miguel pulled out a picture and a scrap of fabric from his jacket pocket and placed it on Evelyn's table.

Miguel: I had the detectives doing some scanning on the fabric and it's not normal this scrap comes from a robe that has the ability to make them invisible to Normal people and only people with spiritual energy can see it.

Than he picked up the picture and showed it.

Miguel: as you can see in this picture the figure in the robe is in plane sight but people don't pay attention to him or her this figure is wearing yellow robes the same as the scrap of fabric so this proves that the figure and the scrap are part of the same cult.

The older exorcist were listening to their long time friend piecing together the theory and to them it makes since and non of them had any objections.

Thomas: so what do we do? About the cultist if these guys have followers that are willing to kill there own children for an unknown goal what else would they do?

Jonathan: we will have exorcist on the lookout right now the rookies and the seniors need some time away from the risk of death and have a little bit of time together.

Monica: I agree my daughter could use the time to get closer to her new friends.

The group saw Monica at the door and Evelyn was happy to see her again.

Evelyn: Monica darling is good to see you again.

Monica: you too eve.

While the adults were talking the kids were in the basketball court about to test out what there new roommates are capable of.