It was family the day of the training event and the juniors were nervous about facing there seniors but like Miguel said this is 7 v 7 Miguel and Evelyn explain that there is going to be 2 v 2 fights in the forest area and there is going to a bonus fight thanks to the odd numbers.
They all had to take a paper slot from a box and what ever name the paper had that was who they were fighting.
The results were.
First fight. Seina and Sonia vs cassie shinama and Terra.
Second fight. Bonnie and Micheal vs the frost siblings.
Third fight. Max and Peter vs ryu and Jason.
Also since this is training any weapons that can kill are changed to non lethal Bonnie was given rubber bullets so that she doesn't accidentally kill anyone and Peter and max and along with some of the seniors were given wooden swords and daggers.
The first round started and in the forest seina and Sonia were leaning on trees for the go ahead.
Seina: so you nervous about this?
Sonia: how could I not? These guys have more experience than us so I wouldn't be surprised if we get our asses kicked.
Seina: true.
The girls heard a horn and that was probably the signal to start.
The two girls were sneaking around the woods to hide from their opponents in case they were nearby.
After a while of stealth the girls didn't found their opponents but seina knew that they were being watched.
And when she looked behind her she saw Cassie who launched herself at them.
Seina tackled Sonia out the way and made some space but she felt a presence behind her and turn to see Terra with a skinny bat about smash them but the they separate to avoid getting hit.
Terra: well she all your Cassie.
Seina saw Cassie rushed at her and she raised her arms to defend but forced so strong it launched her away.
Sonia: seina!
Terra: no no no Sonia your fight is with me lets just leave those two together to play.
Sonia: why the hell do you sound like psycho this is training.
Terra: oh I know but just because we are training it doesn't mean I'll go easy on you but I wanted to fight you because you and I are similar.
Sonia: huh?
Terra: you have the spirit of the oni which is a Japanese mythical creature right? I have something similar to that.
Terra flared up her spiritual energy and Sonia sensed that it was similar to her but unlike her it felt more barbarically strong.
Sonia: I get it now you have the spirit of the orc.
Terra: bingo ever since I found out you had the oni in your soul I've been curious to see which is stronger. The onis or the orcs?
Sonia got out her kanabo from her holster belt and took a fighting stance she didn't know if she can win this fight but she won't quit.
When seina was blown away she landed and slided on the ground and she tried catching her breath but Cassie didn't let her catch herself and was going to sock her.
Seina managed to dodge the punch but bearly she backed off and summoned her spiritual claws.
Cassie: I'm kinda disappointed I was expecting your reaction time to be better.
Seina: well you try avoiding getting attacked like that.
Cassie didn't like that answer and she rushed at seina who dodged the attack and was about to scratch her but Cassie used her foot work to dodge it and with her other food kicked seina making her spin in the ground.
Seina was getting tired of being treated like a ragdoll so she slammed her fist into the ground to let out some aggression.
She the got up and took a stance of a pouching tiger.
Meanwhile in another part of the forest Micheal and Bonnie were tense because they knew nothing about their opponents.
Bonnie: I'm still not sure if I'm ready for this I mean we are going against people more experienced than us.
Micheal: you are acting as if there are going to kill us.
Bonnie: they might as well are!
Micheal: calm down this training not a death match.
A horn rang out and that was the go ahead and the two blondes went ahead to face the music.
When they got close to the location of the siblings Michael and Bonnie felt a chill and they saw a massive gust of frost coming towards them the were knocked off their feet and they were suffering from the cold and the worst part was that it had a fog surrounding them.
Micheal and Bonnie stood together back to back to both make sure one of the other is warm in some way and make sure they don't separate.
Noah: this might be training but we won't be going easy on you too.
Bonnie felt something coming in the right and she shot 3 shots and they hit small ice darts.
Bonnie decided to not take any chances and surrendered herself and Micheal in a bubble how ever one of Micheal's legs was outside.
Bonnie: kick the ground I made this bubble bouncy and solid.
Micheal: ah I get it.
Micheal enhanced his leg and he kicked the ground and they launch themselves at trees and Micheal and Bonnie were hoping to hit one of the siblings.
But all they did was get away from the from frozen forest.
Bertha: they got away.
Noah: no problem next I'll we catch them I'll make a wall so they don't get away.
With max and Peter they were in another part of the forest and Peter was hanging from a tree with his legs doing some warm ups while max did some last minute practices with his wooden sword.
Peter: kinda sucks that I can't use my daggers but it's understandable.
Max: well yeah we we don't have to go overboard this is just training.
A small tremor happened and they were now a little nervous.
A horn rang out and the two got moving.
Max and Peter started to notice that this part of the forest were blocking out the sun light and it was dark.
Max: hey pete eyes up we might be in Jason's home field.
Peter got out his wooden daggers along with max and they stood back to back in case Jason or ryu come out of nowhere.
But what came out was dogs made out of shadows and they pounced on the two and they held their ground.
While they were fighting Jason was watching from a tree using the his ability to surround himself in shadow to hide.
Jason: let's see who these guys do against one thing and at a time.
A shadow wolf came out to his side and it Jason petted his best companion.
Jason: I know you like to meet new people void but this now training time.
The wolf now known as void decided to take his owners words and he howled at his clones and they all morphed and took the form of animals and a few took the form to dinosaurs.
Peter: you've got to be kidding me it was already hard with a hoard of wolves now they can shape shift!?
Max looked up and he managed to see something was comin towards them he made tendrils and got Peter and himself out meteor of fire that blew them away and they rolled in the ground and they suffered a few minor injuries just scrapes and bruises.
Peter: what the hell was that?
Max: I think that is ryu.
Peter: remember when you said that this was training? HOW THE HELL IS THIS TRAINING DROOPING ON US LIKE A WE WERE THE DINOSAURS!!
Max: Pete calm down besides I'm pretty sure that wiped out the shadow puppets.
They heard steps and saw ryu who had flames coming out of his body and they shadow puppets were behind them like they never took damage.
Peter looked at max with a mad look.
Peter: you were saying?
Max: I know exactly what I said BUT HOW THE HELL ARE THEY NOT DESTROYED?
Ryu: the shadow just recovered and as long as there is darkness they can recover.
Max: you just revealed information.
Ryu: that is minor information but that aside let's dance rookies.
Ryu flared up his spiritual energy and his the fire around him spread and it got a little more intense.
Max and Peter started to sweat due to the heat and out of a fear they didn't know how to fight against this guy and along the army of shadows.
Max/peter: we are so going to die.