Chereads / Is this A Dream Or Reality / Chapter 5 - The one Who's always peek into trouble

Chapter 5 - The one Who's always peek into trouble

Angel - u look so calm about this?

Carmila - well that stupid Austin always peek into trouble all the time. But yeah that guy deserve a beating *after a few minutes past*

Naomi - *as she walk in to check in Austin * I'm telling you I'm just curious..

Guard - but princess..

Austin - *as he look at the princess * what's a princess doing here.?

Naomi - i Know one noble or person behaviour can let one person think of the capital..

Austin - just get straight to the point ..

Naomi - i was just curious what kind of person it is .. who almost kill a noble son *as they both talk to each other*

Carmila - let us through. His our friend..

Naomi - *as he heard Carmila voice and he ignored the princess looking for Camila* "this guy really don't care who's standing infront of him"

Carmila - *as she see the princess as she bow and angel also now* what's a princess doing here?

Naomi - just checking in stuff.

Austin - how did you know I'm in here.. *as she didn't respond* hey!!!

Carmila - shut it you trouble seeking stupid boy .. *as Austin quickly stay silent* were really sorry for what happened.

Naomi - *as she just giggle* this is rare .. a mix party *as she look at Angel closely* an elfe and a demihuman traveling with a human.. *as she look at Austin as Austin ignore her as he look away* "the nerve of this boy"

Angel - umm princess that's too close *as she blush a little*

Naomi - well I'll talk to my father about this .. hope he'll let u out without any punishment *as she went away laughing*

Carmila - she'll be a great ruler one day .. *as Angel nod*

Austin - so should I just break out *as carmila hit Austin* ow!!

Carmila - don't be more stupier.. your Lucky I'm along with u from the start . If u were alone i wonder how many trouble you'll get yourself into. *As she brag around while angel just smile*

Angel - let's just hope you'll get out of this again.. *as one of the guard came and open Austin cell*

Guard - u are a lucky one.. now get out *as Austin just smile and they all went back*

Carmila - don't cause anymore trouble u hear me?? *As she look at Austin* .

Austin - so are we going to stay at the inn or we buy a small house to live in.. *as they discussed while there heading back*

Girl - *as she stand infront of them* thank you very much for stepping out to stop that man .

Austin - oh its u . I'm glad to see u getting better *as he just say with a smile*

Angel - *as they all reached back* so we're going to buy a house.. *as they all went to sleep after a few days had pass as they went on an adventure to earn money for there new house as she was with Carmila* where is Austin??

Carmila - i think his out looking for a hose to buy.

Angel - shouldn't we go along with him?? Won't he caused another trouble again?

Carmila - let's just hope that won't happen again.. i wonder what kind of house is he going to buy...

Austin - *as he walk in seeing carmila was daydreaming* I'm.. what happened to her??

Angel - oh your back.. any news about our house?? And yeah it's as u think.. *as she say with a smile*

Austin - i found one a bit far from town .. it's big and stuff so i just buy it *as he just chuckle*

Carmila - oh your back already .. *as they all disscus about the house* so were going to check it out tomorrow??

Angel - seems like it.. *as they all went to sleep and in the morning as they all walk down, giving the owner there room key*

Man - thank you for staying.. *as they all walk to see there new house*

Angel - *as they reach it* wow it's a big hose and a garden..

Austin - they said .. a rich man build this hose . But due to some wild animals roaming around.. he just left it like this .. *as they all went in to check in there new house*

Carmila - so Austin how much is this house worth??

Austin - *as he stay silent for a while* a little lot... around 10

Carmila - *as she stare at Austin* I've been with u this long.. i know pretty well if your lying or not so just tell me the truth Austin..

Austin - *gulp* ummm it causes ... 23 gold coins..

Carmila - why u little.. u spend it all *as she shake Austin around yelling at him*

Angel - c'mon now.. now it's not the time for that.. let's petty up the house *as Carmila stop letting Austin go*

Carmila - learn how to spend our money stupid *as she gasp as they all tidying up the house*

Austin - what are we going to do about food and stuff??

Carmila - u stay and we will go and buy it .. oh while we're away make some firewood *as they head off*

Austin - *as he gasp Chopin the wood * i wonder what's tomorrow will bring.. oh i remember that this hose have a bathtub *as he went to take a bath *

Angel - what do we still need...they said they will deliver the rice and vegetables *as she look around*

Carmila - i think that's all we need let's head back.. i can wait to use the bathtub * as they both charter on there way back *.

Angel - *after a few minutes they reached back * i didn't see Austin anywhere.. i wonder where is he ??

Carmila - i think he went off somewhere.. let's hurry up * as they both went in to the bathroom as Austin was drying himself with his towel as they both see Austin Naked and scream* Austin u stupid *as she run and punch Austin down kicking him out from the bathroom*..

Angel - u should have hold back a little.. it wa not his fault * as they both get in to the bathtub*

Carmila - well his stills stupid..

Austin - ow!! What's her problem.. they should have knocked *as he slowly get up going to his room*

Angel - so what should we make for dinne??

Carmila - *as she stared at Angel breasts* "compare to mine there's so big"

Angel - uhhh miss Carmila are u ok? *As she started to blush covering her breasts* stop s-staring at them ..

Carmila - *as she attack squeezing Angel breasts as Angel yelp around* why are there's so big???

Angel - stop it.. *as they both play in the bathtub together*

Austin - *as he was making omlet* i wonder what's taking those two.. this long in the bath .. well they are girl's anyway... *After a few minutes they both went down as Angel was blushing* uhhh are you ok??

Angel - y-yeah I'm fine .. what are u making??

Austin - omlet and stuff.

Carmila - did u even know how to cook ??

Austin - u know i cook way better then you..

Angel - what's wrong with miss Carmila cooking??

Austin - well it's just hell *as they prepare the table as they all dine together*

Angel - I'm curious to try miss Carmila cooking??

Carmila - awww u won't regret that *as she hug angel*

Austin - " she'll regret it no matter what" yeah you won't .. *as he just grin as they all finished eating after a few hours past as they all getting ready to bed as Austin walk in to his room so as the other girl's* rough day better sleep early *as he was about to fallen asleep he Heard someone knocking on his room door* who is it??

Angel - it's me Angel?? Can I come in?

Austin - yeah c'mon in *a Angel slowly open the door walking in with a pillow* what's wrong??

Angel - *as she stand beside Austin bed * i can't fallen asleep.. so ummm *as she blushed a little* can i sleep with u in your bed ??

Austin - " she seems scared to be alone" yes why not ?? *As he say with a smile* "hope she'll get better soon".

Angel - *as she slowly went on Austin bed laying down beside him* thank you. *As she smile slowly falling asleep*

Austin - *as he smile covering angel with a blanket* sweet dreams . *As he smile slowly fallen asleep to and in the morning he slowly wake up feeling another person laying down beside him as he look and see Carmila* uhhh when did she ...

Carmila - *as she yawn and see Austin was looking at her* why are you looking at me like that??

Austin - didn't u know this is my room . U also have your own room??

Carmila - it's no fair . Angel is sleeping with u to *as Austin hit her in the head * owee~~

Austin - you'll wake her up . . She's a different story. *As he gasp slowly getting up* aren't you getting up to??

Carmila - *as she hug angel* no~~ I'm still sleepy..

Austin - *as he walk out to prepare breakfast* i wonder what should I make ?? A omlet again?? *As he stay silent for a while*

Carmila - *as she walk down yawning* what's for breakfast??

Austin - is Angel still sleeping??

Carmila - she'll be down soon *as Angel walk down seeing Austin*

Angel - I'm sorry for sleeping too long .. *as she was embarrassed and petty up the table preparing breakfast*

Austin - it's fine .. i have to cook or else there will be hell *as he chuckled while they eat and chater*

Carmila - are u talking about my cooking??!! *As she look at Austin a bit mad and embarrassed*

Angel - *as they all laughed* what plans are u having for today??

Austin - i was thinking of looking around the capital for a better experience around this place.. what about you two??

Carmila. - well we both will head out to pick some flowers to put in the garden??

Austin - it was Angel idea was it?? *As Carmila just nod after a few hours had passed as they all went on there own plans* i wonder where should I head first?? *As he just head straight forward*

Angel - sometimes i think you two are brothers and sisters??

Carmila - what make u said that?? *As she just smile*

Angel - well you both know each other well..

Carmila - yeah u can say.. we spend time together around half a year.. we know each other well enough by that time.. *after they gather enough flower* that's should be enough right??

Angel - I'm curious if Austin will find a way back??

Carmila - let's just head back for now.. we can look for him if his really lost

Emily - *as she was caring a heavily load of bottle of wine* I'm almost there .. *as she barely able to see the road ahead as she bump into Austin as the wine fell on Austin* I'm so sorry.. plz forgive me sir ... *As she was blowing down *

Austin - *as he just stare at the girl as a few wine flow in his mouth* "hmmmm this taste a bit good in some point"

Man - *as he hear the sound infront of his store as he walk out to check* my wine!!!

Emily - I'm sorry.. I'm sorry I didn't mean to do this plz forgive me sir..

Austin - " she looks like she's scared of every human" this must be one of your worker?? *As he stood up looking at the man *

Man - "he look like a high ranked adventure" y-yes she is .. *as he look at the girl* u keep causing me trouble again and again.. do u know how much his clothes cause??

Emily - I'll do anything.. plz don't kill me!! I beg u. *As Austin started hearing a crying voice*

Austin - "wait my clothes didn't cause that much and why is she crying" *as he stay silent*

Man - for the trouble she cause u. U can have her as your slave..

Austin - *as he look at the girl looking back at the man* what about her family??

Man - there all dead.. hey u!! From now on your this man slave .. *as he just went back in without saying another word *

Emily - plz sir don't hurt me..

Austin - "she must have been through a lot" fallow me *as he just walk straight forward again* "wait didn't i already go this direction.. am i lost? Let's just keep on walking" *after a few hours of walking they finally reached back* "finally!'

Emily - *as she was fallowing Austin sniffing a little seeing the house he own* "he must be a wealthy man . I hope he won't beat me up like the other rich people did ". *As she fallowed Austin inside as she just stand* pl-please don't b-beat me up too much.

Austin - "huh??!!.. do i really look like that kind of person??" I'll think about that latter.. go was yourself up .. your too dirty to be a slave *as he show her the bathroom* go wash yourself up and I'll think about what I'll do with u after your done..

Emily - *as she slowly walked in afraid to use the bathtub* "i wonder what will he do to me " *as she was lost in thought while Austin was already heading out*

Man - *as he walk in to the man from before bar * oh its u again.. what brings you here.??

Austin - just to clear stuff out .. *as he can see the man was a bit lost* I'll just go straight to the point.. that girl break lots of wine glasses.. how much is it worth??

Man - about 5 gold coins?? Why u ask?? *Austin take out five gold coins* May i ask what is this about??

Austin - well she's my slave now.. i don't want you to hold a grudge against her for breaking your stuff.. so I'm just paying what my slave had break..

Man - your a strange man *as Austin just walk out*

Austin - *as he was outside the shop looking around* so I'm lost again.. "i think this is where I went " *as he keep on walking around*

Angel - *as they were outside finishing planting the flowers* i wonder if Austin is back

Carmila - well if he is or not.. I'm going to take a bath. .*as they both walk in and Emily just walk out from the bathroom* uhhhhhhb..

Both - "who is this girl"

Emily - "uhh what's going on here.. why are they another demihuman and a elfe here" i uhhhh

Carmila - who might u be miss?

Emily - i- I'm " if i said something ofencive they will kill me" Emily..

Carmila - what are u doing in our house ?? *As she ask whith a smile but with a curious look*

Emily - "she said her house.. to think he have another slave to" I've been bring here by a man...

Angel - can u described how he look like?

Emily - a scary looking guy *as she keep on describing*

Both - " yep that's him "

Angel - it's getting late I'm going to prepare dinner *as she walk over to the kitchen*

Carmila - so where is this guy u mentioned?.

Emily - he told me to take a bath cuz i was too dirty to be living here as a slave.. and after that I meet you two..

Austin - *as he just walk in* I'm back. Oh hey Carmila where is Angel??

Carmila - *as she quickly went to Austin shaking him around* u got lots of explaining to do here

Emily - *as Austin told Carmila the story* " I'm so confused right now .. they didn't act like a slave and a master"

Carmila - *as she hug Emily* look at this poor girl.. look how scared u make her..

Austin - i already told you the story.. stop blaming me on every trouble..

Angel - c'mon dinner is ready.. oh Austin your back. C'mon .

Angel - *as they all went except Emily* c'mon don't be shy.

Emily - I'm a dirty slave I don't deserve to be sitting with you people.. *as carmila carry her to her table* ehh....

Carmila - don't be shy or felt like your a slave around us *as she sit her down * don't worry Austin can stand ..

Emily - Th-thanks u for showing me this much kindness.. I'll repay u with something big someday.. *as they all smile and eat the dinner happily and it's late night as they all went to there own room*

Camrila - *as she carry Emily into her room* your sleeping with me ...

Austin - *as he was sitting in his room looking at the sky * i wonder if I'll ever be here if u were all here with me ? Will i ever meet them if we were all together.. *after a few hours as he was about to head to bed Angel knocked on his door again* it's open c'mon in ..

Angel - *as she walked in hugging her pillow*. U knew i would come ... *As they both lay down* sorry for keep on troubling u late at night?

Austin - it's ok.. someday your be an amazing person.. *as they both fallen asleep as it's was morning as he get up going to carmila room as he see carmila* oh your awake?

Carmila - your going to check on Emily?

Austin - *as he nod* oh her name is Emily?

Carmila - stupid! *As he hit Austin* sometimes you are so stupid.

Emily - *as she slowly open the door* ummm did i sleep too long?

Carmila - look u wake her up.. *as she look at Emily* no no no, u can go back to sleep. Don't mind us

Emily - I'm not sleepy anymore... *As she walk out with a messy dress*

Carmila - today were going out shoping *as she pet Emily*

Angel - *as she walk out from Austin room* what's with all the noise... *As she look around*

Emily - ummm .. good morning everyone and thank you for taking care of me..

Carmila - where is Austin? I thought he was here .. that guy sure knows how to move away quietly.

Angel - he was already gone when I walk out from the room.

Emily - u mean the human .. he left a couple of minutes ago..

Angel - i think he's at the garden

Carmila - go call him in.. it's time for breakfast.

Emily - ok *as she went to call Austin and see him sitting beside a flower* ummm master??

Austin - *as he look at Emily* yes .. what brings you here?

Emily - the elfe lady tell me to call you for breakfast..

Austin - ok ok let's go.. and don't call me master ok ?

Emily - ummm how will I call u then? *As Austin carry her up letting her sir on his shoulder as she blush a little*

Austin - i don't know.. anything except master and stuff ..

Emily - how about umm .. big brother?

Austin - *as he say with a smile* well i don't mind that *as he reach the dining table as they both look at Austin and Emily*

Angel - you two get along sooner then i thought*as she say with a smile* c'mon the food it's getting cold..

Carmila - *while they were eating* Emily?? *As she look at her* let us introduce ourselves alright? I'm Camrila and I'm the oldest here and this is Angel and Austin.

Emily - ummm I'm Emily and nice to meet all of u. I'll be in your care .*after they finished eating as she was out shoping with Carmila*

Angel - so Austin should we go to the forest.. i know a tasty fruits

Austin - uhhh ok let's go get it *as they both smile and went to get the fruits*

Angel - well I'm glad that you came along cuz it's way up in the tree ..

Austin - *as they both talk and after a few minutes* so how high is the tree?

Angel - the tree is besides u.. *as she pointed the tree besides him*

Austin - *as he turn around looking at the tree* wow it's way up there *as he slowly climbed up the tree trying to get the fruits*

Carmila - *as they were shoping for a while as she was outside waiting for Emily to get chance* i wonder what's those two doing back home ..

Emily - *as she walk out * what do u think?

Man - i say it suits her best ..

Carmila - yeah it's fine .. well take a few of them, but different design.

Man - ok ok .. well get it done right away ma'am. *As they went and pack up the stuff they buy*

Emily - ummm big sister?? *As carmila look at her with a smiling face* thank you.

Carmila - *as the man brings there stuff * how much is it?

Man - that would be.. two gold coins and five silver coins..

Carmila - *as she gave the man the coins as they went back and in there way * are u hungry little one?

Emily - no I'm not hungry *as her stomach make a sound* maybe a little hungry *as she blush a little*

Carmila - "dam she's so cute , where did u found this cute girl Austin?" *As Austin sneeze back at home* let's go eat something i know a great place.

Emily - ummm is big brother Austin and big sister Angel a married couples?

Carmila - *as she laughed a little* what make u say that little one?

Emily - well i see her coming out from big brother room? So i thought that they were a couple?

Carmila - well your big sister Angel had a bad nightmare always.. so she's been sleeping on Austin room lately.

Emily - why? She could sleep in your room?

Carmila - "yeah that's right, why did I think of this before" well maybe she felt safe with him? *As they went in to a tea shop as she ordered stuff to eat * eat all u want ok ..

Emily - thank you for the meal *as she started eating as she look at carmila* why aren't you eating big sister?

Carmila - I'm not that hungry.. don't worry about me eat up all u want *as she smile and look at Emily eating*

Man - did u hear that there's a survivor on Tryon.. the capital that got wipe out from the map? *As they gossip around*

Carmila - " could it be Austin, but no one should know he's a survivor,"

Emily - big sister are you ok? U seem worried?

Carmila - no it's fine .. just thinking of something don't worry.

Man - yeah no one knows if it's a girl or a boy..

ManĀ² - why ? Why they don't know if it's a boy or a girl?