Chereads / Is this A Dream Or Reality / Chapter 11 - an easy going life

Chapter 11 - an easy going life

Johnny - I've been destroying a few capital before, was it from the east.. oh that capital where the hero reside.. yes it wa- *as he didn't feel his left arm as he look and see his left arm on the group* "wh-when did ? When did this happen??" *As he look around seeing blood everywhere* wha-what happened? *As he look at Austin* wh-who exactly are u human ?

Austin - I'm the person that u left alive while u destroy everything!! *As Austin eye's were all red as blood slowly flow out from his eyes* I've been looking for u for so many days!!

Johnny - n-no *as he felt Austin rage as he try to run away as he just fall on the group looking at his leg was being cut off as he just scream in pain* "why is my arms not regenerating?".

Austin - I'm going to kill u slowly.. making u feel all the pain and agony I've felt in that day *as he slowly walk to Johnny* let me help u heal your arms and leg ... *As he use his magic*

Johnny - "what kind of magic is this my arm and legs are back"? *As he crush both of his leg as he just scream in pain as the tourcher keep on going for an hour's* j-just kill me already!!

Austin - I'm not satisfied with this !!!

Mylene - *as she slowly wake up seeing blood all around* where am I?? *As she heard a scream in pain as she look towards it seeing Austin tourchuring Johnny* Austin stop that . *As she try to move as she was still in the shield* "someone help him before he loosed himself in rage .. anyone?".

Valentina - *as she kick Austin away* I knew I felt that power before.. snap out of it Austin!!

Mylene - " who are they ? Are they Austin friends?"

Emily - big brother *as she use her magic pinning Austin down *

Angel - are u ok miss *as she was with Carmila breaking the shield*

Mylene - thank you for saving me..

Carmila - what happened here??

Mylene - I got kidnapped and Austin came and safe me..

Valentina - seems like Austin finally find Johnny... *As she look at Mylene* Lilly??

Mylene - me?? I'm not Lilly . My name is Mylene Siliva the first princes of Zhuo. Austin keep on calling me Lilly to. Is Lilly a friend of his??

Valentina - mose likely "I see why his reacting this way, he didn't want to repeat the past ".. let's wake him up *as they all went to Austin while Austin was still screaming in pain *

Mylene - what should we do??

Valentina - uhhh it would be inappropriate.. but princess. Austin see you as his first love that die back at Tryon. I think u can wake him up from his rage ..

Mylene - " what a sad and lonely life u been having". *As he slowly went to Austin as she just hug him* there there I'm ok now, don't feel all the suffering alone were here for u.. come back to us.. *as Austin slowly calm down * thank you for saving me Austin..

Austin - I-i was finally able to sa-save y-you Lilly... *As he fallen down fainted in using too much of his power*

Emily - big brother *as she run and hug Austin*

Carmila - wow.. this one look like he let loose more then the recent one ..

Angel - how should we head back, now?

Mylene - i think I'll be able to bring us all back to Zhuo.. *as they all stand together as she use her magic teleporting them in to the castle afterwards she felt week as she fall down as Valentina catch her holding her still*

Norm - *as he run in with a few Healer* Princess!!! Take the princess to her room and look after her.. thank you for saving the princess and where is Sir Austin??

Valentina - he'll be fine *as she just smile*

Norm - lady Valentina what bring u here along with them ??

Valentina - well u can say Austin is my uhhh pupil*as Angel was using light magic*

Austin - *as he just scream out* Lilly!!! *As they all look at Austin* what happened???

Carmila - *as she just punch Austin* why are you so stupid???

Austin - huh? *As he look around seeing the other* wh-what are you guys doing here??

Norm - well it's good to know your getting better.. while your here lady Valentina mind if u assist us?? *As they both went out*

Angel - we thought u were summoned to another world, we were so worried but after a few days we got a letter from the castle that your here , we came as soon as we can

Austin - * as he just pet Emily* are the other ok . Captain and Alice??

Carmila - yeah .. brother and the other are helping them on pushing through the demon's land ..

Austin - ummm *as they all hug each other* guy's I'm fine ..

Angel - are you feeling any headache??

Austin - I'm fine .. so where is Valentina.. if your all are here she should have been here to?..

Carmila - Captain Norm ask her for her assistance.. and Austin I was wondering why did Emily got that much power out of nowhere?? *As the other look at Austin*

Angel - yeah we want to know that?? * Back at there way to meet up with Austin* Are we heading to the right path ?

Emily - are we lost ??

Valentina - *as she was looking at the map * i think we're heading to the right direction... *As she stay silent* we got a few demons surrounding us . Get ready for battle..

Carmila - *as she was alert* let them come

Emily - Guys let me use my new magic *as they all look at her*

Angel - why not?? Show us what u can do??

Emily - *as she started gathering magic* your slowing us down ....

Valentina - huh?? " Why do I felt a strange magic similar to Austin???" Brace for impact!!!!

Carmila - *as they were barely able to block the shock wave of Emily magic* the hell was that power..

Emily - I learn it *as she was smiling*

Carmila - *as a few radius of the forest was destroyed* "What did the boy teach Emily again beside that spell?"

Austin - *back at the present time while they were all looking at Austin* uhhhhhh *as Valentina walk in* oh hey Valentina...

Valentina - oh your awake.. and why is everyone looking at u like that again??

Carmila - hey don't try to doge the question???

Valentina - I was going to ask u about Emily power.. I felt a similar magic as i felt it in u??

Austin - that was uhhhh ..

Carmila - what crazy stuff u been doing again?!!

Emily - uhhhh is it wrong that big brother share his power with me .. *as Austin wasn't unable to cover her mouth *

All - Austin you stupid!!!

Carmila - *as she shake Austin around* why are u so stupid..have at least a little bit of common sense!! How will she able to .... God!!

Angel - now now . It's all happened anyway and it's in the past now.. no point in arguing about it anymore..

Mylene - *in her room * how was sir Austin? Is he getting better?

Lois - yeah his getting better and his friends are with him now .. u should have worried about yourself for onece in a while without worrying about others.

Mylene - well as a princess it's my duty and I'll soon be a Queen at this City ..

Lois - yeah .. but what did u see in him Princess?

Mylene - u mean sir Austin.. a lost soul that wonder around in the dark in hope of finding a light that never there .

Lois - our defence are setting up in case of a demon attack..

Mylene - no need for that.. i think Austin kill all of them that was heading this way *as a few days have passed*

Lois - *as he was beside Austin* what will u do now.. what will be your next move

Austin - *as he was eating some pills* I was thinking of heading towards the demon land to fight

Lois - oh u didn't know... The demon king was defeated by the. Hero .. now peace have been brought to this world .

Austin - oh.. i sure do miss out on some big event...

Lois - I was wondering what will be your next destination?

Austin - that I don't know .. I was thinking did u have an alchemist lap??

Lois - yeah.. why do u ask?

Austin - can i barrow it

Lois - yeah .. go on *as Austin went after he told him to way*

Angel - *as they were with Princess Mylene* so I was wondering, what should we do now?? The demon king have been defeated.

Carmila - I might head back to the village for a while.. what about you guys?

Valentina - Our capital have been wiped out.. I'll be staying behind here.

Emily - I'll go anywhere brother go..

Angel - speaking of Austin.. where is he? I thought they said he's awake.. *as Emily quickly rush out looking for Austin*

Mylene - it's a great news to know you'll be staying here lady Valentina.. it will help on strengthening our military.

Angel - you sound like there's going to be a conflict or something like that?

Mylene - yeah.. we got news that our neighbouring country might make a move . They been gathering arm's. Worst case scenario. They might attack us . While our defence are thin. Were trying to train our young mages to be ready for war .

Angel - oh.. a magical school.. Austin needed that

Mylene - I don't think he did need it.. he's already so strong .

Angel - he need to learn to be with other people. He's been coping up all the time .. ignoring others people.

Mylene - But will he be ok with this??

Angel - if your the one who said that .. he will surely said yes *after a few days past as Austin was at the school for a few days*

Austin - *as he was sitting alone talking to his own thoughts*. I wonder why did I except there though on joining the magic class?".

Kyle - *as he was standing beside Austin* it's been a few days since you join us. It seems like you still haven't make any friends?

Austin - I don't want no one.. I'm fine like this ..

Kyle - you never participate in the group game and stuff.. today Princess Mylene will visit us and we're going to have a mock battle as a team .

Austin - why are you telling me that??

Kyle - i was thinking u could at least watch the match. It's good to be socialised once in a while.

Austin - I'll keep that in mind, *after a few minutes after she left * " she's on to something again, she's not here ti just let me know about that".

Emily - *as she run in* big brother.... Why are you always here?? Come play with me?!

Austin - u already finished your class?

Angel - so princess why am I the one accompanying you??

Mylene - i think you miss him the mose .. *as she just said with a smile*

Angel - * as she was blushing* Wha-what? It's normal to miss a friend that u been with for so long. And the other also miss him to. *After a few hours they reach the magic school and give a speach. Shortly after* I see there's no change.

Mylene - I see that's what u mean *while the other teachers talk about there task for today* I see he still didn't even socialise.

Teacher - so we will have each person with two people in there team to go outside of the capital to hunt for medicine or monster. That will be your choice. Now team up with each other now .. *as they all gather around*

Angel - * as she see Austin being pushed aside as he just sit in the corner* not again.. poor guy . *As she see a girl walking towards Austin*

Amber - ummm if u don't mind can we team up and look for a medicine??

Austin - * as he was a bit confused* uhhh why are you asking me that?

Amber - my name is Amber I'm a junior class healer.. * as she just smile to hide her embarrassment* as u can see being a junior class healer.. no one want's to team up with me .

Austin - ummm .. *as he look up seeing Angel staring at him* "is she saying i should go out and have fun for a while* I'm Austin.. a warrior? Ni-nice to meet you.

Angel - he finally expected her as a team.. hope it will close to be friends

Kyle - u know after there being friends.. being a lover is next *as she just giggle*

Angel - Austin will never do that .. *after they all went out on there own decision*

Kyle - oh and Emily was is *as she node* she's having a bit of many capacity for magic at a young age? Did someone teach her ?

Angel - uhhh.. maybe she's just lucky

Kyle - I'm curious about one thing.. what's your relationship with Austin anyway? I never got a chance to ask him personally, when I ask Emily she just said his my big brother.

Angel - he's uhhh.. "yeah.. what am I to him " *as she just stay silent*

Kyle - Oh I see *as she just smile*

Amber - I heard that u didn't score a good mark at the entrance exam.. tho they said the princess recomend u.

Austin - yeah.. i don't know what's she's trying to accomplish *as they were gathering the medicine* so why did they said we should go out as a team?

Amber - no one knows what might happen way over here.. there could be some demon's, oh I heard a rumor that the hero that the princess summons here was so powerful that he kill tons of demons with a single spell..

Austin - o-oh .. he's that powerful huh??

Amber - tho no one knows or see him.. I wanted to be as powerful as he is .. but being a Healer that dream is way beyond me. *After a few hours they were back at the academy*

Austin - so what's the use of this anyway?

Amber - it's a good chance for the accademy to stock up some medicine.

Kyle - ok students.. as per person that we call out u can submit the medicine you have collected as a team to u