Chereads / Is this A Dream Or Reality / Chapter 7 - The welcoming party and some secret to be known

Chapter 7 - The welcoming party and some secret to be known

Austin - *after a few minutes of walk as they reach the Demi human land * wow it look cool

Carmila - let's check for an in to stay

Austin - *as he see a demon * demon ! *As he try to attack as Valentina stop him* why did you stop me?

Valentina - here it's common to see them here .. cuz they don't like there king .. so they just flee here for there own safety. *As Austin calm down a bit*

Camila - but they don't get treated very good here .. *as they finally went in to book for a room *

Austin - two room plz *as he quickly take his own room key and run up*

Valentina - didn't see that coming*as she just smiled* don't worry well still trouble him *as they both went up to there own room*

Austin - *as he was looking out from his room door * it look like a peaceful city .

Albeto - *as she was looking around seeing some Demi human ganning up on a little boy* hey stop that will u..

Boy - no.. hes been coming around our land often so we just wanted to teach him a lesson.

Albeto - move or I'll make u cry *as she chase the kids away* are u ok kid ? *As she pulled him up*

Austin - I see everywhere u go there's people like that everywhere *as someone was knocking at his room door * who is it ?

Camila - it's me .. open up

Austin - no .. I'm not going to open

Valentina - open up will u . *As she use magic to open up as they both walk in*

Austin - aahhhhh!! Thief !!!

Camila - don't over reach will ya ,as they both laugh*

Albeto - *as she jumped on Austin room window* what's wrong?

All - uhhhhhh

Albeto - are they trying to rob u?

Austin - what are you doing in my room? *As he look at Alberto*

Albeto - are they trying to rob u?

Valentina - his just over reacting .. sorry for this ..

Carmila - *as she went close to Austin shaking him around* look what u did .. apologize now..

Austin - sorry for troubling you like that miss ..

Albeto - it's fine *as she went away*

Valentina - it's rare to see someone willingly trying to help others here .

Austin - *as he ignored them looking at Albeto walking away* hmmm

Camila - *as Valentina keep on talking and she stop her * stop he is it even listening to us .

Valentina - did he always do that to u ? *As she just nod* Austin!!

Austin - yes.. *look at them * why are you in my room again?

Valentina - do u wanna look around the city .

Austin - yes why not .. *as they all went looking around the city * "boobs boobs everywhere" * as he fallen behind as wonder off *

Camila - as I was saying don't cause us any tro... *As she look back didn't see Austin* i knew this would happen!!

Valentina - I see he always wonder off .. should we look for him ?

Camila - no he will Get back to us eventually.

Girl - * as she teases Austin* hello there young man .. won't u mind spending some tim with me ..

Austin - hmmm * as he look at her* uhhh

Girl - *as she take on Austin hand and walking away heading towards the Ally * now no one won't find us here .

Austin - ummm why are we here?

Girl - *as she pulled a knife out as a few other man's came out from the Ally* if u don't want to die.. leave all your belongings and leave.

Man - c'mon hurry up * as Austin slowly pulled his wallet out which is empty and those it far from him* good boy ...

Albeto - stop what your doing.. leave that man alone.

Man - *as he look up and back at Austin was already infront of him * "wh-when did he get this close "

Austin - *as he look up seeing Albeto* "it's her again.. why did i always run up to her? Must be fate "

Man - *getting scared a little* man's kill him *as the girl run away as Albeto jump down fighting the other man's while he quickly run behind Austin trying to take him hostage* get back!!

Austin - are u stupid!

Man - this is not the time to jock around I'll show u *as he try to stab Austin in his neck while the knife shattered* wh-what?? How can this be ?? * as they both were shocked*

Austin - * in a flinch of his finger the man went flying hitting the wall had as he was knocked out* ummm thanks for saving me ..

Albeto - " he didn't really needed my help in the first place" so who exactly are u?

Austin - My name is Austin, I'm uhhh a traveller.

Albeto - are you really a traveler, u look like a royal mage , by the way I'm Albeto . It's nice to meet you.

Carmila - we didn't get any information, what should we do next ..

Valentina - i don't know about that.. maybe well just head back at the in , maybe we can get a few information from the in keeper *as they both went back*

Albeto - *as a few hours past* so your telling me your looking for a seeling item to seal your power? *As Austin nod* why would u want to seal your power.. power is everything here .

Austin - well it's a long story *as he just smile it off*

Albeto - well I know where to look fallowed me *as they both went and in a few minutes they went in an ally and went through an invisible wall and entered a black market* it's not that far from here .

Austin - how much will it cause..

Albeto - it will be around 20 or more gold coins *as they entered a house*

Man - what brings u here ..

Albeto - were looking for a magic seeling item.. *as the man smile and take out a few items* c'mon Pick what u like

Austin - do I have to pay if I break this while trying if it's work or not?

Man - *as he laugh it off* no one can't break my precious item.. if u manage to break it. It means it's not a good product

Austin - *as he pick a ring and put it on while the ring shartherd * uhhhhh

Man - *as he was speechless* " what kind of power did this man have ?" . That was unexpected.. try the other * as Austin keep on trying the other stuff while it keep on breaking* "he's a monster" wait here I'll go get my national treasure *as he went away*

Albeto - * as she was shocked to* ummm why did you want to seal that power?

Man - * as he came back with a box * this will surely work .. *as he pulled out a ring * try this on ... *As Austin try it on* "i was wondering that won't work eather" *as he pull out a magic ball* check if it's working or not. *As Austin do so as there were any reaction of magic and Austin removed the ring and touch the magic ball and it also breaks* " I think I'm going bankrupt".

Austin - how much will this cause..

Man - tha-that will be 100 gold coins. *As Austin put a bag of gold coins* thanks for visiting us * as they both went away* " where did that monster come from"

Albeto - " if he had that kind of power he can kill the demon king easily, but why did he want to seal it away?". Soo what will you do after this?

Austin - uhhhhh maybe join some Adventure team and stuff? *As they went out from the black market*

Albeto - would u be needing your power for that ?

Austin - I'll manage it somehow*as he just smile it off*

Albeto - your a strange human u know that ? *As they were about to part ways as she looked Austin looking around confused* wait you were lost all this time were you? *As he just nod and smile it off * huh??? * As he wrote a map to reach back to his in* follow this path and you'll reach back to your friends..

Austin - thanks Albeto * as he went away*

Albeto - *as she also went away* " maybe his hiding something or is it something he's trying to achieve"

Valentina - it's getting late and his still not back yet , are u sure hell be back *as they hear someone going in on Austin room* i wonder who was that?

Carmila - let's go check it out .. *as they both went and knock on Austin room* Austin are you back?

Austin - yeah it's me .. *as they both went in* I can explain

Carmila - why u... Always get lost everytime *as she was shaking Austin around* wait how come i didn't sence any magic from u anymore..

Valentina - are u an imposter*as carmila quickly pin Austin down*

Carmila - who are u? .

Austin - *as he yelp and getting pinned down* you old hag let go of me now *as Valentina almost laughed out*

Carmila - wh-what did u call me ?! *As she hit Austin head hard * I'm only 140 years old ...

Valentina - so Austin care to explain ? *As Austin explain it to them * uhhh that's a bit reasonable *as Carmila hit Austin again* so your trying to get some information from the guild..

Carmila - u could have just said so .. *as they went down to eat dinner while they discussed around*

Man - I heard your trying to join the adventures team .. there's going to be an entrence exam to be held at the Stadium. It's a great chance to join in .

Valentina - thanks for telling us ..

Carmila - I was wondering.. Austin I thought we were short on money.. how come you have that many to buy that *as Austin just stay silent as She keep staring at him* tell me

Austin - i uhhh it's a .. from selling my equipment. *As he just smile *

Carmila - why are u so stupid,,,

Valentina - now now.. maybe he have a reason * as a few minutes past as they all went to sleep*

Albeto - *as she was reporting in to her team captain* and I found this interesting human today..

Diablo - tell me about it *as he smile*

Albeto - *as she didn't tell him everything* that's my report for today.. i hope we can get new recruits tomorrow.

Diablo - I hope so.. the other team are out on a mission. Let's just hope we will get a new recruits *as the other team are also pre prepared for tomorrow*

Carmila - *as they were at the stadium* u know I won't let u go alone.. thinking all the trouble u can cause..

Austin - I told you I'll be fine * as they both chatter around*

Albeto - * as two team captain and there vice captain came on stage as they were all silent, as she see Austin* captain that's the human I talk about. The one beside that elf.

Diablo - why didn't I sence any magic from him, *as they both discussed around*

Julian - may I have a moment of your time .. *as he stood up* as all of the 100 participants we will only select 40 people. And after that we will see if u have what it takes to join The Golden Lion King team and The Black Tiger team . *As he was giving a speech*

Xavier - "we have quite a good mage , we even got an elf today " *as he see Austin* " why didn't I sence any magic from him, " *after he finishes the speach each captain selected the top 40 as a man called out the top 40*

Julian - *on the last selected one was Austin* "why must Diablo select this person, i wonder what is he planning to do?" . To all those who failed, in behalf of the adventures guld I thank you all. May u all participated in the next selection exam to. *As he caught* now for your last test *as he casted a barrier* this will safe u from fatal blow from the fight, , and a few Healer will be on stand by to heal u all.

Austin - soo what are we supposed to do?

Carmila - shut up and listen..he will tell us

People - *as they all whisper* "let's team up and win this " "if that person with no magic and make it this for , it will be easy "

Julian - I wish you all the best of luck .. may the last 5 people stand win .. *as he sit back down*

Man - soo did the exam start.. *as a few people started fighting while the one knocked down were teleported out from the fight while Healer look after them*

Julian - so tell me .. why did you pick that person Diablo?

Diablo - just some instinct..

Xavier - u trust your instincts too much ... Look what that brings u * as he laughed*

Albeto - shut it wil-

Xavier - i would know my own place if I were u Demon.. *as Albeto was angry*

Julian - now now.. don't fight.. we all are team here .. * as they were only 5 people standing.. Carmila, Austin and 3 other people*

Xavier - i wonder how many will join your team this time ..

Julian - congratulations for the 5 Survivor of the exam .. now you are fit to join which ever team u pick.

Man - I'm joining The Golden Lion King team .

Man² - no way I'm joining that trash team Black Tiger team

Man³ - I heard that they didn't even have much of a team , *as they all selected for the Golden Lion King team*

Camila - *as Austin look at the captain and see Albeto and look back at Carmila* don't bother saying i know what that stupid mind is trying to say . . I'll join The Black Tiger team * as they all are shocked*

Xavier - u know The Golden Lion King can give you more then then . .u can always reconsider.

Austin - shut up and just let us choose what team we want to join * as Xavier was furious* I'll also join the black tiger team

Man - with that the exam is completed.

Julian - don't get too mad at that person said to u Xavier.. we got lots more strong mage at our team ..

Xavier - ok captain "I'll make sure you'll regret talking to me like that"

Diablo - i welcome u to the Black Tiger team. Enjoy your stay.. *as he just smile* I don't know u were friends with this elf ??

Carmila - i look forward to working with you Captain.. my name is Carmila and this is Austin.

Diablo - c'mon let's get going*as they all went out *

Austin - i didn't know that you were sn adventure... Aren't we going back home ...

Diablo - you'll be staying at our team hide out for now on .. as long as your a member of our Black Tiger team

Valentina - *as she was hugging Carmila* take care of Austin for me.. and look after him not to cause too many problems.

Diablo - " the famous ruthless killer Valentina, i didn't expect to see her here" it's rare to see u out here lady Valentina. Are there two your friends by any chance.

Valentina - something like that ,, *as she just smile it off* may we have a few minutes alone time *as they both node and wait * you two stay and gather intell, I'll be out getting Intel to. *As she look at Austin* don't worry I'll pay u a visit whenever I can . And don't cause too much trouble ok *as Austin nod as she walk away*

Diablo - u didn't tell me that they were acquitted with Valentina.

Albeto - it's a surprise for me to captain "well I was asked to keep it a secry' *back when they were about to part ways after leaving the black market Austin ask her to keep it a secret* well seems like our team.will be moving up to this time .

Diablo - seems like it, let's just hope we will get better little by little. *After Austin and Valentina part ways* c'mon let's head back to our hide out.. *after a few hours past as they reach back to there hide out which look like a run down building*

Carmila - "if seem so deserted" *as he look at Austin as he was still showing no reaction* soooo this will be our new home .. soo how many are there in this team ?

Diablo - 5, now with you two joining us we will be 7 now .

Carmila - what about the other team?

Diablo - The Golden Lion King team? They will be around 40 or more now .

Austin - " better then a crowded place" sooo what will we be doing here?

Albeto - we will do some missions and other stuff ..

Diablo - c'mon now let's get inside*as they all went in and it was pretty nice compared on the look on the outside* welcome to The Black Tiger team.

Carmila - so where are the other 3 members?

Diablo - i think they are all out on a mission?

Carmila - what kind of missions?

Diablo - i think it will be going in the demon King land and observe it and some other stuff .

Austin - when will we getting a mission?

Diablo - well get one soon *as he pointed on a board* from here the king tell us our own mission to carry out , it won't be that long .. now Albeto show then to there own room.

Albeto - cmon fallowed me I'll show u to your room *as they fallowed her as they walk past a few room* this will be your new room

Carmila - oh were in a oposite room Austin*as Austin was already in his room* uhhh

Albeto - I was wondering.. i thought elfe hate the human race , I was surprised to see you two travelling together..

Carmila - u can say his a strange human *as she also walk in to her room*

Albeto - rest for now.. I'll let you know when there's something up..

Carmila - it's a nice room . And I can trouble Austin anytime I want , *as she see a cloth on her room table* i wonder what it is . *As he take a look and it was The Black Tiger team Own clothes* i wonder what will Austin look like?

Albeto - *after afew hour she walk in on Carmila room knocking on her door as she responds back and went in* i forgot to tell u that . Well be having party on welcoming our new team members. Tell your friend that ok *as she went away*

Carmila - *as she went on Austin room* hey you in there ?? *As she didn't hear any response as she just went in* hey Austin?? *As she see him sleeping and she just kick him down from his bed* wake up!!

Austin - I'm up I'm up *as he see Carmila* oh it's you,, what do u want now?? *As she tell him the news* do i really need to go..? I wonder the other are doing??

Miya - *back at the elfe village as she was with Angel* so tell me what do u think of Austin?

Angel - *as she tell her about how they meet * to me his the kindest person i ever meet ..

Emily - do u promised that I can go and be with big brother Austin?

Leo - yes .. if u manage to beat me ... *As they keep on training*

Escanor - i didn't expect to see u here princess..

Miya - I got bored and decided to watch how's things going, and it seems like that kid knows how to use magic .

Angel - well Austin teach her a few basic magic, i wonder will she really try to go to Austin side?

Miya - depending on how hard she's working..i think she will

Angel - did we get any information about Austin and miss Carmila wear about?

Escanor - yeah * as he told her the news* but will Austin send her back here if she managed to go to him? Knowing him i think he will?? *As Leo was being pushed back*

Miya - look at that .. we don't see that every day since Austin was his student..

Emily - *as she was on the group exhausted* i - I got to keep on pu-pushing *as Angel run to her *

Angel - c'mon now don't push yourself too hard .. *as she heal her* if your big brother knows about this hell be worried.

Leo - rest for now Ok , rest is important to if u want to be strong like him.

Austin - *as a few days had past as they were in the ceremony* i didn't thought both of the team would be here ..

Carmila - why didn't u buy something nice to wear,

Austin - well i forgot to buy it..

Xavier - you sure u don't want to reconsider joining us *as he was standing beside them*

Austin - who might u be? *As Xavier was furious*

Alice - Xavier stop making trouble..

Xavier - know your place u disgrace to the house of Vondisle

Austin - *as he see Alice was a bit sad as she just take her hand and went away* c'mon let's eat that stuff ...

Carmila - "is he trying to cause trouble again"

Xavier - "one day I'm going to kill that guy" like i said before your always welcome to our team

Carmila - * as she also ignored him as she just went away* Austin where are your manners*as he was doing some stupid stuff to clear Alice mind *

Julian - I see that u got a funny man at your team *as he just smile*

Diablo - yeah.. with him around.. its much more alive at our team .

Julian - so tell me what do u see in him that you didn't even reconsider letting him join your team. I never seen u like that

Diablo - well my instinct tells me that. Whatever you do don't let that man be the last one standing .. something like that

Julian - I see that Lady Alice is getting better compared to when she join your team.

Diablo - yeah. As a week mage she's getting by day by day. And when Austin arrive I think she's beginning to smile more often.

Julian - I see

Alice - Stop it Austin *as he was stacking food * people are looking at u.

Austin - let them think what they want *as carmila kick him* ow!!

Carmila - stop making a seen stupid *after a few hours as they all went back to there own base * I was thinking Alice are you a noble?

Alice - yes.. why do you ask?

Carmila - well all the noble are at The Golden Lion team.

Alice - well some problem occurs*as she just smile it off* I heard that you'll get your own mission tomorrow.

Carmila - yeah.. i wonder what will it be ,, what kind of missions do we usually do?