Austin - yeah it's been months now,, that I've been away.. I hope they won't mind her coming along. But I'm curious why do they only want us two to meet with the captain?
Alice - maybe it's related to our previous encounter and stuff.
Carmila - *back at the team hide out* sooo there's no quest and Lady Valentina any news?
Valentina - the demon's looks like there trying to make a move sooner or later. I think we should prepare for what will come next .
Angel - soo ummm.. I was curious what will Austin do after he take his revenge.
Valentina - "I hope he won't loose himself" well let's just hope .. hell look back at us. As they said one bad day can turn the kindest person into a Demon.
Albeto - *as she knocked on Carmila room and after they answered she walked in* hope I'm not disturbing you all?
Carmila - what brings u here ??
Albeto - I was just curious at something... *As they all look at her* it's about Austin?
Carmila - what is it?
Albeto - i know that u been with him long and would know each other, I was wondering why did he use a sealing ring to seal away his power and why do I feel like his hiding something like.. is he really happy to be here ?
Carmila - Lady Valentina knows Austin way better than the rest of us.. I think she will know and thanks for not telling the other about this
Valentina - well u can say, he's the kind of person who doesn't want much of an attention and the reason why his so empty is *as she gasp * it's because of what has happened to him at Tryon.
Albeto - u mean the capital that got erase from the map ? *As she nod*
Valentina - he lost everything that day.. U can say when the pain is too much to carry it's easier just to stay silent in the inside.
Albeto - I see that's must be why his trying to go to every mission that includes in the demon's land.
Valentina - well I seem like he didn't have any Intel he wants now.. *as they all chatted*
Austin - *as they finally reached The Golden Lion team hide out* wow i think this place is a bit flassy.. don't u think?
Alice - well all the noble support them so it's natural.
Emily - it's pretty.....
Xavier - oh your finally here.. took u longer then I expected.
Austin - *as Alice look away* ummmm are you here to carry out stuff??
Xavier - *getting furious* I'm not some low human who beg for money.. I'm Xavier Vice captain of the Golden Lion.
Austin - I'm Austin..
Xavier - show some respect.
Alice - can we just go.. were here to meet up with the Captian.
Xavier - shut up,, your just a disgrace
Austin - *seeing Alice was sad* I see if the Vice captain of this team has no manners, i wonder what kind of people will the other team will be.
Xavier - shut up
Austin - well if your not going to show us where the captain is ... *Take Alice hand and went inside the House*
Xavier - "your lucky that u survived that one, next time you will surely die" *as he see Emily on Austin shoulder* a demihuman?! *As he quickly run after them*
Alice - u know Austin u shouldn't make the Vice captain mad , his way too strong for u to face to.
Austin - " I don't really care about that , as long as he stay out of my way" well he has not a single manner so.. someday I'll beat some sense into him *say with a smile *
Xavier - stop there now!! *As they both stop and look at Xavier*
Austin - what do u want now?
Xavier - leave that kid here.. we don't allowed a lowly creature to enter our home .
Austin - "can i kill him now?!!" If that's the case i guess we're leaving *as he turn away walking towards the door as Alice slowly fallowed*
Julian - what's all the commotion is about? *As he look at Xavier*
Xavier - captain.. this person is trying to bring a lowly creature to your room. So I stop him here.
Julian - and when did I told you that you have the authority to do whatever you want to my guess? The one i specifically invited?
Xavier - I'm sorry captain it won't happen again
Julian - c'mon now.. sorry for the trouble he's been causing u... C'mon fallowed me , we have some important stuff to discuss and if u want u can bring the kid alongside with u.
Austin - *in the Captain room* soo why are we here?
Julian - it's about your previous incounter and sorry for the way your brother been acting lately.. *as he just smile it off*
Austin - *look at Alice* Brother?!
Alice - yeah .. his my step brother same father and different mother.
Emily - *as she was eating a cookie with some milk* big brother there so tasty..
Austin - *as he smile and pet on Emily head * so what more do you want to hear about? I thought Carmila told you everything?
Julian - I'm having my doubt, tho elfe have high magical capacity. But that much destruction coming from an elf I'm having my doubt.
Austin - so your saying there's someone else playing in the shadow?
Julian - that will be the only lead we have now..
Austin - is that all?
Julian -I guess.. *as he took more cookies* u can bring this along with u.
Emily - thank you sir *as she takes it wagging her tail* best day ever..
Austin - soo well be going now *as they went out seeing Xavier looking at them*
Emily - I'm not going to give u my cookies! *Sticking her tunge out*
Austin - now now .. don't do that *as he smile ignoring Xavier as they walk out from The Golden Lion team hide out* finally were free
Alice - Xavier looks like he's pretty mad at something.
Austin - he's nothing to be taken seriously
Alice - I've been meaning to ask u this Austin? How did you spend all the cash u been receiving lately?
Austin - u mean the cash we got when we finished our mission? *As she nod* well I gave half of it to the orphanage.
Alice - uhhhh thought u would be buying better gear and stuff? " Tho I never thought he'll be needing magic gear and stuff with that kind of power"
Emily - can we go and visit them ?? *As she was petting on Austin head*
Austin - ok ok *on there way he buy a few vestible * that should be enough for now.. *after a few minutes walk they reach the orphanage* were here... *As he knocked on the door*
Maria - *as she open the door seeing Austin and the other* sir Austin what brings you here? C'mon in *as they all walk in as they all seated down* I'll go and make some tea .
Emily - soo where are the other kids??
Riley - *as she run in with a few other kids seeing Austin* see I told you big brother Austin is here..... *As they all gathered around Austin*
Ryan - we miss u so much *as they all hug Austin*
Alice - " with that kind of power it's strange that he is this kind hearted" *see Emily being pushed aside while they hug Austin as she just smile looking at them*
Emily - no~~~ i wanna hug big brother tooooo
Maria - *as she walk in * c'mon now kids don't be too rough with him .. *as they all sit beside Austin* sorry for this they been asking when will u be coming again every day.. i guess they miss you more then they missed me now *as she say with while she laughed a little*
Emily - *as she just sit on Austin lap* mine... *As the other kids stare at her*
Maria - so tell me who might this young lady be and the other??
Austin - oh this one is my little sister Emily and this is Alice Vondisle one of my team members.
Alice - it's a pleasure to meet u all
Austin - share your cookies with the other kids .
Emily - *as she takes it out* ha-have some .
Riley - thank you... *As they all chatted while they eat the cookie*
Maria - u know Austin u been doing so much for the orphanage.. u should have buy something that u need ..
Austin - well I am buying what I've need and i don't know how to use the other soooo better then wasting it on alcohol and stuff .
Maria - *as she just smile* well if u say so.. why don't you all stay for dinner.. I'll make something from the fruits that u bring along.
Austin - I don't mind.. *as he look at Alice * do you mind??
Alice - well if you insisted*after a few minutes past as Emily and the other kids fallen asleep on Austin lap* I always wonder why u been out long when you had a time off.. this must be why .. *seeing Austin also sleeping* ummm miss let me hlep u out *as she also went in the kitchen*
Maria - u don't really have to do this u know..
Alice - the kids are all sleeping and so as Austin.. *as she say with a smile *
Maria - if u say so... So tell me is he your boyfriend??
Alice - n-no .. were just teammates "tho i think he already have someone" it's normal for a kind hearted person to be having someone already.
Maria - whoever that may be will be a lucky one ..
Riley - *as she went in* Sister I'm hungry..
Maria - oh your awake.. are the other still sleeping
Riley - yea.. should I wake them up??
Maria - yes . Dinner is ready *as Riley went to call for the other* it's a great blessing for us that Austin been helping us, the kids have enough meal every time and now they are much more healthy it's a great thing's. *As they all gathered around as She pray for the meal as they all eat together*
Emily - *as he secretly put the vestible on Alice plate as she gasp and also see Austin doing the same thing* Austin??
Austin - wha-what??
Alice - at least eat the vestible *as they all chatted and laughed together* thanks for having us .. *as they both head back home * "who have tough that he have this kind of side "
Austin - *as it was late night as he was looking around for the medicine he made * where is it.... I thought I put it here somewhere???
Angel - are you looking for this? *As she was holding the medicine*
Austin - Uhhh what are you doing in my room and why are you holding that????
Angel - *as she started to look sad* why would you eat something like this?? Why?
Austin - it's nothing serious,, really *as he was trying to laugh it off*
Angel - I know what this can do .. stop trying to hide it. How long have you been taking these??
Austin - i uhhhh *as he look away*
Angel - I know that the pain you been going through is too much for u to handle.. at least let me help you get through it..
Valentina - *as she also walk in hearing there noice * what's wrong?? *As she see the medicine in Angel hand and look at Austin* why did you have these medicine?
Austin - the pain never goes away ok.. every day I have to act like nothing has happened, it's getting harder every day just to put up a smile. I just wanted to feel numb *as he look away* don't tell the other about these.
Valentina - *as she goes and hug Austin as Angel also hug him* I know the world been hars on u, but stay strong.. at least for the sake of your friends.
Austin - I'll try .. *after a few minutes as Valentina went out while Angel was still in his room* I'm ok now really...
Angel - *as she hug Austin again* there there.. your not alone anymore I'm here for u..
Austin - i... *As the pain and anxiety Burt out as he stated to gasp heavily as he try to fight back*
Angel - *as she hug him close to her holding him tight* don't fight back.. crying doesn't mean that your week. Sometimes if the pain is too much for u to bair I'll always be there for u. Like how your always be there for me.
Austin - *as he was crying* I'm sorry I'm sorry that I didn't tell u that I'm still these empty.. I just wanted to end it all sometimes but... *As Angel pet him as he slowly fallen asleep*
Angel - I'm sorry for not seeing that.. but now I'll be there for u always..
Carmila - *as she was outside of Austin room listening to everything* " i thought he was getting better, i really thought that he was, i guess I still didn't know him at all" *as she just went back to her room sad*
Angel - u been with me everytime I felt scare and lost.. now I'll be the one who will be there for u when u needed someone to cry to *as she was petting Austin while he was sleeping and in the next morning as Austin was slowly waking up* good morning... *As she was still petting Austin*
Austin - I'm sorry for letting u see me like that ..
Emily - *as she burt in on Austin room * good morning big brother.... *As she stay silent for a while after seeing Austin and Angel* why are you on big brother bed??
Angel - well uhhhh. Austin had a nightmare so I was trying to calm him down *as it can be seen she was embarrassed being seen like this*
Emily - well i wanna help tooo *as she quickly run and hug Austin to*
Diablo - *as he was walking by seeing them* I see your quite lively... *As he went away laughing*
Austin - captain it's not what you think?!!! *After a few minutes past as they all gotten up*
Alice - what's with the screaming at that early in the morning?
Austin - I was sleeping talking
Alice - why is she on your bed ... Didn't she have a room of her own???
Austin - are u jealous..
Alice - like hell i would.. *as she walk away blushing* "are they really together, if so what should I do.. or maybe they are just friends"..
Carmila - *as she also walk in* I see that your still clinging to Austin like always..
Angel - oh good morning lady Carmila... *As carmila smile walking away as Angel slowly getting up* I was wondering why did you join a party..
Austin - that I don't know... *As they both went up* c'mon now Emily it's time to get up
Emily - *as she stretched around* five more minutes....oh big brother let's practice magic...
Austin - hmmmm why not .. *after a few hours they were in a forest* hit me with the best attack u got .
Angel - u sure u want to do this with no defence magic Austin?? U do know she can do quite the damage.
Carmila - what's that stupid boy up to again???
Angel - training with Emily.. I hope they don't hurt each other
Alice - sooo is he going to be ok?? *As Emily attack Austin as he flew away hitting a tree* is he ...
Austin - *as he was gasping softly with a few broken bones while he was bleading* "ahhh~ the pain feel nice"
Emily - *as she quickly run to Austin* big brother are you ok?
Austin - I'm fine don't worry.. *as he just smile it off*
Angel - *as he hit Austin head* stop doing this will u.. *as she heal Austin*
Carmila - sometimes your too reckless...
Austin - u became so strong.. *as he just pet Emily as a few days had past again*
Alice - I'll be going to the market to buy some stuff ... Anyone wanna come along??
Emily - can we go to big brother.. i always wanted to visit the market
Austin - I was going to do some stuff.. if u want you can go along with Alice??
Emily - ok.. *as they both went to the market* wow it's so bigg
Alice - now now hold on my hands .. u might get lost *as she smiles holding on Emily hands as they goes around different shop's*
Man - *after a few minutes past* kind lady would u mind showing me to the closest in??
Alice - uhhhhh.. i don't mind that *as she look at Emily* it won't be long we can head back after we guide him to the nearest in.
Emily - ok ..*as they both went to gide the man and after a few minutes past they were far from the crowd as the man use a spell restrained Alice* big sister?!! .. let go of her now..
Man - now now... Be a good girl and surender we don't want to damage the goods...
Emily - let go of her now *as she charged in as the man block her attack as he punch her on the stomach knocked out* b-big brother...
Alice - Emily?!?? "If only I was strong enough i could have protected u" it's me that your after let the kid go .
ManĀ² - *as he also walk out* it won't hurt to bring more test subjects.. hurry up and bring them along.. *as they also knocked Alice out to*
Xavier - *as the man appears infront of him bringing Alive and Emily* good work .. here's your reward *as he gave them a beg full of gold* now i can extract all the magic powder that sleep inside u *as he look at Emily* i never thought a demihuman could have this much power. Well more for me.
Alice - *as she slowly wake up and know she's been tied up in a table* wh-what happened?? *As she look around seeing Emily beside her* hey Emily are you ok?? Hey?? Wake up?
Emily - *as she slowly wake up trying to use her magic as it keeps fading away* wh-what? Why can't I use my magic??
Xavier - stop trying u won't able to use your magic as long as that stay on your neck .. *as he laughed*
Alice - brother.. why are you doing this?
Xavier - is it obvious.. I'm going to take the power that's been sleeping inside you, a useless living thing like u don't deserve to have that kind of power.
Alice - it's me that you after.. let Emily free
Xavier - I will as soon as I'm done taking her power to *as he stated preparing the magic circle* it won't be long .. I'll be unstoppable
Austin - there taking way longer then expected.. I'm going to go look for them ..
Carmila - I'll come along.. don't want you to get lost
Austin - I've been here more then months now.. I won't get lost that easily
Angel - let's hurry guys ... *As they all went to the market*
Austin - so where is your he already back at the elfe village..
Carmila - yeah .. he didn't really have anything to do here *as they look around the market* i think there not here anymore..
Austin - uhh .. use that magic that u use everytime your trying to find me ..
Carmila - oh that one *as she cast a spell as they see footprint of Emily and Alice * let's hurry...*after a few minutes of fallowing the footprint* the footprint stop here ... *As she look around*
Austin - *as he look around seeing blood on the group* hmmmm.. *as he write a magic circle as he put the blood in the circle as he put his magic in*
Angel - I hope there ok..
Xavier - *as he finished as he stated chanting a magic word as Alice and Emily magic was slowly being sucked out of them as they both groan in pain*
Alice - stop this brother...
Emily - my brother will kill u for sure .. *as she was gasping heavily groaning in pain*
Xavier - no one won't find u here *as he laughed as he got a feeling he's being watched with a devil eyes as he stop and look around scared a little* "what was that ? "
Austin - *as he break in from the rooftop seeing Xavier* i never thought you'll be this corrupted... *Seeing Emily and Alice and continue ignoring Xavier as he went to Emily*
Xavier - how dare u ignore me every time u see me *as he use magic to pull out a lightning spear as he charged in striking through Austin chest * that's what u get for ignoring me.
Alice - Austin?!!!
Austin - *as he cough out blood a little as he turn around as the wound healed instantly as he chocked Xavier down on the ground* u think u can hurt me with that kind of power u had...
Xavier - wh-where did you got this power from..*as Austin punch him hard as he flew away hitting the end of the house as he cough out blood in the impact*
Alice - n-no no not again.. he's loosing himself again *as he went close to her as she just closed her eyes scared to open her eyes as Austin set her free so as Emily*
Austin - am I that scary*as he say with a smile *
Emily - I knew u would come big brother *as she was week slowly getting closer to Austin as she hug him*
Xavier - *as he slowly stand up* i-im not done yet i still got *as Austin gave Xavier a death stare as he feel like death was the only way he can get away from Austin as he just neal down* how can a lowly human have this much power...
Angel - *as she run in with Carmila as she use healing magic on Emily and Alice * you'll get better soon .. don't worry
Carmila - greddy human ..
Austin - *as he walk towards Xavier* if u want power that badly.. *as he hold on Xavier head * I'll gave u want u want ..
Xavier - huh?? *As Austin unless his power as it flow through his body in a couple of seconds he started shivering as blood stated flowing out from his nose and ear * s-stop this is too much stop..
Austin - u want this so badly.. why are u registing now *as he laughed around as Carmila hit him on his head hard * ow!!! *As Xavier fall on the group knocked out*
Carmila - are you trying to scare everyone here!!!
Austin - what he dare hurt Emily so I'm going to kill him... *As he looked Xavier on the ground*