Man - cuz no one never see that person face. All they see is how mercilessly how he kill the demon's.
Man² - well I'm guessing it's a man..
Emily - big sister I'm done ..
Carmila - *as they head out as she put eight silver coins* lets head home ... *As they walk back home* "i wonder who might it be, i thought it was only Austin that survive"
Emily - ummm big sister??
Carmila - yes.. what is it? *As she look at her with a smile*
Emily - what kind of person is brother Austin?
Carmila - well he's the most kind hearted person i ever meet among the human, but he changed after that incident, recovering from the damgae *as she stay silent for a while* oh i shouldn't say no more *as she say with a smile*
Emily - well to me he seems like a person who didn't have nothing to loose anymore..
Carmila - well he have us now did he *as she smile as they head back home as she see a few thornup clothes on the trash can* "i wonder who's clothes is this?".
Emily - were home!!
Augustine - u dare disrespect my name in the public .. *as he hit August in the face* he dare look down on me *as he make a evil smile * I'll make sure that person and the one he love die in this capital.. *as he laughed off * go and bring me the assassin.
August - y-yes father *as he run off towards an assassin hideout*
Man - what's a noble man like u doing here . Seeing you people meas business*as he smile *
August - I want an assassin worthy to kill and elfe and a demihuman .
Man - an elfe huh? Then we will need a hefty price for this . Killing an elfe is not an easy task.
August - *as he put a bag of gold coins on the table * just get the work done . *As he put a details of Austin and his friend in the table as he left *
Man - *as he read and call out one of his best assassin * go and get the job done ..
Man² - yes *as he fade away*
Man - these noble are so pitiful. One mistake and they will do anything to hide that mistake from the word .
Angel - *as she was sitting beside Austin learning the basics of magic * so that's how it goes ?
Austin - yes .. your getting better at this.
Emily - were back!! *As she run and hug Austin*
Austin - *as he hug and carrying Emily up* welcome back..
Angel - you look like a father *as she say with a smile*
Carmila - so i heard that.. there's someone killing a demon without any mercy
Angel - i wonder who would it be .. any more details?
Carmila - sadly no.. they said the person wear a robe.. so it's hard to describe that person look's.
Austin - which way?
Carmila - i think it's in the East district..
Austin - well let's get going
Emily - where to?
Austin - to kill demon's
Valentina - *as she finished killing the demon's that attacked a traveling merchant* "why can't I get any information from them"
Man - thank u kind person for saving me. *In a blink of an eyes she vanished*
Angel - c'mon lets hurry up *as they all smile walking out from the capital*
Austin - *as he felt the assassin fallowing* u guys go ahead I'll be back i forgot something *as he head back*
Man - did that person felt my presence.. i better take care of that one first. *as he fallowed Austin*
Austin - *as he walk in to a quied place* c'mon out i know u are thare .
Man - huh? He must be bluffing. I'm the best assassin in these capital.. no one won't be able to trace my presence.
Austin - your being stubborn *as he was already infront of the assassin as he chocked him and struck him down on the ground*
Man - *as he cough out blood * h-how did u found me.. wh-who exactly are you??
Austin - first.. if u don't tell me who send u to after us.. if u don't, u know what will happen
Man - u won't dare .. *as he started feeling a turst for blood getting stronger and stronger and in a few seconds* I'll tell u . Don't kill me .
Augustine - great .. he dare look down on us . It's his destiny to die *as he laughed* all we had to do is wait for the news*
Austin - *as he break down the door as he throws the guy down * were u looking for this man .
Augustine - how dare you barge into my house.. guard!!!
August - don't worry i didn't kill every one *as he look at Agust* i thought I make myself clear the other day. .
Augustine - u think u could get away with this.. u dare break into my house and threaten to kill me . Wait till i *as Austin was already infront of him as he break his hand as he scream in pain while Agust was in the corner frozen in fear*
Austin - I'll make myself clear again.. if u dare try to harm my friends. I'll make sure to hurt you even more *as he was about to head out*
Augustine - u dare hurt a noble man on the holy Empire.. if the kings knows about this.. u and your friends will be haunted bown and be killed *as he laughed*
Austin - *as Austin looks back raging walking towards Agustine as August was knocked out in the pressure as Augustine was scared* i don't care if the whole Kingdom comes after me .. but if they dare threaten the life of my friends.. i don't care if it's God I'll kill every single one u hear me!! *As Augustine was Knocked out* guess I overdo it .. *as he calm down a bit while the whole capital was in caos in the pressure he let out as he went away*
Naomi - *as she gasped heavily and was guarded by a royal mage* father are you ok??
King - *as a few mage heal him* i-im fine ..*as he gasped softly* what was that immense pleasure.. it felt like everything was going black. Is the people suffering from this to?
Naomi - yes.. we still didn't know the source and the guard and adventure are helping in calming down the panicking people..
Carmila - *as she gasped softly* there he is ..
Emily - *as she got off and run to Austin* big brother.
Austin - what's wrong..*as he carry Emily joining the other* let's go.
Emily - there was a strange feeling earlier and i was so afraid
Austin - don't worry , no one won't hurt you while I'm here *as they all slowly head towards the East district as a few hours past as the were all in a hotel eating while a few people talk about Valentina* " i wonder who would it be"
Carmila - it's getting late should we book a room at a in?
Angel - yeah let's get going *as they all Went looking for an in*
Valentina - *as she walk passed Austin and his friend and his friend called him by his name * "I'm not mistaking right.. is it really him?" *As she stand still* " i better watch them closely to know it" *as she slowly fallowed them*
Emily - wow it's so big and beautiful *as she look around there room *
Carmila - let's get some rest *as Valentina stand behind Angel taking her hostage* who are u?!!
Angel - don't hurt my friend.. just kill me if your aftering me..
Austin - let her go. Or else I'll make your dead slow and painfully..
Emily - I'm scared *as she hide behind Austin*
Carmila - show your face..
Austin - *as he look closely at her* is that u Valentina??
Valentina - *as she slowly let her guard down as Angel break free as Carmila pin her down* ahh!!
Carmila - u got some nerfe to come here .
Austin - carmila stop that's Valentina.
Carmila - u mean the~ Valentina *as Austin nod as she quickly back away*
Valentina - *as she slowly stood up showing her face as she cry a little* it-its really is u Austin..
Austin - *as he look away as he cry a little*
Carmila - *as she went and carry Emily and went out with Angel * take your time
Valentina - *as she hug Austin* I'm so sorry for not being there for u from the start.. I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry..
Austin - *as he hug her back and stared to cry * there all dead because of me.. my friend William and captain Jack and everyone there all dead.. right infront of me ..
Valentina - I'm sorry that u have to been through all of that on your own .. I'm sorry *as she was crying a little to* cry all u want .. don't fight it back.. *after a few hours as Emily walk in seeing Austin sleeping on Valentina lap*
Emily - wh-who are u?
Valentina - c'mon in . *As the other also went in *
Carmila - so ummm sorry for attacking u like that..
Valentina - it's ok . It's my fault from the start. And thank you so much for being there for him when his in his Lowe's.
Emily - *as she climbed up laying down beside Austin*
Valentina - *as she wipe Austin tears away* I'm glad that he makes a good friend.
Carmila - so ummm do u mind if u tell me what's your relationship with Austin and what happened?
Valentina - i don't mind *as she say with a smile and tell them Austin story from the beginning when she meet Austin*
Angel - *as she tear up a little* that's must be why he's so kind to me,, i didn't know that he was this empty and broken. *As they tell each other there own story while Emily was sleeping beside Austin,hugging him*
Austin - *as it was morning as he slowly get up* "if only U guys also survived" *as he teared up a little*
Valentina - c'mon now big boy don't cry that easily *as she say with a smile while wiping away his tears*
Angel - *as she gets up and went to hug Austin* I'm here for u..
Carmila - *as she also hug Austin* u might be a dummy but u also got me to
Austin - what's wrong guy's..
Valentina - they ask if they can hear about your past, So i tell them
Austin - oh.... C'mon guys it's all in the past
Emily - *as she slowly wake up as she look around* good morning everyone ~~
Austin - *as he was still a bit sad as he just pet Emily head * did u sleep well.. *as Austin went down to order something to eat *
Angel - *as she also fallowed Carmila* knowing his past make me feel like*as she get a bit sad*
Carmila - *as she just smile a little* c'mon now it's all in the past.. stay strong.
Angel - i wonder where will we head off after this .
Carmila - i don't know about that . *As they all walk down to* oh good morning guy's *after a few minutes*
Valentina - well I'll introduce myself again.. I'm Valentina u can say I'm Austin friend that survive the attack.
Angel - I'm Angel and as u can see I'm a demihuman. That Austin safe in a dungeon.
Carmila - I'm carmila.. the daughter of the chief of the elfe village.
Emily - I'm Emily.. I'm uhhh a demihuman to that Big brother Austin safe . *As Valentina look at them with a smile*
Valentina - thank u for staying with Austin all these time *after a few hours past as they all eat breakfast together* i uhhh Austin are they any news of any survivors?
Austin - i .... I think it's just u and me that survive.
Carmila - so what's the plans..
Austin - i think about going towards the demon's land.
Valentina - we got this little girl.. we should put her somewhere safe first..
Carmila - how about we head back to the elfe village for a bit ??
Angel - the elfe village??
Carmila - Yeah . It won't take that long to go there .. what do u think guy's? *As they all discussed around and decide to go to the elfe village*
Nathan - is it true Escanor? That your sister and Austin are heading back to the village?
Escanor - yes that's what she told me..with a few friends.. they will reach here around a week or so.
Nathan - well we should give them a warm welcome *as they both discussed for a while as Escanor went out as Leo walk in* Leo it's rare to see u here at time like this?
Leo - welli just wanted to check something out.. and i also heard Austin is coming back to the village.
Nathan - yeah that's what I heard.. i wonder what kind of personality will he be now.. it's been like a year or so.
Leo - yeah that's what I wanted to see.. *as they also discussed some plans and stuff*
Carmila - *as they were also traveling back to the elfe village while they stop by a few dungeon and stuff to ear some cash * i can't believe u defeat the elder guardian that easily.
Angel - yeah .. tho u been surprised us a lot .. but to kill the elder guardian that easily.. who would believe us even when we say it.
Emily - really.. big brother defeated the dungeon guardian.. awesome!!!
Austin - well we got its core for proof.. *as he just smiled a little*
Valentina - " to think that you would become this strong in a matter of time" . I've been to the elfe village once.. on a mission.. but i didn't really explore or go around the village to know every details ..
Carmila - what kind of mission was it?
Valentina - i think it's when the queen and the princess got kidnapped by the demon's. The king issued a search so i participated to.. sadly we were only able to safe the princess.
Carmila - oh that one . My father Use to told me about it *as it was a week passed as they entered the elfe village*
Emily - wow .. it's so beautiful *as he was sitting on Austin shoulder*
Escanor - welcome back *as he was with a few other elfe as he see Austin with his friends*
Carmila - hey there brother.. how's life
Angel - *as she take Emily down* it's my first time being in a elfe Kingdom.. *as she was looking around amazed*
Escanor - well were doin good here *as he smiled looking at Austin* I see that u make lots of friends,..
Emily - hey mister my big brother kill an elder guardian on our way here * as she was staying proud*
Escanor - I don't believe that one little girl *as he just laughed it off*
Carmila - *as she took out the core of the elder guardian* here brother
Escanor - *as he was stunned looking at Austin while he just looked away* anyway... the king and the other are waiting for u.. c'mon *as they all went to the throne room*
Man - *as he walk in* my king sir Escanor and The other are here ..
Nathan - let them in * as they all walk in as they all Neal down and same old Austin was still standing*
Austin - *as he quickly Neal down* sorry for my rudeness my king ,
Nathan - i see that u haven't changed *as he just smile it off* tell me what's being u back home .
Austin - I was planning to go to the demon land and find the person who destroys my home ..
Nathan - I see that your still seeking for vengeance.. *as he look at Austin* u know living for vengeance is not a good thing ,, but if that's what u desired I won't say no more.
Austin - and I wanted to request something from u my lord ..
Nathan - what would that be? *As he curiously look at Austin*
Austin - while I'll be in the demon land , I want my friend to stay here,, i think this place would be the safest place there will be ..
Nathan - If that's all u ask for .. but would your friends accept this? *As he look around* well i guess u should decide it on yourself.. *as he smiled and after a few minutes past as they were in Escanor house *
Angel - I'm against this Austin. Why would u want to go alone,,
Austin - I can't protect everyone.. u know that
Valentina - don't worry I'll be going along with him *before Austin say anything* it destroys my home to.. so I'm going to.
Carmila - I'll come along to *as he hit on Austin head * no I'm going.
Emily - but I want to come with u *as he hug Austin* don't leave me here .
Austin - i promise that I'll come back to get u *as he smile hugging Emily as day's past as they were getting ready to set out to go to the demon land* c'mon now Emily we talk about this
Emily - but i don't want u to leave me, what if u didn't came back... *As Angel carry her on her shoulder*
Angel - i promise u that he'll be back safely for us *as he say with a smile *
Emily - *as she was crying a little* ok.. I'll get really strong and next time when your going to something dengerous. I'll go with u
Austin - yes .. well go together always *as he say with a smile*
Emily - promise??
Austin - yes it's a promise.. *as they head off* take care of them while I'm go
Escanor - don't worry I'll protect them ..
Valentina - I didn't know Sir Leo was your master*on there way to the demon land*
Austin - well stuff happens,, soooooooo which way was the demon land *as he was holding the map*
Carmila - u still didn't know how to look at the map? *As she gasp taking the map while she point's on the map showing how to look at the map*
Valentina - you two reminded of someone*as she just smile looking at them*
Carmila - *as they both was taking a bath while Austin was making a tent and a fire* I'm kinda curious.. what was Austin like when you know..
Valentina - well he's the kind of person that always smile , had a kind hearted but sometimes he's a little stubborn, like his looking for trouble sometimes,,
Carmila - i know that.. i don't know how many times we been to trouble cuz sometimes I think he enjoyed being in trouble.. but sometimes it's at a great thing to
Valentina - maybe it's still the old him.. who's run around on the street, doing what the heart wants *as she just smiled* c'mon let's get going Austin might want to wash himself up .
Austin - *as he was finishing stuff up and was about to make fire * oh your done.. *as he stand up going to the lake * i won't take long.
Valentina - does he really have to make two tent,, *as she destroyed the other tent *
Carmila - uhhh why did you do that?
Valentina - well you'll know *as she just giggles as Austin just got back* welcome back
Austin - uhhhh what happened to the other tent ? *As he curiously look at them while carmila was silent*
Valentina - uhhh a strong wind just bleu it away.. it's strange *as she was predicting to be surprised*
Austin - why do I feel deyja vu... *As it was night as Austin was in the middle* I knew it!! U plan this through did you..
Valentina - no no no.. I told you, a wind bleu away the other tent right Camila*as she nod and minutes past as it was morning*
Austin - *as he was already awake as he try to get up as Valentina quickly pull him back down* what??
Valentina - five more minutes ~~~
Austin - hey carmila help me
Carmila - *as she was looking at them * why would I help u?? *As she try to hug Austin*
Austin - no no no~~~
Emily - *back at the elfe village* um big sister??
Angel - already missed him? *As she smile and carrying her on her shoulder like Austin use to do* c'mon let's train again
Leo - *as he was madicating as Angel was behind her* are you ready for today training??
Angel - yes I'm ready *as they started training again*
Escanor - hello there little one *as he was standing beside Emily*
Emily - hello there mister Escanor.. *as they both talk for a while* u said Big border was trained by Sir Leo? How was he like back then?
Escanor - well u can say he's determined to be strong,, so he keep on getting up despite being knocked down many times
Emily - I want to be strong like big brother.. will u train me
Escanor - like they said it's good to start early, but I'm not a good teacher*as he say with a smile* but u can ask sir Leo for it,,
Emily - but I'm scared to ask him .. will u help me *as they walk towards Leo together*
Leo - *as he see Emily behind Escanor* what's being u here?
Escanor - this little one wanted to learn magic..
Angel - are you sure about that Emily? It's pretty rough..
Leo - if she wanted to lear she can ..
Angel - are you sure Emily? *As she nod*
Leo - c'mon litte one *as she slowly walk towards them* do you know the basics of magic ?
Emily - yes .. big brother Austin teach me a few thing ..
Leo - then .. try blew this ball with your mana *as he gave her a ball*
Emily - *as she started to fill the ball with her mana * it won't break ..
Leo - it won't that easy to blow little one .. if u can blew it up I'll teach u a new stuff ..
Austin - *as a few days past * so ummm there's too many road *as they were four road ahead * which one is the road ?
Carmila - *as she was looking at the map * i think this is the road towards the demin human land
Valentina - seems like it *after a few minutes of walking* so we will stay at the tow for a few days to rest for a while .
Carmila - yeah .. " hope he won't have too much fun time here "
Austin - "i wonder how will it look like , there town" the road look like it's never being visited for days ..
Valentina - they don't like visitors that much .. that must be why it's like this .. well be there soon